The sixth director Lingxia looked at her 'daughter' worriedly.

Little Jack is not just her daughter, this is the savior who saved her.

As for this girl of unknown origin in front of me... "Master! Yours has seriously damaged the safety of people who have nothing to do with the Holy Grail War."

Joan of Arc stared closely at Jack the Ripper.

Listening to Joan's words, she was a little scared. After all, her 'daughter' was murdered! And there's more than one! It's definitely not a good thing to be found by this person now! "Little Jack is not a bad boy!"

The sixth director Lingxia, who was very worried about her daughter's safety, ran forward and blocked in front of Jack.


Jack also looked at his mother blankly.

'Isn't this a bad boy, is this serious?' This is a resentful spirit! As a resentful spirit, could it be a good child's life in her hands, I am afraid it is more than a single digit.

"Master! I am the final judge of this Holy Grail War! Yours, has, seriously interfered with the life of normal human beings. As the judge sent by the restraint force, I must deal with this problem!"

As for whether this child is a good child, unless Jeanne is blind, or is a fool, otherwise, it is impossible to regard a resentful spirit as a good child.

After all, if she is a good child, can she become a wraith? "If you want to take action on little Jack, then kill me first!"

Well aware of Jack's tragic experience, the sixth director Lingxia is not willing to let her feel death again.


Little Jack put his eyes down on Joan of Arc: "I'm going to kill you so that my mother doesn't worry!"

Immediately afterwards, her speed instantly became: swiftly, she charged towards where Jeanne was.

"Little Jack!"

A sword light flashed across!,

Chapter 52 Me Too... Okay!just know a little

"Tsk.. I already knew that this guy is dead, you are just a resentful spirit."

Hei Zhen's long sword was stained with a little blood.

Because of the relatively fast speed, Jack avoided the attack that was about to hit the vital point just now, so that he would not be killed directly.

But even so, she was still hurt.

Hei Zhen's blade did not cut off her neck, but left a wound directly on her chest.

Because it is a collection of multiple resentful spirits, this wound can't kill her directly, at most... feel some pain.

In general, Heizhen and Jack still have some similarities, such as their hearts are full of hatred, but there are also differences.

That is, Heizhen is considered a heroic spirit, but Jack is only a resentful spirit, and there is still a big gap between the two.

In terms of strength, it is definitely Hei Zhenqiang.

"Don't hurt her! She...she's just a poor child!"

The sixth director Lingxia protected Jack, who was scratched by Hei Zhen, and looked nervously at the two identical girls in front of her.

The white one... It's okay to say, but the black one... doesn't look like a good person.

If she really wanted to do something to them, she couldn't guarantee that she could save Jack.

After all, among several people, perhaps only she is an ordinary human being.

As an ordinary person, how could she have the power to stop these people, so the only possibility is to use her identity as a vulnerable group to try to arouse the kindness of these people, so that they can let Jack go.

It's a pity.. Joan of Arc may sympathize with the sixth director Reika's love for... Jack, but she will never let Jack, who has done a disaster, be spared because of this.

As for Heizhen.. then there is no need to say more, she is a chaotic evil herself, and it is not a problem to kill a few people, not to mention a mere grievance.

It would not be too much to kill her directly.

Although Bai Zhen felt pity for what happened to Jack, she would never allow people like her to stay in this world.

She is kind, but not stupid, a resentful spirit can stay in this world like this, if the resentful spirit does not harm others.. would it still be a resentful spirit? "I'm sorry.. Her existence will inevitably hurt other people's lives. , I cannot allow her to continue to survive in this world."

Jeanne shook her head.

"As an ordinary person, you can't provide a Servant with the magic power to stay in this world, so...she wants to stay in this world unless there is a magician who can continuously supply her magic power. ."

But if a magician who can provide a steady stream of magicians is so easy to find, then why did that person agree to help these two people? Jack must not stay in this world, just because she is a resentful spirit a resentful spirit, she will eventually hurt others, it's only a matter of time.

The sixth director Lingxia hugged Jack and struggled in her heart. In the past few days, she did understand a part of the magician.

But why did others promise to help them, so the only hope is... the Holy Grail! As an ordinary person, she can't have endless magic power.

"Wait...! I am also the master of the Holy Grail War. As long as I can win the Holy Grail War, then I can let her live in this world safe and sound, and then she will not kill people!"

The sixth director Reika suddenly remembered that she was still a fighter, if she could win..if she could make a wish to the Holy Grail.."Ahahahaha!"

