In the quiet room, there was only the crisp sound of biting apples.

  When the apples are finished, look at the remaining apple cores.

  Gao stepped expressionlessly, and said lightly: "Sure enough, it would be better to break the leg."


  A new apple she had just picked up was crushed.

  "Huh? You've used a lot of strength."

  Gao Tread took out another one, and it shattered again.

  Gao fear fresh φ Xian satisfied myself.

  After all, there is no home at night, and with the first cut and then the performance, few girls can avoid being angry.

  If Ouyang Mofei saw it, he would definitely be shocked.

  The little naughty pigeons at home are evolving to be sickly.

  The truth is, even with this distance, he can still feel a shady breath. .

Chapter 122

  ——A wasteland outside Xiongzhilan

  "Weigh your weight!"

  I saw a white-haired girl with an exploding figure and incomparably glamorous, facing a monster five times her height in front of her, whipping her legs fiercely.

  That monster, no, in this world it should be called a youkai.

  The mountain-like monster was kicked away by the girl.

  Roshan-like cannonball shot straight into the sky and turned into a star.

  The girl put away her feet and frowned slightly.

  The power of that leg just now exceeded his expectations.

  She was a little puzzled, since when did her power grow more and more uncontrollably.

  Even his other personality can sometimes use some power.

  It's strange, this inexplicable increase.

  Scarlet Night Fragrance.

  The only daughter of Akashia Bradlipa, the first of the three Hades, the true ancestor of the vampire.

  In just a few short years, the girl has the power to surpass most vampires.

  However, as his father, Zhu Ranyicha was not so optimistic.

  "Zhu Ranyicha, what are you worried about?"

  The mysterious driver looked sullenly and supported Zhu Ranyicha, who was suffering from a headache.

  "Shouldn't you be happy to see your daughter getting stronger and stronger?"

  Zhu Ranyicha glared at the mysterious driver fiercely.

  If that power doesn't go berserk and wake that guy up, of course he'll be happy.

  "When will that kid come to our world?"

  Zhu Ranyicha had no choice but to pin his hopes on that little devil.

  Referring to this, the driver was rarely distressed: "Our world is late in the queue, not even the top three."

  "Tsk, what a waste of the world's will."

  Hearing what the driver said, Zhu Ranyicha fiercely scolded the will of the world.

  They who have been lifted to that level are still qualified to scold this unbearable world.

  "I just don't understand why the world of man-eating monsters can get first place so easily."

  Zhu Ranyicha was very angry.

  "Our world was squeezed out of the top three?!"

  This is very unscientific. When it comes to combat power alone, in this world, they are said to be crushing their brothers and shaking their arms.

  "Uh...that's impossible."

  The driver is also very helpless, how can it be said about the will of the world.

  After all, in the final analysis, the gap between these wills is not very related to the level of combat power in the world.

  Some weak-willed worlds are frighteningly powerful.

  In some low-end worlds, the will is unexpectedly strong, just like a brother's worth.

  Abruptly squeezed out other worlds and won the first place.

  Although, there are a lot of worlds in which the change was recorded late, so it wasn't included.

  But being able to squeeze in the first place is something.

  "According to Mengxiang's current growth rate, even if there is a cross left by Akasha, it will not be enough for that kid to ignite the three worlds"

  "It seems that this child can only be sent there."

  The driver looked at the girl in the projection. Fortunately, he gave the flame to the boy in advance.

  Otherwise, they wouldn't even be able to send anyone out.

  Even the driver didn't dare to stay in the blocked world, let alone Chi Ye Mengxiang, a child who was only born a few years ago.

  "Depend on!"

  Zhu Ranyicha slapped the table hard, which was really annoying.

  As the boss of a vampire, it was the first time that he was so aggrieved.

  ——Brother is Neon Lan

  At this time, Ouyang Mofei didn't know that he was being missed by two big men from different worlds.

  He is now carrying his girlfriend and carrying dessert to see another girl who likes her.

  By the way, that girl was beaten by his current girlfriend.

  "You're here."

  Yi Bing smiled naively.


  Seeing Yi Bing's current appearance, Ouyang Murphy didn't know how to describe his mood.

  Stepping high is definitely based on the principle of hitting hard if you don't kill it.

  Look at the current Yi Bingri, all his limbs are covered with bandages and casts.

  Ouyang Murphy doubts whether she can take care of herself in life.

  "Are you OK?"

  Ouyang Murphy walked in front of Yi Binglin with a complicated expression.

  It's really hard for this kid.

  "It's alright."

  Yi Binglin shook her head with a smile, she never cared about these pains.

  Just like when she was able to drag her injured body to send dessert to Ouyang Mofei, she can do it now.

  However, what was slightly different from that year was that he came to her with dessert.


  The girl's silly and cute smile, coupled with the injuries all over her body, makes people feel very distressed.

  "Don't forget to bring their dessert bar."

  Yi Binglin looked at Ouyang Murphy flatteringly.

  "." Take it, take it."

  Ouyang Mofei reluctantly raised the packaging box in his hand to show Yi Bing. When he went to Gujian Yuaner to do it in the morning, he endured the scorn from the whole store.

  He was worried that Fangcun Gongshan would suddenly turn into a owl and give him a hard blow.

  This wave of my own operation is really getting more and more confused.

  "Why do you like the desserts in that store so much, obviously coffee is their specialty."

  Ouyang Murphy asked while unpacking Yi Bing.

  Although the desserts in the antique coffee shop taste good, they are still a bit far from what Yibing bought in the past.

  "Well... I don't know." Yi Bingli thought for a while and shook his head, "I just feel that their family's taste is more suitable."

  Human tastes are so strange sometimes.

  Ouyang Murphy brought the dessert to Yi Bing's face.

  Originally wanted her to eat by herself, but...


  Yibing suddenly opened his mouth.

 (of Li Hao) It's like a bird waiting for its mother to feed.

  Ouyang Mofei paused, looked at the girl again, and finally put the spoon in her mouth.

  "Ah uh."

  Yi Bing closed his mouth and ate the dessert on the spoon.

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