"so tired.."

For the first time, she felt so tired to take care of a person, feeding her with water, bathing her, changing clothes. She was obviously just a little girl.

"Hehe, isn't this the Saintess of France? Is this not going to work?"

Hei Zhen, who had just arrived in the backyard, came to Jeanne's side with a disdainful smile.

Although he has the same memory, Hei Zhen is very clear that he is not the real Joan of Arc, and is just a fake created and named Joan of Arc.

Only Jill, who created her, and God Daiichi, who summoned her, would call her Joan of Arc one by one.

Although she was created, she was instilled with the memory of Joan of Arc, without any beauty, inherited...just hatred.

At the same time, he was extremely annoyed by the real Joan of Arc, and some hated that iron was not steel.

"I'm not good at taking care of others..."

Jeanne was a little dissatisfied.

She was originally just a village girl, but she went to fight later, and she didn't even get married, so how could she possibly have experience? You can do it, you can go on...! Of course, she couldn't say such words: yes.

In fact, God Daiyi also saw that Zhen Ritian was somewhat incompetent for this job, but there was no way.

It can only be handed over to her, because apart from...she...Semiramis is a good candidate. After all, she has learned a lot of skills before becoming an empress, and taking care of people is naturally among them.

But Shen Daiyi was afraid of being taken care of by her, and the second young lady became a poisonous person.

As for Heizhen, it is even more impossible to consider. If it feels troublesome, and if it is directly burned, what should I do? Yukinoshita Yukino is an existence in another world, and he does not expect the restraint to revive her.

After all, in the normal world, there is no such thing as a soul.

All they have is consciousness.

Consciousness is easier to understand and simpler than the soul, but the carrier of consciousness is the brain, and if the brain is burned, it will really be over.

Unless he has the power to traverse or reverse time.

"It's a miracle that you didn't fight."

Shen Daiyi, who came to the backyard, looked at the two who did not take out their weapons, and felt relieved.

"Oh what's up with that guy on your shoulders!"

Heizhen noticed Atalanta on Kamidai's shoulder.

"It's so comfortable inside the church, I took her outside to get some sunshine."

Saying that, he put Atalanta on the ground on his shoulders.

"Why not wake her up!"

Joan of Arc complained a little to God Daiichi.

It's really tiring to take care of a fainting person.

"She's just an ordinary person... If she knew about the Holy Grail War, that would be too bad."

The sleeping Yukinoshita Yukino is the safest, because he doesn't have to worry about the wise actions the second lady will make, and he can fight the Holy Grail War with a little peace of mind.

"Are you and her a couple?"


This question was somewhat difficult for him to answer.

After all, neither the second lady nor him has taken the initiative to confess. Since they have not taken the initiative to confess, can they be considered a couple? Although, except for the last step, he has done everything he should do.

"Afraid she'll be worried when she wakes up?"

Semiramis suddenly had a bad taste in his heart.

If she will... huh... I don't know what kind of expression he will show at that time, I'm a little bit looking forward to it.

"Are we going to hide here forever?"

The building of the church made Hei Zhen feel extremely irritable, and it was not only once that the idea of ​​directly burning the place was born.

"Then go out for a walk."

"Are you going out!"

As soon as she heard that she was going to go out, a bright light appeared in Joan's eyes instantly.

She doesn't want to stay here anymore and take care of the second lady.

She is a referee! As a referee, she was imprisoned in one of the camps and used as a babysitter. Zhen is too embarrassing.

She is obviously a referee in the Holy Grail, but she hasn't gone to the black side to confirm the situation, and she hasn't even seen the other people here on the red side.


It's up to you here."

He still trusts... Semiramis.

"Outside the church, it is filled with poisonous gas, but don't die outside."

Her words made the three of them, Kamidai Yi, who had already planned to go out, stopped in an instant.


Almost forgot, he can control the gas.

Chapter 18 Zhen Ritian feels a little sad

"Similar to the power to manipulate the wind?"

Semiramis cut ties with the outside world... pigeons.

