——Especially, Parker is still being sealed by Tohsaka Chi's magic, sleeping in cryolite.

Yes, Tohsaka Qi sealed the artificial elf. His original purpose was to seal Emilia completely out of Echidona's control. Stability factors are completely eliminated.

Although a bit ruthless, there is absolutely no guilt for someone like Tohsaka Qi who put his interests first.

In his eyes, as long as it is for his own purpose, it doesn't matter how many people sacrifice for it. As for hurting a girl's heart, there is no burden at all.

However, Tohsaka Qi is not a scumbag. After sealing Parker, he will take time to read the magic book every day to play with Emilia, so as to make the girl no longer lonely, and those maids also Under Tohsaka Chi's warning, he would not bully Emilia.

However, the more Tohsaka Qi paid attention to this, the more hatred other girls had for Emilia, and in this manor, Emilia was the only one who could rely on Tohsaka Qi. one person.

Perhaps, this is also one of the purposes of this magician. When his position is completely irreplaceable in Emilia's heart, it is the moment to pick the ripe fruit.

As for the 'Nazuki Subaru' that will appear later, Tohsaka Qi has never put that kind of brain-dead stuff without emotional intelligence in his heart, even if he can go back in time through death, it is meaningless to Tohsaka Qi.

You must know that Tohsaka Qi, like the powerhouses like 'Jeomeng', is the 'only individual' in the 'multiverse', and the 'parallel space theory' of the entire world is meaningless to him, he himself is countless parallel worlds The sum of each individual in the corpse, even if time is retraced, his own memory and power will not be affected in any way.

The so-called rewind time, or the ability to manipulate parallel worlds, is a natural enemy for those who have not been exposed to the 'power of concepts', but for an existence like Tohsaka who is deeply ingrained in the rules of the multiverse. , but not worth mentioning at all.

But at this moment, it is a different situation.

The warm sunlight swept across the courtyard of Roswaal Manor, and the two swarthy gargoyles were reflecting the bright sunlight, looking like armors plated with a layer of black iron.

The breeze rippling in the air swept up the fragrance of soil and wildflowers, and even the maids who had been busy at work felt extraordinarily relaxed and happy.

However, a certain blond young lady who led the maid team stared at the white-skirted girl in the courtyard with complicated eyes, and there was a hint of hatred in her eyes.

There, dazzling micro-elves floated on and off, wearing a snow-white robe, the incomparably holy silver-haired girl was half-squatting on the grass.

Emilia, the silver-haired half-elf who has lived in the manor for several years, is still doing her daily 'homework'.

Communicate with micro-elves to transform them, and if Emilia masters new 'elves' again, her powers will be greatly enhanced.

The power that elf warlocks rely on is not their own magic power, but the spells of elves, so Emilia does not need to expand the magic circuit day and night like low-level magicians, but only needs to wait for these elves to mature. Just fine.

However, the maturity of elves is as fast as ten years, and the prototype may not be seen in tens of thousands of years. This is also the reason why most wizard warlocks are controlling micro-elves, and there is no real elves for them to drive.

Emilia is blessed to have such a powerful elf as 'Parker' from the beginning, but after Parker was completely sealed by Tohsaka Qi, she no longer had this powerful power, even ordinary elf Warlocks are not as good.

At this moment, Emilia, who communicated with the micro-elf, suddenly felt a warm breath coming from her neck, and the warm embrace covered it upright. The two are not strong, but The extremely strong arms also softly hugged her 140 body.

"What!" Emilia whimpered, knowing that the newly born micro-elf has no self-awareness at all, and if it is disturbed during this communication, it is likely to cause a tragic explosion.

"It's time to eat, Aimichar." A gentle voice resounded from behind, but now Amelia didn't have time to reprimand, instead she did her best to suppress the elves around.

However, it was useless. The little elves quickly devoured the magic power around them, and the little fireflies turned into balls of disordered magic power, which were about to be completely detonated.

Such a close distance, absolutely, absolutely will be bombed with no bones left!

The girl whimpered in her heart. In her heart, such a prank was too much, too bad!

At this moment, a soft drink came from behind, and the magician murmured in a low voice.

"A micro-elf? It's time for a complete 'transformation', right?"

"What?" There was surprise on her face, but Emilia continued to dissuade her. "Let go of me, hurry, let's run away!"

"Oh." Tohsaka Qi just responded lightly, with a playful smile on his face.

"No, I have to flee in the face of this situation. My title of 'Mysterious Seat' will make me cry."

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Chapter [-] The girl becomes a king (please ask for a reward!)

Relatively speaking, Tohsaka Qi is much stronger than Echidona, the Witch of Desire.

So how strong is it?

If Echidona's magic power is equivalent to a quiet spring, then Tohsaka Qi's magic power is not only the level of the sea.

——Instead, it is like a galaxy in the universe.

The gap between Echidona and Tohsaka Qi is like a clear spring on the earth and the endless sea of ​​stars in the entire universe.

As long as Tohsaka Qi is willing, he can instantly kill the so-called lust witch with a single blow. Even if his own strength is limited now, it will not take a few seconds to kill Echidona.

And even if it limits its own magic power output, its magic literacy will not be limited at all.

Relatively speaking, both Parker and Beatrice are Echidona's creations. So, can Tohsaka, who is far stronger than Echidona, can create artificial elves?

Of course, as for the time-consuming, it doesn't take a second...

"Destruction can be seen as the end, or it can be seen as a new beginning, it all depends on how you think about it."

"What? Now is not the time to discuss this!" Emilia whimpered with an anxious look on her face and even a few tears in her eyes. "If we don't make these elves stop self-destructing quickly, we will be in trouble!"

"You have to know that destruction and rebirth are just a process that everything must go through, and there is no escape from it." Looking at the anxious Emilia, the evil magician did not act immediately, but continued to pretend. Talking about something that you don't even understand.

Well, the elf warlocks in this different world are not Taoist priests, they don't need epiphany or the like, so Tohsaka Qi is playing her with these profound words.

"Yes, it's going to explode!"

"Yes, got it."

Tohsaka Qi said calmly, and the next moment, as his voice fell, the half-elves that were like magic bombs swelled again.

But this time, it is no longer a disorderly and aimless whale swallowing magic power, but maintaining its own structure in an orderly manner, reshaping the body of the elf.

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