It seems that he agrees with Arima Guishogun's view.

  "Take the other agreements and screen them according to their family circumstances."

  Arima Guishou said to the other investigators.


  This agreement, in the final analysis, is only a temporary consultation.

  Those who actually report it, still have to think about it carefully.

  After all, it could very well ruin a person's life. .

Chapter 126

  The RC cells are located in the broodstock and the restoration site is shallow.

  Mu Huang's brother's toe's leg died, and the bottom line is that the RC cells are different.

  If the value of this cell exceeds 1000, it will be judged as a brother and accordingly, you will have unparalleled power.

  Such cells, coupled with the unique talent of women, made Ouyang Mofei exhausted.

  "Mr. Ouyang, did you not rest at night?"

  Jin Muyan looked at the haggard Ouyang Murphy worriedly.

  "Probably, maybe, almost."

  Ouyang Murphy yawned.

  Gao Step said that he was not too angry, but what?

  It's not another way to let out the gas.

  I haven't had a good rest these days.

  "Kimu-kun, do you know where there is an old Chinese doctor here?"


  Jin Muyan didn't understand what Ouyang Mofei said.

  "Uh... I'm sorry, I'm confused."

  Ouyang Mofei shook his head vigorously to wake himself up.

  Now my head is full of 19 stuff.

  He felt that he had to play a set of Tai Chi first to calm himself down.

  Came to the bronze tree conference room.


  Anyway, Ouyang Murphy always felt that the management of Gaoqi was very similar to a pyramid selling organization.

  But don't care.

  It's enough for these brothers to work hard, and Ouyang Murphy doesn't expect them to have much brains.

  Many new members were added to this meeting.

  It was mainly the ones who escaped from the shelter last time, and the most representative of them was the Goddai Charong.

  Seeing Ouyang Murphy coming, Gao Tie, who presided over the meeting, began to announce the next action.

  Because of their previous behavior, it was completely opposed to CCG.

  I got the news from the old Duoerfu, and CCG estimates that it will soon start with them.

  The Yueshan family also seemed to have received the news ahead of time, choosing to protect themselves and not contact the bronze tree for the time being.

  Of course, some negotiated help they will not stop.

  A capitalist indeed.

  Both want to eat.

  Bronze Tree has no opinion on this either.

  After all, with the help of Yueshan and Jiuduo, Bronze Tree has completed the Neon Chapter for Brother 20!

  So there is no need to stay here.

  She intends to condense some of the brother-ranked areas.

  Try to speed up the power of the Bronze Tree, and be able to compete with CCG.

  Of course, this is just one aspect of the meeting.

  Now there is another thing, and that is about the half-brother.

  This incident left only a small part of the brothers to be flattered.

  "I can't believe that CCG is also doing these things."

  Ouyang Murphy looked at the document in his hand.

  Among them is the Cuynx project that CCG has just started.

  The human half-brother Zheng was the first idea proposed by Gana Mingbo.

  It also proved successful.

  But so far there is only one case, and that is Kaneki Ken.

  "By the way, how did you get this information?"

  Ouyang Murphy patted the thick stack, surprised.

  Recently, Old Duo Erfu has not provided them with such information.

  Gao Teng smiled slightly: "The eyeliner placed next to Jiuduo Erfu."

  For the old Duo Erfu, Gao Tie has never trusted him.

  After eating the sweetness of the intelligence, she began to use various means to start buying eyeliner at the CCG in the 20th district.

  The entire 20-area CCG is almost transparent to the eyes of the bronze tree.

  "'re surprisingly good at this."

  Hearing Gao Tie's words, Ouyang Mofei remembered that this man had installed various positioning devices on his body.

  It is said that when she was in District 11, she also sent a lot of brothers and sisters, Yi Che and Wei Ying; に.

  "Jana, what do you think about this matter?"

  Gao Teng looked at Jiana Mingbo on the other side. After Jin Muyan was caught here, the doctor was also arrested.

  But he didn't panic at all, on the contrary, he was very happy.

  After all, there is so much material here.

  Jiana Mingbo quickly flipped through the information in his hand and sneered: "This is a crooked way, an evil way!"

  The so-called Kuyunks plan, even putting Kuyink in the human body, and erecting Kuyck steel.

  Keep RC cells in humans below 1000.

  "This can't be called a half-brother at all, waste!"

  Gana Mingbo is very disdainful of this CCG technology. In his opinion, the most perfect experiment should be to mix humans and brothers together.

  The one-eyed brother Zhi Panqin, Sun Lanshui

  "What kind of stupid guy would come up with such a nondescript experiment!"


  "Is that guy really human?"

  Kirishima Ayato was lying on the table next to Kaneki, silently watching the one-eyed brother who was proclaiming the one-eyed brother's basket rose to raise money.

  For this doctor, he should still have the most contact.

  One word to describe, perverted.

  The hands of humans and brothers are like toys.

  The laboratory prepared by Bronze Tree for him is filled with monsters that are combined with corpses and brothers.

  One of them even had a CCG investigator who was implanted in a Hebao and then resurrected.

  This kind of unbelievable thing made Ayano Kirishima feel that this guy was a little difficult to deal with, not like a human being.

  Kaneki Ken, who was on the side, still trembled when he saw Jiana Mingbo.

  I don't know if it's fear or anger.

  Kirishima Aya glanced at Kaneki Ken, stretched out his hand and patted Kaneki Ken's head and said, "If you're upset, you'll eat this guy in the future, he's just a human anyway."


  Ken Kaneki stared blankly at Ayado Kirishima.

  Ouyang Mofei shook his head helplessly when he saw this scene, Bronze Tree should really introduce some female brothers for forgiveness

  On one side, Jiana Mingbo was still talking eloquently over there.Ouyang Mofei could only read the information in a boring way.

  As a highly educated man of culture, he would not easily interrupt other people's speeches.

  Just flipping over, he suddenly froze.

  He saw a familiar name on it - Yi Bing!

  Ouyang Mofei suddenly looked up at Gao Teng.

  Gao Tie smiled and shrugged, it seemed that she also knew about it.

  Ouyang Murphy, who didn't care much about it at first, became serious.

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