Whether it was the previous storm or the power that manipulated the air flow just now, she didn't find the details.

It's a pity that God Daiyi used too much mental power before, so she withdrew the storm that was blocking the periphery before, otherwise, she would have more time to observe.

"Although I'm curious about this kind of power... But it's not the only thing that can be done now..."

She looked at the blue sky, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

————Separation line————“Tsk..Is all clothes like this now?”

After walking a long distance with God Daiichi, they finally found a town where ordinary people have not been expelled.

Because Hei Zhen was wearing her own armor at the moment, she could only follow him in a spirited form.

But.... Jeanne... Or Leticia, she has her own clothes, so she came after changing her clothes.

And because this is not a Servant's body, she can't turn into a spiritual body, so she can only follow him in a physical form.

In fact, God Daiyi also planned to project a dress for Heizhen, but... he forgot.

Fortunately, at this moment, Hei Zhen didn't know what Shen Daiyi was thinking, otherwise, he would probably be very annoyed. He finally had the opportunity to come into contact with this kind of place, but at this moment, he could only follow him in a spirit form. God Daiyi's side, let alone how depressed he is.

"Joan of Arc, what size are you wearing?"

Shen Daiyi looked at Bai Zhen who was on the side.

"Eh.. this.. why are you asking such a question all of a sudden?"

Zhen Ritian's eyes were a little erratic, and he was obviously attracted by the charming clothes on the side, plus what he said just now.

Give her the feeling that God Daiichi wants to buy her clothes.

Even Leticia was a little excited, because she was one with Joan of Arc. After that, Joan of Arc left, so... isn't that the same as he bought clothes for himself? "Because the other Joan of Arc is not always in spirit. Incarnation? You, who are also Joan of Arc, should have similar physical data, right?"

Is there such a thing as this? Use my measurements to buy clothes for other girls even though she is also Joan of Arc.. At this moment, Zhen Ritian can't help but feel a little sad, it is obviously the Holy Grail War, but as soon as we meet After being beaten and negotiating, he became a nanny again.

Now she still has to use her data to buy clothes for another self.

Who can make me miserable.

Really... If Joan of Arc could remember, Goldmujik Yug Domirenia, who came to support her last night, might not think so.

He came to support Jeanne with good intentions, but he didn't expect to be overcast. Not only was Siegfried now gone, but he was also scorched black by the high temperature.

In the end, he saw that he had a hard time, and followed the enemy away.

It was a miracle that he didn't cry at that time.

"..this kind of thing, why do you want"

Hearing that Shen Daiyi wanted to buy a dress for himself, Heizhen was still a little moved.

After all, the three of them were transformed by themselves, and it was really unpleasant to watch the other two go shopping together.

"Then do you know your measurements?"


I don't know, as someone who lived in the Middle Ages... oh no! It should be said that the memory only stays in the Middle Ages Hei Zhen, this term, she doesn't know what it means at all.

Thirty minutes later... Hei Zhen finally changed clothes and walked out.

A black suit, plus a coat, cost [-] US dollars for the whole set.

For a moment, God Daiichi felt a heartbreak.

Why don't you spend money to buy such expensive clothes and directly project it? It's not good to save the money and buy something to eat After all, there are so many parallel worlds in this world, who knows which world I will travel to in the future anyway... This money doesn't have to be obtained by labor, so there is no need to worry about it. "How about this?"

God Daiichi once again took out a white dress.

"I don't like white!"

Hei Zhen avoided her with some disgust, or black was more suitable for her.

Shen Daiyi rolled his eyes: "I didn't ask you, and I didn't buy it for you."

Since I didn't buy it for her, then... Joan of Arc looked at God Daiichi expectantly.

As a dead person, she should not have longed for these things, after all, once the Holy Grail War is over, she will return to the Throne of Heroes.

But..but..but this dress is really beautiful.

"Go and try it."

As early as just now, Jindaiyi had noticed Joan of Arc's eyes, that kind of expression that he liked very much, but didn't dare to do it, which made him very interesting.


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