Is that man really, can't he take care of her body when teaching himself?

  When he was with Ouyang Murphy, he often taught Yi Bing what he realized.

  However, Ouyang Murphy ignored that his body had long since been different from ordinary people.

  Ordinary people use his tricks, although they can burst into a strong force, but they will also increase the load on the body.

  Not to mention a half-human like Yi Bing, who keeps practicing year after year.

  "Since you insist, then I won't persuade me to say anything."

  It is enough for Arima Guishou to persuade him to come here, and if he goes on, he is ignorant: "Then get ready and go to this bureau."

  Arima Gui will accept the agreement from Ibing, and soon Ibing will conduct the first adaptation experiment with other investigators.

  Most of these investigators were half-dead and disabled.

  They participated in this experiment mainly to gain a chance of survival, and there are still a few people like Yibing.

  A few days later, Yi Binglin left the 20th district with the investigators.

  Through the car window, Yi Binglin looked at the scenery of the 20th district with some emotion.

  She originally knew that Ouyang Murphy was in District 20, so she took the initiative to transfer here.

  As a result, I didn't get anything, and now I left here like a defeated dog.

  Didn't even notify the other party.

  She felt a little miserable herself.

  - Bronze tree

  "It seems that girl has really left."

  Ouyang Murphy had a headache looking at the unanswered phone in his hand.

  These girls always do some incomprehensible things, and he couldn't understand why Yi Binglin wanted to participate in this experiment.

  Gao Tread walked to Ouyang Murphy with a box and teased: "Why, my dear Mr. Murphy is thinking about his little lover again."

  Ouyang Mofei said helplessly: "You are always a little lover, and the cry of a little lover may come true one day."

  Gao Teng threw the box in his hand to Ouyang Mofei, and said in a big voice, "Even so, she is still small, and I am the main palace."

  Ouyang Murphy rolled his eyes when he heard this.

  It's nice to say, at that time, the ghost will know whether you will be eaten by you.

  Eat in every sense.

  "what is this?"

  Ouyang Murphy asked, looking at the black suitcase in his hand.

  "Kuyink made from Roma's Hebao." Gao Tie said, "SSS-class brother is so stupid, but he is so much more useful than your 'snake'."

  Gao Teng was referring to Kuyinke, the couple who made Yi Bing for Ouyang Murphy.

  "Remember to read the manual."

  Gao Tread folded a paper airplane and threw it to Ouyang Murphy.

  Things like Kuink will have different functions due to the different characteristics of the Hebao.

  If the user can't use it, it is better to directly take a weapon made of pure Kuink steel.

  "We found several clown strongholds in District 20. If you want to practice your skills, you can go to them."

  Gao stepped on the proposal.

  "We haven't torn apart with the old man yet."

  Ouyang Murphy has nothing to say about this girlfriend who has always wanted to do things.

  Gao Step said casually: "It's almost too soon."

  Basically, as long as CCG and Bronze Tree fight, it will definitely be the time for the old to debut.

  He must be thinking that the two sides will be caught in one go.

  "When are you expected to launch the general attack?"

  Ouyang Murphy opened the suitcase and asked while fiddling with the instructions.

  "Probably in half a year."

  In half a year, the first batch of Kuyx experimental teams were completed.

  According to the urine of CCG, I will definitely try this knife with bronze tree.

  "However, we haven't been doing well recently..."

  Gao stepped on the words have not finished.


  The floor collapsed.


  Ouyang Murphy looked at the gun-like Kuyinke in his hand and smiled awkwardly.

  Gao Teng looked at the empty space in front of him and was speechless.

  The collapsed floor just hit Ken Kaneki and Ayado Kirishima who were fishing downstairs.

  "What are you doing!"

  Kirishima Ayato yelled through the big hole from downstairs.

  "Sorry, ha."

  Ouyang Murphy smiled awkwardly with the gun and sword.

  He didn't expect this Kuink to be so powerful.

  He just tapped the ground lightly, but he didn't know that the spear and sword suddenly changed shape and rushed out of something similar to Linhe.

  Those were wrapped around his right arm, and that's it when he gets nervous.

  "This Chaos is an imitation of Arima Guishogun's 'Owl'. It has good long-range and melee capabilities. Those things that are similar to Linhe can absorb RC cells and increase your power."

  Gao Du first explained it a little, then jumped in front of Ouyang Murphy and knocked his head hard: "Don't play such dangerous things indoors!"

  Ouyang Murphy put away the 'chaos' and laughed, trying to muddle through.

  "Tsk, what a shame!"

  Kirishima Ayato was now disgraced, and dragged Ken Kaneki, who was still in a daze, to take a bath.

  Well...the two are really getting more and more friendly and harmonious.

  After teaching Ouyang Murphy a lesson, Gao Tie continued: "Although it is about half a year later, the various CCG branches are getting more and more powerful to encircle and suppress us."

  "Yes, got it."

  Ouyang Mofei, who had just done something wrong, nodded very seriously.

  Gao Teng glanced at Ouyang Murphy, who looked like a child, and said lightly: "They have stepped up their search in District 20, and they will be discovered almost as soon as there is a disturbance."


  Ouyang Murphy still didn't understand the meaning of high stepping.

  "Damn, why did these white pigeons come here?"

  Downstairs suddenly came the scolding voice of Kirishima Ayutu, and then Kaneki Ken.

  "Xuandu, wear a mask, wear a mask!"

  It's like the sound of a husband forgetting to bring a lunch box when he goes out, and his wife shouting from behind.

  "So that's what it means."

  Gao Step said: "Because of you, our stronghold is gone."


  The current bronze tree has really become a street rat. .

Chapter 129

  "Oh, Mr. Arima, have we caught a big fish?"

  Gao Tie and Ouyang Mofei were about to evacuate when they heard that very rude voice - Old Duo Erfu.

  "It looks like I can't run."

  Ouyang Murphy saw Old Duo Erfu and Arima Guijun standing in front of them.

  "Sure enough, I still have the foresight to go out and let you do a good disguise."

  Gao stepped on and complained: "If it wasn't for you, they wouldn't have found us."

  "It's hard to say. From the appearance of Mr. Clown, he brought people to arrest us on purpose."

  Ouyang Mo Fei weighed the 'chaos'.

  The opponents are all half-humans, and the RC cells in their bodies are higher than normal people, just to try out the performance of this weapon.

  "One-eyed, and... iron face."

  Arima Guishou frowned.

  One-Eyed has dealt with himself in the past, so there is nothing to fear.

  But this iron face.

  Iron Face is a new appearance in the Bronze Tree Invasion Brother Dodder.

  The specific Hezi is not clear.

  But the physical skills are extremely strong, said the personnel who escaped from the scene.

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