"So here I challenge you!"

As a challenger, I try to wake up the weak and strong.

"Reality is not... hot-blooded anime, even if you fight with me, Minister, it is difficult for me to bring up my interest in swordsmanship now."

If it wasn't for the fact that he disliked the need for some formalities to withdraw from the club, he would have planned to do so.

Saeko Poshima is not... the person he cares about, if he has to, he will use magic.

"Can you tell me.. why?"

She squeezed the... trophy in her hand tightly. It was a gift that she planned to give him at the beginning, but now... "Because I am more interested in other things, is this reason enough?"

Is that so? In the beginning, for... swordsmanship.

, that is... I joined with the idea of ​​having fun, is it really because I think too much? "Then what are you interested in now and ask again.


But this magic is definitely not that of Saeko Kashima... magic.

"Those... bells and whistles,"

"No.. It's not the kind of magic in it, but I'm currently interested in it. It's really something called magic.."

"Really.. I can't make a decision for you, but seeing you're all right, that's enough."

After showing a slight smile to God Daiichi, she left with the trophy in her hand.

He obviously came here with a smile, but he came back like this.

"Boy.. If you catch up now, I guess you can be sure."

Shizuo Hiratsuka nodded to Kamiyoichi.

This kind of plot is often seen on TV. The actor chased after him, hugged him from behind, and then said a few words, and it came naturally.

The head of the Kendo Department is not bad looking, and his figure is even more than a few blocks under the snow, and his family background is not ordinary.

Yukino Yukino glared angrily. Sensing the second lady's gaze, Shizuo Hiratsuka laughed dryly: "Haha.. I'm joking."

I didn't expect Yukino Yukinoshita to be so attentive now.. But think about it again, there are a bunch of girls around Kamidai Yi now, but.. but as a teacher myself.. "Ah.. Maybe, this is fate. .."

This is lamenting the impermanence of the world.

"I have to arrange some things today, why don't you go back early."

Seeing that it was almost four o'clock, Ichigo Kamidai said something to Yukinoshita Yukino.

Yukinoshita asked in confusion: "What's the arrangement?"

"Have you forgotten them? It's impossible to let those people stay there every day, right?"

If she stayed on top, the Empress might just throw a magic cannon down when she got angry, and by then the entire Chiba City would go straight to the ground.


Although I think it's dangerous to let those people into modern society, but if you keep them on top and don't let them down... it's not good either.

"That's it for today's club activities."

After she said something to the others, she looked at God Daiichi.

Since the club activities were over so soon, Hikigaya Hachiman naturally didn't want to stay any longer, so he just picked up his schoolbag and left.

Although Shizuo Hiratsuka was a little curious about what God Daiichi was going to arrange, she didn't ask too much. Now that the time was up, she should also be leaving.

"So soon?"

Yubihama was the only one who still looked a little reluctant.

"Sorry.. There are indeed more important things to do, so I can only end the event first."

After Yukinoshita said something to Yukihama, he started to pack his schoolbag.

Although it's only been a few days, she feels like she hasn't come to school for several months. Before leaving, Hiratsuka Jing reminded: "By the way! I have an event in a few days, and then you will also coming."

"How are you going to place them"

Those few existences are still very dangerous, especially each of them has an extraordinary appearance, and more importantly, each of them has a powerful power.

Fortunately, the gangsters in Chiba City were almost resolved by Kamidai Yi, and there should be no major incidents.

"Just buy a house near where we rent."

The environment of the sky courtyard is naturally not bad, but since everyone has come to this world, let's experience the current life more.

"You might as well leave this kind of thing directly to your mother."

I almost forgot... Yukinoshita's house is... a building.

"Um.. is it really good to do this?"

God Daiichi was also a little hesitant.

Isn't this a little embarrassing, Yukinoshita's family is pretty good to him, and the two daughters are almost given to him, if you want to take advantage of it.. "Mother will not refuse."

Yukino Yukino looked away, and used the resources at home to help the people she liked.. It's not a problem, right?

Chapter 10 How do you use the tone of Shijie?

