"In that case, what's the difference between death? A life without books is not what I want..." The black-haired Lolita Dantrian shook her head steadily, and then made a standard skirt to Tohsaka Qi. Li, said calmly. "... Please continue the ceremony, if—you want to get the '[-] Books of Magic Dao' in full."

"Of course." After a slight pause, Tohsaka Qi once again grasped the black giant lock and pondered in a low voice.

"I ask you, are you human?"

Listening to the familiar words, a tear fell from the corner of Datrian's eyes, and she responded softly with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"No, I am the sky - the sky in the pot."

Listening to the emotional echo, Tohsaka Qi's doubts were instantly resolved. There is no doubt that the seal or the girl's past is just a trap dug for Tohsaka Qi.

Perhaps he directly forcibly made a contract with Daantrian, and he could also get the numerous magic books.

Therefore, only by breaking the seal in her heart and reminding her of centuries of loneliness, can Datrian dedicate himself to him in order to get rid of loneliness.

Everything is just a conspiracy, and the purpose (to get the money Zhao) - is to test the proportion between human nature and reason in Tohsaka Qi's heart.

"Are you satisfied? Tamamo before." With helplessness and bitterness in his words, Yuansaka Qi gently held the black-haired loli's little hand, and under her somewhat stunned gaze, he slowly kissed the ice muscle jade bone slender hands.

"Please give me more advice in the future, Dalian Jiang."

"Well..." Daantrian was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that the man called her by her nickname.

And this title obviously comes from her memory!In other words, the man in front of her had read her centuries of memory in just a split second!

"Huh, as expected of the 'perverted ghosts and humiliating scum' that Miss Tamamo-san said, it is indeed 'different'. Sure enough, he must be a beast with a dignified appearance?"

"It's not good to have a map cannon like that, Miss Datelien."

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Chapter [-]: The crushing magic is broken (for a reward!)

"Not good! Tohsaka-sama!"

An extremely nervous voice came from outside the bedroom, and hearing this familiar voice, Tohsaka Qi also slowly opened his eyes.

On top of him, there was a cute and soft black-haired loli lying on his back, and the faint aroma of milk made people intoxicated.

Probably because the expedition last night was a bit too much, this poisonous-tongued Miss Daantrian is still a little confused, but she just sluggishly opened Shui Lingling's big eyes and stared blankly at the man who pushed her away.

"What's the matter?" Tohsaka Qi's somewhat low tone echoed from the bedroom. The window curtains made of light gauze automatically moved without wind, and the classical wooden windows made of calcined glass were also gently under the power of invisible hands. Open.

There was a breeze in the air, and the sweet smell of the night rushed out of the window along with some bad smells. Because it was still the midsummer solar term, the magic circle on the window to keep the temperature was not turned on, and the fresh air poured in without delay. in this gloomy room.

The decoration is extremely elegant, and the dome inlaid with gold threads and gems is a powerful defensive magic matrix. Once fully opened, it can even withstand the full attack of the 'Witch Bishop' by 150. The deep picture scroll, or the decorations that are both exquisite and historical, make this rather large bedroom look especially beautiful.

At least, the decoration of this bedroom alone fully reflects the taste of the magician Tohsaka Chi. When he was immersed in the ocean of magic, he did not forget the enjoyment of being a human being, whether it was food, clothing, housing, and transportation. Election, as an exaggerated magician, he has never wronged himself.

Of course, now the focus is not on this extravagant room, but on the pink-haired girl who gently pushed open the door, her face full of nervousness and anxiety.

"Master! It's not good! Rem is injured! Now she has lost consciousness due to the damage of the 'curse', and is keeping Beatrice-sama in her injuries, can you..."

"Okay." The magician said lightly, he pushed away the cute loli in his arms who had just opened his eyes, and then turned down, whether it was the muscles that seemed to be carved from marble, or it looked extremely The sturdy figure makes people feel a little 'perfect'.

As a powerhouse at the level of 'Hakoniwa's three-digit exception', most of the gods in myths are far inferior to him, and those special abilities such as 'perfect body' are naturally taken by Tohsaka Qi. get.

It is not the 'charming' ability that does not enter the table, but the more basic and simple 'beauty'.

"But, but..." Hearing Tohsaka Chi say so decisively, there was a little hesitation on Ram's face, apparently remembering what happened at dinner a few days ago.

"You're not like her. Elsa's bitch will definitely want what she can't get if she doesn't beat her. Everyone's value is different - so I use different methods."

At some point, Tohsaka Qi was holding Rem's delicate little face in his hand. He admired the slightly ripe fruit in front of him, and then said playfully.

"As the price of Rem's rashness this time, come with me tonight, Ram-chan."

"Yes, yes master..." His eyes dimmed slightly, but Ram still nodded with courage.

——Absolutely, absolutely must save this man!

This 'boring' thing echoed in Ram's heart, and then she grabbed Tohsaka's generous palm and pushed open the mahogany door of the bedroom again.

What catches the eye is not the luxurious corridor for granted, but the bookstore with the scent of ink. A sofa made of animal skins from the 'Kararaghi Commercial Kingdom' is placed by the window, and a book of magic Tao worth thousands of gold. Randomly placed on either side of the sofa, it is as if it is regarded as a bad thing by its owner.

Seeing this scene, Tohsaka Qi frowned slightly, then looked at the childish girl on the sofa.

Although it is no longer the age and size of Loli, the figure of the blue-haired maid Lem (bbbb) is still extremely sad, that is, the degree of Yingying's grip, there is no such rare 'blond maid maid' properties.

Of course, it doesn't matter, after all, Rem is still very capable, such as making black tea, making dinner, making a Karaage-style dinner, and frying steak by Tohsaka Chi...

- and all kinds of bad things.

But at this moment, the girl was pitifully curled up into a ball, and her slightly opened eyes were full of dull and dazed expressions.

There is no doubt that the power of the spell has taken away her consciousness, and now Rem's life is not completely lost, thanks to Beatrice's protection.

Sitting on the other end of the sofa, blond Lolita Beatrice was holding Rem's little hand, and a huge amount of pure magic was filled into this ghost girl's body, replacing the loss of her vitality.

The effect of the spell is to eliminate the life and physical strength of the human body, so that it can be 'predated' by the caster on the other end. This type of spell is extremely common, and the most typical one is the knot of the 'rider's Medusa' in the moon world. The world-type Noble Phantasm 'Breaker Gorgon', if this Noble Phantasm is completely liberated, it can devour the life force of humans in the entire school and use it to provide Medusa with sufficient magical power.

Compared with Medea's simple and rude magic repairing skills, Medusa's Noble Phantasm is more direct and extremely effective.

But at this moment, the spell that Rem has been subjected to is much more crude. This kind of spell is not impossible for Beatrice to break, but because the spell is connected with Rem's remaining vitality. Violent destruction will definitely result in Rem's complete death.

That's why I came to invite a troublesome guy like Tohsaka Chi, or else Beatrice really didn't want to see this cold-blooded man.

"Come on, hurry up and release the spell on her body." Looking at the familiar figure, neither Ram nor Beatrice felt any nervousness at all.

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