"I allow you to liberate the 'enhanced notch'." The magician's tone full of magnetism was a little playful at the moment, and he obviously trusted what he showed next.


"Your will, Master." Bowerman nodded and stroked his finger on the pink neck.

In an instant, a series of intricate vermilion lines emerged from the white skin, which were 'enhanced nicks', which were no different from the magic dress that Tohsaka Qi made in the Moon World at the beginning, but when he became After the 'Mysterious Demon', this magic dress was strengthened again.

It is a bit inappropriate to say that it is a magic dress. This kind of mark comes from the 'magic engraving', a treasure accumulated by generations of magicians. Even in the Tohsaka family, there is only one magic engraving.

That is, the part in the hands of Rin Tohsaka, which can instantly release all kinds of magic, can also strengthen the body, and can also activate gem magic.

However, compared to those complicated magic marks, the 'enhanced marks' made by Tohsaka Qi are much simpler, and they have only one effect, which is to strengthen all the attributes of the bearer.

Including defensive ability, reaction speed, and even strength and physique, even as long as these marks are present, even mortals without magic talent can use the marks to perform some low-level magic.

In other words, this is an extracorporeal magic circuit that can strengthen the body, which even means changes in the history of magic.

Of course, the flaws of the notch are also very serious. For example, it cannot be connected to the 'magic net', or it cannot perform a slightly stronger magic, and can only be used to forcefully release the zero-ring trick.

However, magic will always improve!

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Chapter [-] The establishment of the extreme north alliance (for a reward!)

"How, how is this possible?"

The words were full of vibrato, and the noble nobles of martial arts in front of them looked at the slender maids with dumbfounded expressions, and easily lifted the corpses that were comparable to several cows, and then moved them out.

Yes, it's not dragging, it's not lifting, it's the most direct, raising it with one hand.

What a joke!

All the nobles roared in their hearts. They had also seen girls who could fight, and even had one or two female knights as bodyguards beside them.

However, even under some special measures, these knights are extremely muscular, and they are definitely not as delicate as these girls in front of them.

And, that's not the point!

That's Wolgarm's corpse!It was divided into two parts, each of which was equivalent to the weight of a pickup truck, and the two maids easily lifted the corpses with one hand.

This powerful arm strength, even the leader of the "two-one-three" knights, Marcus, doesn't have it!Except for those special 'protection', mere humans cannot achieve this kind of power!

"How, can my maid still catch my eye?" The words were full of playfulness. The magician standing in front of the bloodstain was looking at these nobles with a brilliant smile. "The strength is about twelve times that of humans. Of course, this is not the limit. If you fully drive the 'enhanced notch', it can even reach forty times the strength."

——The price was that all the internal organs were torn apart by that force.

Of course, Tohsaka-sama, who was going to sell arms, would not say such a disappointing remark, but looked at these nobles who were constantly gulping with a playful look.

"Moreover, I can make more than [-] copies of this 'enhanced score' a day. Although the score needs to be tailored, it doesn't take long."

"You, do you mean that this kind of thing is not trained?" With a vibrato in the words, a noble asked in a horrified tone.

Looking at this nobleman, Tohsaka Qi showed a warm smile.

After all, seeing such a thing that violates common sense, and being able to question it in a big way, is not only brave and can be described.

Of course, it has nothing to do with bravery. That noble is just the support of Tohsaka Qi. If there is no support for this kind of arms sale, how can it set off the strength of the weapon?

"That's right, it's all about mass production. Of course, you probably don't understand what mass production is." Tohsaka Qi spread his hands, and then said to the nobles. "These 'enhanced notches' are not these functions."

Following his words, Bowerman threw one of the corpses in front of his companion, and her companion also dragged the corpse in one hand and walked outside the hall, showing no signs of exhaustion.

Bowerman walked towards several people, and the blond girl's body exuded a stench of blood. Seeing this scene, Tohsaka Qi frowned and coughed lightly.


"Your will, master." The girl responded loyally. The next moment, the scars on her body emitted a vermilion streamer, and a magic engraved on it was instantly activated.

——【Zero Ring Trick · Magic Trick】

Unlike the 'acid splash' or 'frost ray' and the most despicable 'stun spell' on other maids, Bowerman just uses 'magic tricks' as the only magic that can be released by strengthening the score.

After all, she is a maid. Even if she needs to block the gun for her master, she must do her part. The power of a magic trick can allow Bowerman to clean up the entire Rosvall Manor by himself.

The next moment, under the gazes of those guests, the blood on Bowerman melted like ice and snow under the scorching sun, and the blood in the entire hall and the sticky blood on the carpet disappeared.

The nobles stared at all of this in stunned eyes. In the information their spies got, there was no part of the maid who had learned magic.

That's definitely a credit to 'Enhanced Notch'!None of the nobles present were idiots, and they obviously figured this out in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, under their stunned gaze, Bowerman shook his hand, and the mithril ring on the ring finger of his left hand instantly melted and turned into a slender stabbing sword.

Seeing this scene, the nobles present could not help but get nervous. Although the nobles of martial arts understood that the maid in front of them was like a child holding a submachine gun, even with strong physical fitness, they were not afraid of fighting. , but the magic they just showed made them not only show a solemn look.

However, Bowerman just smiled apologetically, and instead of aiming the stabbing sword at these nobles, he made the tip of the sword face her slender pink neck under the stunned gaze.

"Could it be that he wants to..." With a vibrato in his words, one of the nobles looked at this scene and couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

And following his words and the regretful gazes of some idiot nobles, the sharp silver rapier stabbed gently.

"Hey!" It wasn't the sound of piercing flesh and blood, but the hissing sound of metal twisting.

Looking at this scene, one of the nobles of martial arts could not help but slumped to the ground, and he murmured helplessly. . .

"This, this, how could it be."

"No, that's the truth, Magic Technology is the primary productive force." With a sarcastic smile on his lips, Tohsaka Qi looked at the sluggish nobles.

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