"Hey? What do you mean?" Ricardo couldn't help but said embarrassedly, obviously his stupid head couldn't understand what Tohsaka Qi meant.

"Isn't it a consistent rule in this world that there are many talented people?"

"Huh! The weak eat the strong! I'll accept your provocation!" The mercenary leader said fiercely, and he looked at Tohsaka Qi as if he was going to eat him alive.

Looking at Ricardo's persistent eyes, Tohsaka Qi was certain that he had stepped into a trap, so the magician continued to seduce him.

"I have a huge manor, which is also a big fief by this village, how about you?"

"This, this."

"I still have the wealth of hundreds of millions of holy gold coins, enough to take half a country, and what about you?"

"No, it's impossible! How can you have so much money!"

"Moreover, I still have countless martial arts and magic materials, which can make them stronger in the most correct way without taking any detours. So, what about you? Captain Ricardo?"

"You, you bastard!" Looking at the red-haired man in front of him, Ricardo also knew that he was in the game, but he couldn't do anything about it.

At this moment, he is covered in scars, and he is no match for Tohsaka Qi at all. As long as this magician does a little trick, he can easily take his life.

The trend is over, he has absolutely no reason to keep these three little orcs, and even, in Ricardo's heart, he thinks that following Tohsaka Qi may be a better way out.

"Then, it's time to decide on the future, honey sauce." Tohsaka Qi looked at the cat clan orc girl kindly, and said softly. "Whether it is to follow Captain Ricardo or become my subordinate, you can."

"But, why are you looking for the three of us?" Looking at the magician in front of her, Mimi said after a little thought. "There are countless orcs stronger than Mimi on this street. Why do you want Mimi to be your subordinate?"

"Because Mimi, Tibi and Heitaro are different from those guys."

Tohsaka Chi lightly spread his hands, he said.

"You have a 'three-point protection', and you can transfer your own damage and burden to the other two, so that you can use it to perform many high-burden spells and martial arts. Is this a good reason?"

"Just, just like this?" The cat-eared girl said hesitantly, she stared at Tohsaka Qi's face, as if to see through the essence of this 'gentle big brother'. "You, don't you want to use us as consumables for magic experiments?"

"Of course not, I'm very opposed to that kind of thing." Because of the ability to 'connect the vortex of the root', Tohsaka Qi can obtain countless knowledge in the vortex of the root without any experiment, he is ashamed to say said. "So far, I have never killed anyone because of this, so don't worry."

"Is that so?" Looking at Ricardo, who was like a dead dog and uncompetitive, the three cat tribe orcs pondered their future solemnly.

Obviously, compared to Ricardo, who looks extremely brutal and far less powerful than Tohsaka Qi, the magician in front of him is more worthy of entrustment.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

But the profession of magician, in this world, is really criticized a lot, and it is impossible for the three of Mimi to relax.

Seeing the nervous appearance of the three of them, Tohsaka Qi couldn't help laughing playfully.

"It seems that you still don't want to believe me, in that case." He paused slightly and pointed to Ricardo. "You entered his mercenary group, and I became a shareholder of his mercenary group, how about this?"

"Hey! I haven't agreed yet!" Ricardo said viciously with annoyance in his words. "I don't agree to be controlled by an insidious magician like you. My mercenary group will do anything in this world without any restrictions!"

"Then, let me ask, how many people are in your mercenary group now?"

.. .

"Uh, five, five people."

"I'm asking, how much liquidity do you have."

"No... No, this is a commercial secret, I won't say it!"

"Well, I see, the last question, how many magic items do you have in your mercenary group? Whether it's a magic dress, a concept weapon, even the lowest-level and most rubbish alchemy weapon, how many?"

"None..." Ricardo said weakly, feeling inexplicably frustrated. "Do you have these things?"

"Of course." Seeing this powerful orc in front of him, especially his status as a servant of 'Anastasia Hexin', made Tohsaka Qi pay more attention.

"I have all these."

"Whether it is a precious magic dress or a complete set of alchemy products, I can provide a complete set of equipment."

"As for the funds, you can provide your mercenary group with an investment of [-] platinum coins every year. If you need it, there is no problem with more."

"Even, I can give you a title, and as my 'Lugonica' count, I can give you a lord, or even a baron's title and fief!"

"So, what's your decision? Mr. Ricardo."

Tohsaka Qi's domineering money-spending tactics made Ricardo unable to help himself, and he shivered slightly.

At this moment, he understood.

——What is called 'the prestige of local tyrants'!

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Chapter [-] Magical Weapons and Allegiance (for a reward!)

In this different world, magicians are an extremely rare profession.

And there are almost no magicians who can make magic costumes and mass-produce them.

In other words, once the magic literacy reaches that level, they won't care about making magic dresses.

It is for this reason that in this world, the price of magic dresses has remained high.

Even the most useless types of costumes often cost dozens of holy gold coins, and among them, the special, complete sets of magic costumes may reach the price of tens of thousands of holy gold coins.

And in this world, except for Kalalaki, where the orcs gather, other countries are extremely repulsive to the orcs, not to mention obtaining titles, and even basic social status cannot be obtained.

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