"Sure enough, it's more fun to slaughter these scumbags than to get along with such a reckless master!"

The girl said dangerous words, and again threw the boy in her hand violently and smashed it on the other boy.

These young men with light blue hair are all the same.

Named artificial lifeforms, the transformed products exist as military weapons.

Either fire, frost, or biting wind.

One after another rays of light bloomed from the hands of these artificial life forms, but they were resisted by a piece of talisman paper.

Tamamozen, known as the 'Nine Tails', is also an unprecedented magician, not to mention these artificial life forms, even Nangong Nayue, the witch of the void, can never surpass her with the power of '030 Mystery'.

Gently took out the snow-white rune paper from his arms, the scarlet lines were so hideous.

Shaking his arms, the talisman turned into an extremely sharp blade, tearing apart the tender bodies of those artificial beings with ease.

In order to save costs, these artificial lifeforms are only fourteen or fifteen years old, but their achievements in being 'over-adapted' far exceed that of ordinary humans.

"Damn, what is that!"

Those soldiers, the soldiers who served as the foil of artificial life forms, roared unwillingly.

Like a butterfly, it shuttled in front of Tamamo in the artificial life body, and the places it passed were filled with corpses.

In any case, this kind of power made the incomparably weak soldiers have no courage to fight.

Looking at the fluffy blood, unlike those artificial lifeforms without emotion, the fear of these soldiers was swallowed up by Tamamomae and turned into a part of the girl's power.

As the biggest youkai, Tamamomae has the power to devour fear.

However, as far as her power is concerned, it is only better than nothing.

Gently threw the corpse in his hand on the ground, and in front of Tamamo used the clogs stained with blood, trampling on the corpse and the pool of blood, and walked towards the soldier who did not shoot a single bullet.

"It's impossible, it's absolutely impossible!"

The soldiers murmured in fear, but still pulled the trigger in their hands.

Then, it's just meaningless.

The bullet either grazed Tamamomae's body, and even if it hit it hard, it couldn't even damage the clothes.

The 'mystery' belonging to history and legend is protecting her enough to ignore all the attacks that are weaker than her in the 'mystery'.

Maybe the ability of the artificial life body can still hurt her body, but those bullets are just laughing and generous.

"No, it's impossible!"

The soldiers were afraid, backed away, and fled.

Then, it turned into a miserable corpse.

The rays of light flashed from behind Yuzao, and the snow-white talisman floated behind the girl, releasing the power of death.

The light blue 'Wind Heaven', the scarlet 'Fire Heaven' and the azure blue 'Water Heaven' bloomed in front and behind Tamamo, killing the fleeing soldiers completely.

At this moment, there were only a handful of people left, fearful soldiers who couldn't even escape.

"Who, who drove you?"

That sweet voice echoed on the streets that had turned into flesh and blood purgatory.

Among them, there is an obvious chill.

It was like shattering the cold meaning of the remaining soldiers one by one.

"Yes, it is that." (bbbd)

The soldier who was stared at by the pair of beautiful eyes in front of Tamamo spoke stumblingly.

However, just as he said that name, a flame completely enveloped him.

"It really is scum, it's too slow."

A helpless smile appeared in front of Tamamo, who gently released the 'Fire Sky' spell and turned the soldier into ashes.

"How about you, don't make me wait too fast?"

The sweet tone with grace and temptation made those soldiers feel the bone-chilling coldness.

"It's Yase Xianshi, the head of the Yase family, Yase Xianshi!"

Hearing those words, Yuzaoqian smiled softly.

"It's really interesting, it's really not bad to have escaped the master's plan."

As she said this, she looked contemptuously at the few remaining soldiers who were turned into scum of flesh and blood by the hurricane.

Well, it wasn't her spell.

The girl turned back gently, behind her, in the blue sky, stood a withered old man.

His name is Yase Kenshige, the director of Itogami Island and the head of the Yaase family.

"It's too much, Your Excellency Nine-Tails, if you compete with you, it's definitely not as good as you."

The old man, speaking in that humble tone, gently landed on the ground that had been splashed with blood.

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