Obviously, if you show goodwill just now, it is estimated that the innocent people who have been affected will be regarded as enemies, and the losses suffered by those guys will naturally want to be compensated by Tohsaka and the two. In other words, it's a huge damage.

"Well, found it!"

Tohsaka Qi said softly, raised his left hand slightly, and a brilliant golden brilliance flashed.

The next moment, under the light of brilliance, a bright golden gate appeared in front of the two of them.

The extremely luxurious gate looks a bit nondescript in this dirty alley, but the flag on the gate makes Jiu Yuan Fei Niao feel a little stunned.

"...Is that, that 'Netheril'?"

Two golden flags are engraved on the door, one is a wolf holding a wheat ear, and the other is the very familiar floating city flag.

"Yes, Netheril, and its 'Wise Wolf' community, this is one of Netheriel's 'hidden shops'."

As Tohsaka Chi said, his hand brushed against the door.

It's not that the door was opened, but a blue doorway appeared on the door.

In an instant, the coordinates of a space were passed over, and Tohsaka Qi held Jiuyuan Asuka's slender hand and let the space magic on the gate teleport the two to another place.

It was an extremely luxurious meeting room, with gold and emerald green as the main colors, and it was occupied by various weapons or accessories.

"Are those gifts?"

Looking at the mountains of various treasures, Jiuyuan Flying Bird (Lade Zhao) easily sensed the magic power contained in it.

In Little Garden, all items with magical powers are treasures called 'gifts'.

With these gifts in front of you, you can at least buy an outer door.

"Of course, our 'sage wolf' will never sell boring things!"

With a hint of lingering, with a sweet and tender voice, it echoed in this living room like a treasure house.

The girl, wearing a light green long dress, has a pair of wolf ears, and her fluffy tail slaps the ground behind her, obviously looking happy.

From an angle that Jiuyuan Asuka didn't notice, the girl glanced at Tohsaka Chi, with anticipation and playfulness in her eyes.

"Stop gossip."

Tohsaka Qi stopped in front of Jiuyuan Asuka and said to the wolf-eared loli.

"We're here to make a deal."

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Chapter [-]: Miss Black Rabbit (for a reward!)

"What a dirty deal?"

With a chuckle, the crisp voice of the wolf-eared loli echoed in this living room full of treasures.

"No, it's just a general business gift. Isn't this your business, Miss Holo, the leader of the wise wolf?"

Tohsaka Chi's words were playful, and he looked at the girl in front of him with scrutiny.

"It's been decades, and your appearance still hasn't changed. Do you want to be a loli for a lifetime, Holo-chan?"

Undoubtedly, it was sarcasm, and there was a fierce light in Holo's eyes, like a beast that encountered its prey.

"Ha, do you want to try my teeth, as a half wolf, the dinner just now wasn't enough!"

The seemingly incomparably sweet and weak girl showed a cruel side at this moment.

Holo is a race known as a half-wolf, with the power to transform into a werewolf, completely liberating her spirituality and adding all kinds of gifts, even five figures are difficult to defeat this loli.

"No, that's fine, let's make an estimate."

As he said with a chuckle, Tohsaka Qi threw a snow-white long sword under Jiuyuan Asuka's stunned eyes.

"Wait, Tohsaka Chi, isn't that the property of the community!"

Looking at the familiar long sword, Jiuyuan Asuka couldn't help but persuade him. 247

"It would be too much to sell the property of the community for our extravagance?"

For this eldest lady, no matter whether it is a family or a community, its interests must not be harmed.

However, obviously, Tohsaka Qi has different values ​​from hers. For him, the community is just a tool for profit, not a goal he needs to strive for.

Magicians, never talk about responsibility.

"As the lady said, and we don't accept the gift of Netheril."

Holo stared at Tohsaka Qi's eyes and said word by word.

"As a community, our goal is not to gather wealth, but to spread the flag of the community in every corner of the small garden, so I do not accept the gifts made by this community."

Even though she knew that the leader of Netheril was in front of her, Holo still pretended to speak.

Of course, even if it means to accompany Tohsaka Chi's acting, naturally there is a real resentment for this man.

After all, as the leader of the community, Tohsaka Qi has disappeared for decades. If it wasn't for Tamamozen's management, the entire Netheril would have been completely destroyed by the hostility of the Shura gods and Buddhas.

So Holo deliberately contradicted Tohsaka Chi, wanting him to lose face in front of girls.

However, it is meaningless.

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