This is the first time he has made a good person.

  Yi Binglin stopped slowly and looked at Ouyang Murphy coldly: "Are you serious?"

  "I'm serious."

  Ouyang Mofei answered her seriously.

  As Fangcun Gongshan said, men must deal with these things.

  When it’s time to refuse, you must clearly refuse, and don’t be sloppy.


  Yi Bing sneered.

  Ouyang Murphy regarded her as obedient. He turned his head to one side and stepped on it, and said, "Quan, I'm sorry for what happened just now. But I promise that it won't happen in the future."

  Gao stepped on the same expression as Yi Bing, and asked, "Are you serious?"

  "I'm serious."


  Gao stepped sneer.

  Fangcun Gongshan on the other side looked at Ouyang Mofei's move and nodded.

  He's not really shit.

  But when Ouyang Murphy also meant to solve the matter by himself, Gao Teng and Yi Bingjin faced him at the same time and kicked him fiercely.


  Ouyang Murphy let go and took a few steps back.

  What's going on, I didn't understand what I said just now.

  The attitude is also very sincere.

  Why are you kicking me again?

  I saw Gao Tread and Yi Binglin suddenly rushed in front of Ouyang Murphy and beat him violently.

  Gao stepped on and scolded: "I'm sorry? I'm sorry, what do you want the police to do?"

  "Aren?! Such an intimate address, Mr. Murphy."

  One punch.

  "Who gave you the courage to say that you have a crush on other women in front of your girlfriend?!"

  Another punch.

  "Also, why don't you explain it to me first, and explain it to this Bi Chi, ah?"

  Come on.

  "Just a few words with me. Talking to her for such a long time makes me bully?"

  "Have you figured out who your girlfriend is?"


  When Gao stepped on and scolded, Yi Bing didn't stop.

  "I asked you to issue a good person card, do I need it?"

  Yi Binglin slapped Ouyang Murphy, who was shrinking on the ground, fiercely.

  "Have feelings for me? That's how you feel about me."

  Punch and kick synchronized with high stomp.

  "Marriage? Castrate you. I'll see how you get married."


  "I'm a good girl, I use you to say?"

  Get a punch.

  "Also, why did you explain it to me first, do you look down on me?"

  The combined fist fell.

  "After explaining so much, are you pity me?"

  "You really still have feelings for me, so be responsible for me, bastard!"


  The two young women No. [-] in the new century cast all their anger on this scumbag.

  It turns out that when a woman is angry, never try to provoke her.

  Not to mention, you are still provoking two girls at the same time because of emotional matters.

  "Take it easy for me, this is my boyfriend."

  Gao Teng yelled at Yi Bing.

  "I saved his life. What happened to him?" Yi Binglin didn't want to be outdone. "It's you, you know it's your boyfriend, so why would you beat him?"

  Both sides yelled at each other to tap, but they both made a ruthless attack.

  "Disobedient stupid editors should be taught a lesson."

  "Similarly, unruly pet dogs need to be trained."

  "Light... lightly."

  At this time, Ouyang Murphy did not dare to fight back and could only beg.

  "Scumbag, shut up!"

  The two girls yelled at the same time!


  Fangcun Gongshan, who had been watching from the side, silently tilted his head.

  Such a bloody scene is not suitable for him as an old man to watch.

  Kirishima Dong Xiang looked at Ouyang Murphy who was beaten on the ground, and felt a trace of pity, but more of a gloating.

  This is the fate of the scumbag.

  Ouyang Mofei was very aggrieved.

  He really isn't a scumbag.

Chapter 107

  "Hey, when did so many people appear?"

  Kirishima Dongxiang looked outside the store and was taken aback.

  At this time, there were already a lot of people watching the glass window, taking pictures with their mobile phones and uploading them to the Internet.

  The video of Gao Cao and Yi Bing's beating Ouyang Mo Fei began to circulate wildly on the Internet.

  Today, the people who eat melons have a very good experience of what a peerless melon is like.

  "Store manager, do we need to drive these people away?"

  Kirishima Dongxiang felt that it would not be good for them to hide their identities if they were photographed.

  Antique coffee shops are not suitable for being too exposed to the public eye.

  Fangcun Gongshan nodded: "I'll go with you."

  He also couldn't bear the beatings of Yi Binglin and Gao Teng.

  At this time, he was suddenly thankful that he had only met such a person at the beginning.

  Then Fangmura Gongzen and Kirishima Dongxiang went out to disperse the onlookers.

  But it won't be long before reporters come to hear the news.

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

  Gao Teng and Yi Bing were a little tired from fighting, and they held the table and chair to ease their breath.

  Gao Teng looked at Yi Bing in disdain: "You are really cruel, you say that you like Mo... Mr. Fei, you hit so hard. Huh..."

  "Ei... this, each other."

  Yi Bing sneered in response to Gao stepping.

  "You two, are you out of breath?"

  Ouyang Mofei cautiously stuck out his head, but surprisingly there was no scar on his face.

  Or that he didn't have any scars on his body.

  It seems to be fine except for the dust.

  Gao Teng was stunned for a while, and said to Yi Bingjin, "Did you hit this guy in the face?"

  Yi Binglin was also surprised: "I hit it, and I even kicked it."

  "Me too, why is there nothing on this guy's face?"

  Yi Bingri asked suspiciously, "Have you been beaten lightly?"

  "play one more time?"

  "Nice opinion."

  Hearing such a conversation, Ouyang Murphy immediately stopped paying: "Hey, it's been so long, don't go too far."

  "Mr. Murphy, you are dissatisfied, you think we are making trouble without reason, don't you?"

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