After listening to her words, Hei Zhen couldn't help laughing out loud, she looked at the 'mother and daughter' with a sneer on her face: "The winner of the Holy Grail War is up to you"

Do these guys have any... Find out what's going on in this Holy Grail War, whether it's Shendaiyi or Red Fang, but they have the ability to easily crush them, just rely on an ordinary person who can't even supply the magic power of a Servant. If you want to win the Holy Grail War, why don't you go to the sky? Maybe it's easier to go to the sky than to win. If the black side is gone, can the magician of the red side be unable to beat this ordinary person who doesn't know how to magic. "In this case, then you Just die with her!"

Hei Zhen raised his long sword and slashed straight at them.

Joan of Arc quickly blocked her sword with a long flag: "What are you doing! She is just an ordinary person!"

If she just kills Jack, then Joan of Arc will not stop her, but now she has to take action against the sixth director Lingxia, so she can't just sit back and watch.

She is an ordinary person.. Even if she is the master of the Holy Grail War, it will not change the fact that the sixth director Reika is an ordinary person! "Ordinary people are ordinary people, but after adding the Holy Grail War, they are not allowed to be killed. "

In the Holy Grail War, the death of a master is a common occurrence, especially for a master who has no strength, can not even supply the magic power of his followers, and still hopes to win. This is not Emiya Shirou, but the sixth director Reika is even The most basic magic can't be supplied.

"Jack we..."

The sixth director, Lingxia, was going to take this opportunity to run away.

Hei Zhen flew the banner of Joan of Arc, and then kicked away the sixth guide Lingxia, who was protecting her.


Jack took out the only dagger left in his hand, and sprinted towards Hei Zhen quickly, preparing to cut the opponent's stomach directly.

————The dividing line————The sky courtyard flew above the black camp.

God Daiichi came to this ruins together with the root style.

Returning here again, he still failed to perceive the location of the Great Holy Grail.

"Are you sure the Great Grail is here? Why can't I feel it at all?"

He checked the ruins several times, but just... couldn't find anything unusual.

"Ms. Sajo is a magician who is very proficient in the magic of the gods."

The root style reminds me once again.

'The magic of the generation of gods.. I know a lot.

'Well, compared to Sajo Aika, who is very proficient in magic, he really only knows a little bit about it. . . .

"For her, it's not a problem to directly arrange a great magic trick to hide objects, and in this Holy Grail War, apart from you and yours, there is no one who is proficient in the magic of the generation of gods."


Chapter 53 Are you going to fight against the clock tower?you are going with...

Even if he knows some magic of the gods, he may not be able to decipher the magic of Sajo Aige Not on the sand tiao love song.

"Perhaps it was because she wanted to personally deliver the Great Holy Grail to you, so she set up a very complicated space-folding magic here."

Isn't space folding all related to the second method? God Daiichi stood aside and listened to the root-style explanation silently.

It turns out that the omniscient can still learn the second method. I know it. I know it.

The second method.. In fact, God Daiyi is quite interested. After all, it involves the magic of space. For someone like him who has no systematic space, the second method is really a very convenient ability.

And the second method that Sajo Aige used... Gengen style stretched out his hand towards him.

Noticing the small hands in front of him, Shen Daiyi was a little puzzled: "What's wrong?"

Do you need something? "There are currently three ways to crack this magic."

"Um.. which three"

"The first is...let the caster release it by himself.., the second is...using the same magic, through the reverse operation to unlock this magic...As for the third, it is used by the magic eye of death. proprietary cracking method.”

Seeing her eyes had turned blue.

Straight to the devil's eye...he knows what it means.

A tachi was projected by him and handed directly to her.

After taking this... Tachibana from Kamidaiichi's hands, Gengen-style looked towards the front where there was nothing but... ruins.


Feeling that there was something wrong with the surrounding environment, Kamidai Yi frowned slightly.

The root form was also discovered, but she didn't care, she directly pulled out the sword, and took a fancy to the air in front of her.

With her slashing out, a dark blue halo appeared in front of the two of them.

It's gotten to the point where it's a bit dazzling.

After a while, the space began to distort, and then a golden sphere with a diameter of more than ten meters appeared in front of Shendaiyi.

In the center of this golden sphere, there is also a golden figure, which should be Yustizaliz Reich von Einzbern.

That is the prototype of Alice Phil.

However, before, God Daiichi had already noticed that someone was approaching, and now the Great Holy Grail has appeared, so... they did not continue to choose to hide.

Fender Volsenberen came out with the master of the red square.

Accompanying... There are also Atalanta and Shakespeare, who are already their only followers other than Mordred.

Atalanta is still somewhat capable of fighting, but Shakespeare is no good, this guy is just for fun.

There is no combat power at all, to be honest, a magician can solve him.

After all, if the great writers have more powerful force, wouldn't it make those great heroes who are incapable of many cultural lessons in mythology feel a lot of pressure. "The black side has been destroyed... so what?"

Fender Walsen Bellen said.

, "Oh Atalanta didn't tell you that it has been solved, and the crisis of mankind is gone."

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