What to do about this "Is he the hidden danger?"

Lion Tribulation Jie Li glanced at Dai Yi, a person with two servants and infinite magic power, no matter how you look at it, he is a relatively existence.

"No.. He is the savior hand-picked by the restraining force, and the only hope in the face of the ultimate disaster."

"That... what is the final disaster? Isn't this a Holy Grail War?"

The Lion Tribulation Realm is still familiar with... the Holy Grail War, except for those... subspecies' Holy Grail War.

The scale of the Holy Grail War this time is just a little bigger, what kind of disaster will it cause? Before the savior came out, this kind of thing has never happened before.

"The existence of a parallel world is coming, and her arrival will cause a lot of trouble, so we need to temporarily stop the infighting, if the combat power is lost too much, it may directly lead to the defeat when facing her. "

Shendaiyi didn't plan to reveal the identity of Shatiao Aige, even if the person in front of him was more credible.

If the identity of Sajo Aige was known to those from the Magic Association, it is estimated that they would not miss this opportunity, and I am afraid that it would just pour out.

A girl who is connected to the root, she is born... the way to the root, it is not surprising that there are a few people like Araya Zonglian in this world.

If the value of the root princess is discovered, then based on the thoughts of that group of magicians... it is estimated that all human beings are really finished.

Sajo Aige knows everything, unless she doesn't want to know, otherwise, she knows every move of those magicians.

If it was Shen Daiyi directly, if he knew that someone wanted to dissect him and sent someone over, he would not be able to bear it.

And this kind of thing has really happened, that is... the two attacks I faced last time.

It can be considered that he is a kind-hearted person. In the face of that kind of thing, he did not directly make too radical actions, but only destroyed half of the country's military power.

The power built by hundreds of billions of dollars is directly washed clean.

And what God Daiyi paid was only a little bit of spiritual power.

"Parallel worlds do parallel worlds really exist?"

"Isn't the second magician the best clear?"

God Daiichi said Gem Weng, but he is still quite interested in the second method, parallel world interference, and space folding technology.

After all, he has no system space, and he can't take it out even if he puts it in the Golden Capital. He might be able to take advantage of these things.

Indeed! The second magician is still very famous, and it is also the most high-profile magician, even more famous than the fifth method.

As for the third method. Although the Einzbern family has been eager to complete it, it seems that there is no progress at present.

Even the Great Holy Grail, which their family used to accomplish the third method, was poached.

"What kind of disaster will we face"

Whether it is the Master, or they are emphasizing that disaster, it is very terrifying if it is really not clear how big the harm is. How could he really make up his mind to participate in the Holy Grail War this time? , In addition to.... just because of the clock tower's commission, he also has his own purpose, that is, to unlock the curse left by the family.

Shen Daiyi glanced at the lion robbery, and he also noticed the curse on the other party.

To be precise, it is the curse left on the magic engraving. Because of this curse, he cannot have descendants. This is the so-called renunciation of descendants.

Although God Daiichi saw this curse, there was no way to undo it. There is no way to undo this curse in the magic that he has read so far.

Eh.. What are you thinking! He rubbed his forehead in anguish, it's not a good thing to keep on eating, and he should try to study a little magic by himself.

Maybe the sixth method will be researched by him.

"All in all.. the worst is... the demise of all mankind, and the best.. is that we have a big win, although I don't think our win rate is very large."

You must know that he already has the idea of ​​running away. If the time comes because he can't beat him, he will still choose to run away directly. Even if he doesn't get the Fa, he doesn't need to do anything.

"Is it that serious?"

From the Lion Tribulation Realm, you can see that Shen Daiyi is not lying, but... "Why are you not nervous at all in the face of that kind of... disaster?"

Kamidai Yi pointed to the sky: "How much can human beings explore into outer space... If they escape to a place farther away than the parallel world, can the disaster catch up?"

"Is there any place in this world that is farther away than a parallel world?"

Even the universe is on the same plane as them, and it can be contacted after human beings continue to excavate.

Under normal circumstances, the parallel world is inaccessible, and it is already... the most distant place for people in this world.

"Another world... a place completely different from this world. It's a place that can't even reach the root, a place that the second magician can't reach."

God Daiichi is not worried at all, even if the magician knows what the other world can do, anyway... After this battle, he will take the second lady home to live.

In a different world whose roots are unknown, could they reach a group of magicians who cannot even reach the parallel world?

Jeanne knew about this.

Of course, now she also knows another thing, that is, God Daiichi may run away.

Chapter 23 Mordred: Are We Really Red?

