Old Duo Erfu watched Yi Binglin sign the document, with an expression of sarcasm or congratulations on his face.

  Arima Guijun looked at Yi Bingren on the hospital bed and said, "You don't have to do this."

  At this time, Yi Binglin was no longer with Ouyang Mofei at all, that cute and sweet smile was very cold.


  That protocol says the Cuyncks surgery experiment. .

Chapter 124

  The Quinckx Project.

  So CCG's chief researcher, A and B, came up with an idea based on the "half-brother" operation provided by CCG executives.

  Kunx is a human being merged into the "brother force", and the human soldier who contains Kunx.

  According to the assumption, the RC cell value of the members will be maintained between 500 and 1000, and they can eat normally like ordinary people.

  However, the technology is still only in the envisioning stage.

  Research members of the CCG are acquiring a wealth of data.

  The source of the data is unknown.

  And the document that Yi Bingjin signed before is the agreement that she will be the first batch of reformers when the technology matures in the future.

  Old Duo Erfu walked out happily.

  After all, both Arima Guishou and Yi Bingri don't really want to see him.

  Arima Guishou looked at Yi Bingcheng, sighed, and said, "You don't need to undergo this operation."

  "And premature aging?"

  Yi Bingri looked at your general Arima sarcastically.

  Arima Gui will have some headaches. As his junior, Yi Bingjin still doesn't want to see her become like that.

  Not to mention whether this Kuyx operation is still mature, even if it is mature, it is only for human beings.

  Human data can be said to be very different in half-humans.

  If the probability of success for humans is 50%, then half humans may not even have 5%.

  And even if it succeeds, Yi Binglin will definitely be exposed in the eyes of the Hexiu family as a half-brother.

  Then live a life as miserable as yourself.

  "Progeria, Dr. Dixing has been researching there. You are still young, you can afford it."

  "Wait." Yi Binglin sneered, "Isn't my age just entering the stage of premature aging?"

  In fact, Yi Bingri's physical condition is still relatively good at present, and there is no obvious premature aging.

  However, Yi Bingli still found a slight change.

  For example, when fighting with One Eye that night, using Cunjin and Yanpao, the energy spent was obviously about [-]% more than in the past.

  His ability to recover has also begun to regress.

  It's not like she hasn't suffered an injury like this one.

  But generally speaking, after a night, the bandages have been removed a lot, and I can easily get out of bed.

  "Actually, I think you guys are really disgusting." Yi Bingru looked at Guijun Arima indifferently, "Forcing humans and brother Zhimin!

  As a child, Yi Binglin was always very curious about why his parents treated him like that.

  Only later did she understand why her parents treated her like that.

  The man is his biological father, but thinks he is a monster.

  The mother is played by someone else.

  What happened to her biological mother is unknown.

  That's why she didn't expect her parents to come over at all in school.

  "I'm curious, what kind of monster is the organization behind you, senior."

  Yi Bingzhen asked, "Is that one-eyed also your product?"

  Arima Guishou did not answer, but instead asked: "When did you know about it."

  For the half-human investigators born in the day court, the secrecy work above has always been very good.

  Except for very few, it is almost never possible to discover one's own identity.

  "Do you want to be silenced?"

  Yi Bing sneered.

  Arima Guishou shook his head and said, "I just hope you don't tell me about this, you'll get into big trouble."

  Yi Binglin did not refute. If such a thing is said, CCG will definitely face a huge fishing reel.

  And she herself, as a human and a brother-in-law, will not have a good end.

  When did she find out who she was.

  Probably when he and Ouyang Murphy went on a mission together.

  The two of them accidentally fell into a brother Zhihuan's ground.

  And over there she saw a mother whose child disappeared in the white day court, and she was eating like a brother-in-law lie.

  She has had deep doubts ever since.

  She started to investigate the matter.

  In the end, she found out so many amazing things.

  These children, who have been educated as investigators since childhood, are still human beings and brothers.

  It's really funny to think about it.

  But even knowing these things, she became a investigator.

  After all, the education in the past ten years has made her feel good about her brother Zhongxian's punishment.

  Of course, for some brothers who are less harmful and live by picking up corpses, they will also turn a blind eye.

  For example: Dikou mother and daughter.

  Originally, she planned to bury these things in her heart, as if she didn't see anything.

? ????????? asking for flowers????? ??

  As a result, hum~~

  His body began to show premature aging, and Ouyang Murphy ran away with other women.

  Really unfortunate.

  Yi Bingjin said, "I've known this secret for a long time, you don't have to worry that I'll let it out."

  This kind of news is released.

  It is undoubtedly a disaster for those who will kill their brothers in their entire lives.

  It's a denial of their lives.

  "It will take more than a year for Kuynx's technology to mature, and I hope you can think about it before that."

  Arima Guishou really doesn't really want Yibing to become like that.

  In other words, Arima Guishou hopes that all half-humans can live as ignorant and ignorant as they are now.

0 ......  

  The more you know, the more painful it will be.

  He would rather age prematurely than reject the half-brother just because he doesn't want to continue plundering.

  "I have contacted many domestic and foreign research brothers and friends, and the problem of premature aging can definitely be solved."

  "Brother to Yujun

  Yibing looked at his body with a wry smile.

  Obviously there is no difference between people, but he has to study his brother's family to help him.

  "I'll put this agreement with you first, and then you can think about it."

  In addition to the factor of juniors, Arima Gui's preferential treatment for Yi Bing is more about empathy among the same kind.

  This is a sad half-human, but also a half-brother.

  The second half of life like this is absolutely pathetic.

  And what is the purpose of the half-brother?


  Anyway, it's not to increase the CCG's combat power, to destroy the bronze trees and other small things.

  Yi Binglin looked at the agreement in front of him and pursed his lips.

  When Arima Guishou walked to the door of the ward, he stopped and said, "If you became the half-brother Zheng Xiangxiang, would he still accept you?"

  After speaking, Arima Gui will leave.

  Yibing closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  If she doesn't age prematurely and her life expectancy is normal, how could she use her brains in this regard?



  The younger sister will not be transformed into a half-brother Zheng She and Gao Step will represent human beings and brother frames respectively

  This plot is mainly to pave the way for her to find out about Gao stepping and Ouyang Mofei.pill.

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