"Are you sure...that's these...names?"


Director Quan Teng held a piece of paper and looked at the names on it, his heart was messy.

Semiramis.. Joan of Arc Dalck, Joan of Arc Dalck.. Kama.. How come the names of these are all so strange! It's also the sandy love song and the two rituals, these two names are relatively normal a little.

Well.. even if it's a little strange, it's nothing, you still need to ask him to help prepare your identity, and you can see that it is a black household.


He looked at Shen Daiyi, and pointed to the piece of paper, perhaps thinking of something.

"That's right, they're just as you might imagine, famous people in history!"

God Daiichi does not deny it either.

These people can't do anything to Heroic Spirits.

Not only spiritual body transformation, but the power of heroic spirits alone is not something they can compete with.

"Semiramis isn't it..."

These are all legendary characters, shouldn't they really have a relationship with the gods? "For me... well, for... you, it's not."

After all, they are not from this world.

Creating an identity is nothing, especially for those at the top.

"But don't think about setting your eyes on them, that saint may not do anything to you, but after the reversal of the saint, will the whole country fall into a sea of ​​fire, I can't guarantee it. "

"As for Semiramis... If you don't want this country to be destroyed by magic cannons, or if the poisonous gas is filled, you can also try."

Jindaiyi's tone was very flat, but it seemed to him that it was very terrifying.

There is no restraint in this world. The Empress's sky garden is a Noble Phantasm, and it doesn't need to be explained too much.

"They...are not alive"

"Well... it's not really alive."

At present, he is still a Servant, because he has the magic power provided by God Daiichi, so it is not very important to receive flesh.

More importantly, Heizhen and Semiramis are not at ease, so it is better to have some restrictions.

"Why is this person called Kama... a woman"

If I remember correctly, then this seems to be the name of the god of love in Hindu mythology, but that... the god of love, it seems to be a man! If it was in the past, he would never know this.... What kind of person like Eros, after all, he is a scientist, not a historian, let alone a theologian.

But since the appearance of God Daiichi, he began to read a lot of materials, including myths.

That being said, he has expanded his knowledge base.

"Well... that's a formless god. Since it's a formless god, is it a problem to become a woman?"

..but why does it happen to be a woman and a man? "By the way, this one should be more careful.

If it's her, then I can persuade it, if it's this one...then just wait for extinction."

Hiss.. What do you mean by such a terrifying extinction? "What about the other two?"

"Good-looking ordinary people!"

Director Quan Teng looked at God Daiichi just like that, and didn't know what to think.

If it is really just beautiful, then why is it a little too weird to follow God Daiyi, but with his understanding of God Daiyi, it seems that the other party does not need to lie! "If it is really just long If they are beautiful, if you take them in, why did you ignore so many women before?"

Do all kinds of temptations work for him? No. It doesn't work, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to live with Yukinoshita Yukino for more than a year, and he would have been wandering outside long ago.

"Can you find someone more beautiful than them?"

This seems to be really difficult! Holy Maiden, is there really such a beautiful girl? Isn't she just a village girl————The dividing line————"What should be prepared, I'm all ready, Go buy some clothes if you have time."

It still looks quite strange when the heroic spirit is dressed in formal clothes.

It can even be regarded as, if you meet those... otaku or something, what if your life is in danger. "Then if you have time, let's go out and buy one together."

The two ceremonies said in a colder tone.


This voice... God Daiichi looked at her with very surprised eyes.

To be reasonable, isn't that the root style? Why did you use the tone of Sister Shi, "Why did you leave that world, do you think she can still suppress me?"

The two rituals squinted at God Daiichi.

The root type has already foreseen this point, so when they were in that world, the two rituals did not fall into a deep sleep, but had a panoramic view of everything.

Of course..and the attraction of Kamidai Yi to the source of..she felt it too.

"she" in her mouth

, that is... the root style, right now, she is still wearing the same kimono from before.

If it weren't for those cold eyes, it would be really difficult for Shen Daiyi to see that she was here for two ceremonies at the moment.

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