However, it is such a simple, rude and lethal technique, but it has an extremely fatal weakness.

It fears 'Counter Spell' and 'Spell Refraction'.

It is a pity that Tohsaka Qi is a strong counter-spell, and he can easily seize control of these missiles and turn these deadly gadgets into his own weapons.

Looking at the eighty-six magic missiles floating in the air, the faces of anyone with magic literacy are full of astonishment. Even though Quelsius and Anastasia knew that Tohsaka Qi had such a powerful strength, they were still extremely shocked at this moment. .

Even, looking at the figure that was not sturdy, Kurossi's eyes were full of disbelief.

You must know that the flying speed of the magic missile is about [-] meters per second, and the speed of Kuerxiu as a 'missile shooter' can be improved. Under the magic missile of about [-] meters per second, Kuerxiu and Anata The short distance of seven or eight meters between West Asia can be described as fleeting.

In [-] seconds, Tohsaka Qi first needed to seize control of Curius in the spell, then completely cut off the connection between the two, and finally controlled the missile to stop in the air.

It's almost impossible to accomplish, even the gods above can't do it. They may be able to stop this kind of low-level magic without any effort, but they can't take control of this spell in such a short period of time.

However, Tohsaka Chi did it.

"What's the matter?" With obvious anger on his face, looking at the road in front of the manor where a big hole was blown up, Tohsaka Qi's eyes flashed a fierce light.

There is no doubt that this kind of behavior has been slapped in the face, and tonight he will teach these two guys who don't understand the rules well.

"Uh, this..." Anastasia said tactfully with an idea. "It's her! It's Crusius who made the first move!"

"Crack!" A shudder slapped Anastasia's forehead hard, and Tohsaka Qi's face was full of coldness, and he said in a low and depressing tone.

"Go find me in my room tonight, I want you to understand what Ah Heiyan means."

"Er? What?" Anastasia, who didn't know she was about to be 'corporally punished', was full of surprise, but Tohsaka Qi didn't bother to explain, but looked at Curius.

Three days away from Shi, when you look at it with admiration.

Originally, Crusher was just an arrogant girl. She might have the potential to become a strong man, but she needed opportunity and strength.

Obviously, Tohsaka Qi gave her this opportunity, and the power far beyond ordinary people. (bbdd)

Wearing a black military uniform, she stood in the private army of the Karlsten family, like the soul of the entire army, with a sense of majesty that made Tohsaka Qidu a little surprised.

It wasn't because of how powerful her soldiers were, but because of her aura, Curius had completely become a true general.

In just a few short years, she has gained such a powerful aura. Although she has a title, she must also sacrifice sweat and blood.

The girl's body is still so graceful. Although she is a flat cat, she has a tenacious temperament like a pine tree. Standing in the army, she completely overwhelms Anastasia and the others.

There is no doubt that, compared to Curxiu, who brought private troops all over the world to suppress bandits, Anastasia, who has always been pampered, has absolutely no chance to do it herself, whether it is Ricardo or other mercenaries, let her be this 'Tohsaka Deed'. The pet' was injured to the slightest.

"Interesting." The magician said softly, and he walked towards the private army of eighty or ninety people.

The aura of a giant beast swirled out of him, and everyone present was under unimaginable pressure.

The soldiers shuddered, and even with their weapons in their hands, they could not comfort them in the slightest.

——That is the strongest magician, a magician comparable to a god, a demon who masters rules and concepts, and a monarch far exceeding all.

There is no comparison at all. The killing spirit that this army has just created is like a sailboat in the waves shattered under the pressure brought by the Tohsaka Deed.

"It's not enough." He said softly, the soldiers in front of him silently stepped aside under the pressure, Tohsaka Qi walked step by step to Kuer Xiu, but no one dared to stop him.

"Are you remorseful? Have you ever felt the slightest remorse for handing over the future to me, the devil?" the magician said in a deep voice, the pressure that was enough to make ordinary people collapse crushed on Cuerxiu's consciousness. Her delicate body trembled, and the pressure even made her unable to speak.

A faint magical aura appeared on Tohsaka Qi. It was the technique of 'Second Ring Prophecy System, Detecting Thought'. In an instant, all of Kurosaka was revealed in front of Tohsaka Qi.

There is no self-esteem to speak of. In the eyes of this magician, Curius is just a toy to relieve boredom, and he can kill and kill at will.

"I... never... regret..." The girl in the black military uniform said hoarsely, her long brown hair was wet with sweat, but she did not give in, did not crawl under Tohsaka Qi , but continued to stand with difficulty, standing in the hearts of these soldiers.

"Never...I never regret...because, I need strength!"

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Chapter [-] The Prejudice Named Half-Magic (for a reward!)

"Do you need strength? It really fits your rhetoric." Tohsaka Qi smiled mildly, but looking at his figure, the hearts of those noble private army were filled with endless fear.

Undoubtedly, the magician in front of him is by no means a kind, or he seems to be the most terrifying malice in the multiverse, and he is completely shrouded in this world.

"Then, I will give you new powers."

As he said that, Tohsaka Qi lightly tapped Currish's forehead with his fingertips.

Magic power rippling in the air, and a magic power poured out from Tohsaka Qi's body, and gathered in Kuroshiu's body.

Under the accumulative adjustment of the 'enhanced notch', the magic attribute in Kurosaka's body has been very close to the source of magic power of Tohsaka Qi. in Cursius.

Originally, the level of the stream at the time of the magic power, but "[-]" was after the magic power of Tohsaka Qi was infused, and the unprecedented magic power directly filled the 'artificial magic circuit' in the body of Kuroshiu, and even the strengthening marks on the body surface. The marks are as hot as a soldering iron.

However, with the infusion of Tohsaka Qi's magic power, the magic circuit gradually grew stronger under the nourishment of this magic power, and the magic power of the original stream flow was now like a river.

According to Netheril's judgment standard, Crusher's previous occupation level was only a second-ring missile shooter. Although he could release the 'missile storm' with the help of the enhanced engraving, it was not his own power.

And Tohsaka Qi's powerful magic power directly increased her caster level several times, reaching the level of 'sixth ring' missile shooter, and even part-time job as a orthodox magician to a certain extent.

The current Crusius can easily crush Anastasia in battle, and he can take away the enemy directly without scheming or anything else.

"This, this power..."

"It's a welcome gift. After that, I'm going to announce something, go to fix it, and then go to my study." The mysterious magician said softly, and then disappeared in front of several people.

"Space magic?" Seeing Tohsaka Qi's figure suddenly disappearing, Anastasia couldn't help but said enviously. "What an eccentric master. Obviously, I have provided more than [-] million holy gold coins to the Mezas family over the years."

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