However, the shattering of the wings that were the source made this resolute girl frown slightly.

A little blood spilled from the corners of her mouth, and the extraordinary power of three figures gathered in her hands again.

Although it is only used for a moment, it is enough.

The next moment, the magical palm constructed by Tohsaka Qi broke without notice. It was just the product of magical weaving, and it could not stop Alger's power no matter what.

In other words, the two are not at the same level.

Then, Algor did not dash towards Tohsaka Chi.

That snow-white figure, her purpose, is called 'Silver Moon City', which is used to build the core of space teleportation in the floating city.

As if the sky had turned gray, Alger gently waved his slender hand and smashed 250 towards the barrier with complicated patterns on the floating city.

The next moment, the extraordinary strength of three figures was imprinted on the city, and even the power in the Misser energy core blocked this majestic blow, but the city couldn't help falling to the ground.

It was not only because of Alger's blow that the Floating City received a huge impact, but also because the 'Misser Energy Core' that supported the magic barrier was completely scrapped under this blow.

Of course, the floating city without the Miser energy core can only use the stored magic power to make a forced landing.

At the same time, because of the forced landing of Silvermoon City, which supports space transmission, the plane cracks in the air are gradually closed.

At this moment, only dozens of floating cities barely reached the city of Hakoniwa, while the 'Magic Expedition Fleet', the elite force of Netheril, could only watch the cracks in the space gradually close, and the road between the two worlds disappeared. of disappearance.

Looking at this scene, although Yinyue City's forced landing was a success of course, there was still an angry killing intent in Tohsaka Qi's eyes.

However, the troubled child named Alger, after causing such a catastrophic disaster, used the only three-digit extraordinary power left to disappear.

"Is this the problem child, Alger."

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Chapter [-] Extortion and extortion (for a reward!)

"Is this the problem child, Alger."

Seeing the 'Silver Moon City' Tohsaka Qi who was slapped on the ground, he couldn't help but pouted.

Indeed, just now, he came with the 'goodwill' to close Alger, but, as a problem child, the pride in his heart is also unparalleled.

Of course, this former leader in Hakoniwa would not be able to become Tohsaka Qi's subordinate anyway. Her lawless attitude as a problem child made her absolutely unable to be subordinate to others.

However, even if the floating city has not all reached Hakoniwa City, as long as the space cracks in the plane are opened again, the next troops can still be led to arrive.

Therefore, Alger reluctantly tore his wings, and even shook his spirituality, the blow he brought was meaningless at all.

With the fall of Silvermoon City, tens of thousands of magisters rose up in the city, each equivalent to a six-digit magister, who was undoubtedly a cannon fodder in Netheril.

Different from the cities on the ground, in Netheril, only the class of 'magister' is qualified to live in the floating city, and the mages in the floating city, even if they are placed in the shape of the moon. In the middle, it is also the strength of 'Dianwei'.

At the same time as those magisters vacated the sky, there was a flashing black light in the 'Silver Moon City'.

The magic called Collapsing Spirit Singularity shines again at this moment. There is a floating city the size of a mountain peak, which is instantly engulfed by Collapsing Spirit Singularity, completely obliterating it.

There is no doubt that it is a means to ensure that the secrets of the floating city are not leaked. There is nothing better than the magic of turning matter into a singularity, which is better at destroying corpses and destroying traces.

At this moment, all the floating cities have entered the most urgent situation, and the gem crystals that are the main guns are also gradually charging.

War is imminent.

In the Olympus group, watching the destruction of the floating city under Tohsaka Chi, but there was no joy in Hera's eyes.

There is no doubt that the number of the opponent's floating city is still difficult to face. Even the gift from Thousand Eyes indicates that the opponent's city has only five-digit power, but the power of the main cannon is more than four-digit power. The full-strength strike is not inferior at all.

What's more, unlike those mass-produced war machines, the 'natural gods' who are the backbone of the group of gods are extremely rare, and unnecessary sacrifices must not be allowed.

Therefore, the goddess of the earth named Hera, without hesitation, used the power of her godhead, and with the help of the realm gate on Mount Olympus, she came to Tohsaka Qi.

"You guys, why are you here?"

Hera asked sharply, but the next moment her heart was filled with remorse.

That's because under the influence of Tohsaka Qi Lingge, even though Hera knew that Tohsaka Qi's strength might be a three-digit exception, she was still affected by the power of Lingge, and regarded him as an ordinary magister.

Such a mistake should not have appeared in a god, but because of the special nature of Tohsaka Qi, as a mysterious person, no matter what kind of thing he can't spy on, even Hera with four-digit strength , can not help but suffer.

"What is our purpose?"

Tohsaka Qi pondered slightly, as if making excuses, but his face was full of playful smiles.

Also, contempt for Hera, and for the Olympians.

"Of course, it's to build a community."

As he spoke, he looked at Hera in front of him with malicious eyes.

"When the floating city I was waiting for was passing through the territory of your community, it was shot down by a subordinate of your community, so it's not too much to ask for compensation?"

In Tohsaka Qi's words, there was an unquestionable determination. At the same time, he also used his extraordinary three-digit spirituality to crush Hera without hesitation.

This is extortion without any cover up, but Tohsaka Qi is so righteous and strict.

"You, you are shameless!"

When Hera heard Tohsaka Qi's words, she couldn't help shouting angrily, but what she got in return was further oppression by Tohsaka Qi's aura.

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