Of course, there is not much magic power stored in this engraving now, but it is enough for Tohsaka Qi to squander it.

"Magic - Missile"

Two syllable mantras were chanted, and the next moment, eight groups of pure white magic power condensed between Tohsaka Qi and Ricardo.

The magic power was transformed into a ball-like missile, and it flew towards Ricardo's body like an arrow coming out of a string.

——【One Ring·Magic Missile】

The seemingly inconspicuous missile can easily penetrate the steel plate with the enhancement of Tohsaka Qi's magic literacy. If Tohsaka Qi deliberately uses the 'magic spirit grid' to strengthen it, even several meters thick rock formations can be penetrated.

Of course, even without reinforcement, it's more terrifying than the bullets fired by modern weapons.

Because——Magic missiles are almost guaranteed to hit.

Looking at the oncoming eight groups of white light, Ricardo's face also showed a dignified look.

Missiles are the most basic magic, but they can also best reflect the level of a magician.

For ordinary magicians, the missiles cast are only equivalent to a heavy punch, which is innocuous to orcs and completely harmless, but the magic missiles cast by Chi Tohsaka can even threaten heavily armored main battle tanks!

"Roar!" Ricardo roared, the muscles on his arms were completely swollen, and the already strong body looked more oppressive.

The next moment, with surging killing intent in his eyes, Ricardo slashed towards the eight magic missiles.

"Bang! Bang!" The sound of the sharp sword breaking through the air was intertwined with the explosion of the magic missile.

As the sharp sword smashed into the soil, a plume of smoke rose up. Seeing the scene where Ricardo used his giant sword to block the magic missile, Tohsaka Qi's mouth filled with sarcasm.

He raised his left hand, and a breeze blew away with the flow of magic.

The smoke was swept away, revealing Ricardo who was covered in bruises.

"...how, how?" the orc whined in a low voice, his words full of fear and consternation.

"Ah, I forgot to remind you in advance." Tohsaka Qi had a playful smile on his face, he looked at the severely injured orc and said in a contemptuous tone. "Magic missiles can self-adjust their ballistics. Any evasion and blocking will have no effect on this magic. Except for full-angle defense or using magic countermeasures, there is no other way to resist this attack."

Indeed, magic missiles can be said to be the foundation of magic, but they are still frequently used by magicians, mages, witches, and even the heroic spirit Medea. Chase ability.

The flight speed of the magic missile's trajectory can reach the subsonic level with the increase of Tohsaka Qi, and the giant sword under Ricardo Slash (remarkable) is far less than the flight speed of those magic missiles.

It was because of this that he suffered such heavy damage, and even lost most of his combat power.

"It's really despicable magic, no wonder I hate magicians the most." Ricardo said disdainfully, even though the wound was still bleeding, even though the magic power brought by the magic missile was still wanton destruction in his body.

However, the orc had no intention of surrendering at all, but reluctantly leaned on the giant sword and stood up again.

"Since I've seen such an exquisite magic, then it's not justified if I don't return the salute." A cold smile bloomed at the corner of the orc's mouth. Sweeping it is like examining an animal to be slaughtered.

"Magician, let you take a closer look, my real lore!"

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Chapter [-] The Rejection of the Cat Clan Orcs (for a reward!)

Looking at the orc in front of him, Tohsaka Qi couldn't help but have a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, he clearly sensed in this orc's body that the weak magic in Ricardo's body was constantly resonating.

With the resonance of the magic power, the great source magic power outside his body also converges towards him. Tohsaka Qi is also very clear about the way of gathering magic power, but he also understands the huge harm to the body in this way.

It doesn't matter if you use resonance once or twice, but if you use this brutal magic power method over time, even a sturdy orc will lose his lifespan in vain.

As for the Ricardo in front of him, his body has already been covered with dark wounds. If he does not take care of him carefully, it is estimated that even if he saves his life, his strength will be greatly damaged.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Tohsaka Qi, Ricardo is not only not his subordinate, but also his enemy.

An exploitable, valuable enemy.

"Very good, I'll wait and see." Seeing the suddenly powerful orc, Tohsaka Qi in a purple robe couldn't help but ponder. "Hopefully, you can penetrate my magic barrier this time, otherwise it would be too embarrassing."

"Humph! Die to me!" Ricardo roared, like a real beast, he threw away the great sword in his hand, put his hands on the ground, his waist arched, and his muscles were tense.

The next moment, with the sound of 'bang', the burly orc rushed towards Tohsaka Qi and came to him in an instant.

The big mouth of the blood basin was raised high, and then, the sound wave that made Tohsaka Qi couldn't help but be surprised, along with the resonating magic power, used it towards the magician.

- Very strong, absolutely can't resist.

Tohsaka Qi thought for a second, and directly released the 'five rings · teleportation' reserved on the magic engraving, his figure blurred instantly and disappeared before the sound.

"Roar!" The roar echoed over the entire village and town, and even in the forest several kilometers away from the village and town, this roar could be clearly heard!


The sound wave smashed on Tohsaka Qi's barrier, and the barrier that had just easily blocked Ricardo's multiple attacks was easily destroyed, and as Tohsaka Qi's figure disappeared, several shields were standing on his body. also dissipated.

The resonating magic power stagnated slightly, and slammed into the soft soil ground.

In an instant, the earth shook!

The earth was fragmented, and all the surrounding buildings rose from the ground, and the rocks mixed with soil and wooden boards were shaken out from a distance.

——【Resonance wave】

Seeing this scene, Tohsaka Qi's mouth filled with admiration.

Indeed, this kind of power to injure oneself can be described as simple and rude and even worthless, but being able to judge the strength of the enemy and the enemy, and immediately use this trick, undoubtedly proves the tactical vision of the Ricardo Captain.

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