All kinds of precious magic materials and high-precision magic facilities are scattered all over the place. Among them, an inconspicuous magic dress can be sold for tens of thousands of holy gold coins. Of course, the premise is that the other party knows the goods.

At this moment, it is in front of a magic research table in the center.

Tohsaka Qi stared at the light blue crystal placed on the flannel, his eyes full of fiery curiosity.

. ....

Since he became the 'Seat of Mystery', studying the unknown has become his greatest hobby. As the controller of the rules, he naturally has to comply with the characteristics of the rules. The gap between the racial gods and the rules gods is vividly reflected. .

This is Subaru Nayuki's spiritual body crystallization, which seals the young man's spiritual body, and the faint black mist comes from the protection of the witch.

And now, Tohsaka Qi intends to thoroughly analyze the power of this witch's protection.

You know, in Netheril, one of the most important issues is 'Mastering the Fifth Law'.

Aozaki Aoko's fifth method is also the real 'method of destruction', and its real essence is not the manipulation of 'time', but something even worse.

——Through the distortion of the present and the future again and again, the world will be completely distorted, resulting in endless 'entropy increase', reaching the 'entropy silence' of the entire world, and then destroying the entire material universe.

That is to say, the essence of the fifth law is destruction, and the complete mastery of the 'law of blue' also means that he has obtained another world's end, 'Carrie Yoga', thus obtaining the qualification to restrain the major groups of gods.

Now, the research on the fifth method in Netheril is almost complete, but the understanding of the level of 'time' is not deep, and after getting this 'witch's blessing', it can significantly improve the 'fifth law' Law' analysis.

Therefore, this experiment must not fail!

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Chapter [-]: Jealous Witch Satila (for a reward!)

Flames danced in the air, hurricanes roared and roared, everything seemed like a world-destroying scene, surrounded by disordered energy destroying everything.

No matter whether it is a living being or an elves, any species that can be regarded as an 'individual' has been completely destroyed, and all that remains are the planets that are being fragmented.

All energy is transformed into chaos after 'entropy silence', waiting for another 'big bang' to complete the process from 'entropy silence' to 'entropy zero' again, turning the entire disordered chaos into an orderly world .

Once everything has completely entered the future of 'entropy silence', then everything will be destroyed. What the fifth method brings is not the use of the future and the past, but the complete destruction of the world.

Similarly, the same is true for the 'fate·grand/order' of the parallel world. The world of human beings is destroyed by the dissipation of 'magic', while human beings use the magic of "One Four Seven" to distort reality and reach the past through spiritual transformation. But the repair of the 'singularity' in this way also harms the entire universe.

Every manipulation of time requires stellar energy, and these energy will be transformed from order to disorder, and the change of disorder is irreversible after all, and eventually disordered chaos will swallow the entire type. In the Moon World, even the 'types' will not be able to survive.

Looking at the azure-blue spiritual body crystal in front of him, Tohsaka Qi's eyes rarely showed a hint of hesitation.

There is no doubt that this is Pandora's Box. Once opened, it will gain power far beyond that of nuclear weapons. You must know that the abuse of the 'Fifth Law' is not as simple as destroying a city.

——What it destroys is the entire world, the entire world containing countless parallel worlds, countless universes, countless groups of galaxies, and countless planets!

When things like 'destruction of the world' become common sense, then human life will be even less worth mentioning. Humans still have pity for 'bugs', but what if there are any human beings who have the slightest affection for 'microbes'? ?

No, when trillions of human beings are destroyed by a spell, and they hold such excessive 'privilege', how will those Netheril magicians deal with themselves?What they got was not the authority of the gods, but the power to kill the gods and even destroy the whole world!

With such terrifying power, can magicians really abide by their duties?Can you really continue to indulge in the ocean of magic, instead of wantonly destroying worlds to show off your power?

Like the kind of suitcase that controls nuclear weapons, this brings not only the privilege of ending all things, but also the irresistible temptation to sink into this power, no matter how strict the magician is. , will also completely lose power, right?

So, should we continue to explore this secret that is enough to destroy the world?

With such a question reverberating in his heart, A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Tohsaka Qi's mouth.

"It's ridiculous," he said flatly, and continued to give up the only part of himself that belonged to human beings. "Power is just a weapon, and you don't even have the guts to control a weapon. What qualifications do you have to survive in this troubled world?"

Hearing the tone full of indifference, Emilia couldn't help being slightly stunned.

This straight figure now seems even stranger and more alienating, as if facing a mountain, completely unable to see the true heart behind the rock formations.

In other words, for Tohsaka Qi, the burden of 'human heart' has been abandoned, and all that is left is to pursue the mysterious beast.

It is very valuable to maintain the human heart, but for Tohsaka Qi, human nature is only a 'luxury' and has no real value. It is just a tool to comfort himself.

Fingers swiped across the azure crystal, Subaru Nayuki's wailing of pain and resentment resounded in his mind, not only the power of the witch, but also the grievances accumulated by the young man.

Of course, it doesn't matter.

"Experimental objects need to have some awareness of experimental objects." The magician said flatly, a puff of magic power poured out from his fingertips, shattering Subaru Nayuki's spiritual body in an instant.

Even though Subaru Nayuki is the reincarnation of a 'sage', even when he is the strongest, his strength is only five or six figures, and there is absolutely nothing worth taking seriously.

Listening to Subaru Nayuki's dying cry and the endless roar of the witch, Tohsaka Qi's mouth filled with a tyrannical smile.

The devil, he is the devil, a despicable, treacherous, cruel, mercenary devil, and the complaints of others mean nothing to him.

But, in the next moment.

The blue crystal was shattered by the witch's power, and a black mist rushed towards Emilia.

That is the power of the 'Jealous Witch Satila', and she is a spiritual body with a part of her. It can be said to be an extremely powerful clone. .

And watching the black mist rush towards Emilia, Tohsaka Qi did not stop him at all, but instead looked like a good show.

The black mist stuck to Emilia's body, and without waiting for the girl to resist, she completely eroded that body.

The cyanotic eyes were completely submerged by the black mist, and layers of malicious magic power rose from the thin body.

Emilia's magic power as a 'half-elf' has been completely liberated, and the huge magic power is more than several times that of Beatrice, but looking at this silver-haired half-elf girl, Tohsaka Qi has a calm face.

Well, in the eyes of this magician, Emilia's strength has changed from a 'bug' to a 'rabbit', and there is still no threat at all.

Even, even if the 'Jealous Witch Satila' came personally, as long as Tohsaka Qi tore his face and completely liberated the 'Lingge', it was the result of a one-shot kill.

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