Just after the voice of Shendai Yi's voice fell, his complexion changed. The inhibition force called him again. To be precise, it was the news that the root type entrusted the inhibition force to the God Dai Yi. Sajo Aiko again After knowing that he was about to leave, the speed of going to this world was a little faster. Soon, the passage to this world will be opened.

Speed.. Maybe before the construction of the sky courtyard is completed.. Seeing the face of Shen Daiyi, the lion robbery is also a little panicked: "What... what's wrong!"

"I think we... still need to hurry up, that woman is coming!"

Shendaiyi's plug-in is more powerful than Shatiao Aige's, but it lasts longer than others! One is from the mother's womb, and he knows the future. As for Shendaiyi.. He also only I have only been in contact with magic for less than two years, and the plug-in is not the kind of plug-in that is 999. Obviously, it is temporarily unable to keep up with Shatiao Aige.

The most important thing is that other people are proficient in the magic of the Age of Gods more than him. The only thing he can take out to contend with is to control molecules and control fluids.

These two abilities can pose a great threat to Sajo Aika! After all, she is still a human being, and in terms of physical strength, she is not even comparable to a heroic spirit.. "Which woman!"

"The Goddess of Ghoul from the Parallel World!"

Although I don't know who the goddess of the ghoul is, but since she is a goddess, she must not be weak, and she is still a ghoul, why does it feel like a villain.

"Go tell the master of the red side, we are running out of time."

Shen Daiyi raised his hand, and the substances that trapped Mordred dissipated in an instant... Mordred, who had lost his restraints, stared at Shen Daiyi, took the big sword directly, and moved towards him. He chopped it off.

A large white flag directly blocked her sword.

"Get out of the way!! We're going to fight this guy to the death!"

Mordred yelled at Joan of Arc full of anger.

"Sorry, I won't let you hurt him."

Whether it's because he invited her to dinner or bought her clothes today, or because he is the savior of the world.

Joan of Arc would not allow Mordred to hurt God Daiichi. After all, he is a master, not a heroic spirit, and there will definitely be a certain gap in combat power.

Now Joan of Arc still has a Command Spell, although it is useless to Heizhen, but its followers are different.

"This kind of guy, it's better to just burn it!"

Looking at Mordred's face, Hei Zhen became more and more angry.

The banner with the Evil Dragon Totem painted in his hand directly hit Mordred in the abdomen.

He shoved her out violently.

"Two... come together"

After smashing a wall, Mo Dexin stood up, Hei Zhen's strength was much greater than her.

But... even in the face of these two people, she will not back down.

"It's really troublesome..."

If the bear child continues to make trouble, God Daiichi will have to find a way to solve her.

Mordred is quite cute, but he is... being raised crookedly, he is not... a lion robs the world, he will not follow this bear child.


Just as she was about to teach her a lesson again, her God Daiichi suddenly felt an unusually piercing gaze.

When he looked up, he saw the stern white-haired man standing on the billboard, staring straight at him.

"the little sun"

It's still daytime, why does the little sun appear here?

"My, I want to meet you."

He opened his mouth.

Kamidai Yi pointed to Mordred: "But I can't get away now."

Karna glanced at Mordred and thought for a moment: "I'll block her for you."

He jumped straight to the ground, the role of God Daiichi is obviously greater than that of Mordred, plus there is only one person in Mordred, but there is more than one in Jindaiyi.

Especially since he was already on his side.

"Where is the guy who came out of here!"

After Mordred saw Karna, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of vigilance in his heart.

Intuition told her that the guy in front of her would be more troublesome than the two women together! "The Red camp, Master has something very important to talk about, I hope you let him go."

Karna raised his deadly spear and aimed it at Mordred.

Did the red camp make a mistake? Mordred glanced suspiciously at his master, Lion Jiejieli, are they really from the red side? How do you feel that everyone from the red side is targeting them first? There was the Master, then the Judge, and now again.

At this time, Mordred suspected that he was a Servant of the Black side, not the Red side.

"Red Square"

The Lion Tribulation Realm is also a little embarrassing, so it's only for a while... time, he is not very clear about the news of the red side, but I heard that he is a demigod hero, and his strength... seems to be very powerful.

"That guy just teased me, is it just over like this!"

Mordred didn't forget that when he was trapped just now, God Daiichi was teasing himself with a cat stick.

The lion doesn't show her power, she really thinks she is a sick cat!! "If you have to fight, I will be your opponent."

Achilles' speed is still very powerful, and as soon as he goes back, he directly tied up Amakusa Shiro.

Then he revealed everything that God Daiichi said to him.

After learning that something might have appeared, they decided to discuss it with God Daiichi.

Although the other party took it away.

But that doesn't mean it's impossible to talk about it.

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