"Da da da……"

  Suddenly, the investigators fired at Ayano Kirishima.


  Kirishima Ayano secretly shouted that it was not good, and there was no way to escape!

  But there was no pain in the body.

  "It's alright."

  Kaneki Ken stood in front of Kirishima Ayutu and asked worriedly.

  Those bullets were all blocked by Ken Kaneki and Heko.

  Kirishima Ayaka was stunned for a moment, then pouted: "Take care of yourself."

  Kaneki Ken smiled slightly, and he already knew the character of Kirishima Ayato very clearly.

  "Mr. Shinohara, are they the target this time? It feels so weak."

  Suzuya Shizo threw the dagger in his hand and looked at Kaneki Ken and the others.

  Shinohara Yukuki carried a large sword, walked to Suzuya Shizo, and said, "Don't take it lightly when fighting."


  As Suzuya said, he suddenly rushed in front of Kaneki Ken, very dexterous.


  Before Kaneki Ken could react, the dagger made by Shizuo Suzuya was about to pierce his neck.

  Seeing that the situation was not good, Kirishima Ayato immediately pulled Kaneki Ken back.

  Although he lost his balance, he escaped the blow.

  But that's all.

  Shinohara Yukuki carried the big sword and immediately filled the position.

  Kaneki Ken's Hezi was able to block it, but there were still a group of gun-wielding investigators looking at him.

  Bullet after bullet hit Ken Kaneki and Ayado Kirishima.

  There was no way they could hide.

  The bullet pierced both bodies.

  Shinohara Yukiji's broadsword and Suzuya's dagger left one wound after another on their bodies.

  If they hadn't, brother Zheng would have died by now.


  Kirishima Ayato dragged the injured Kaneki Ken back.

  "Run away."

  Kaneki Ken said to Kirishima Ayutu: "You can definitely run out with your speed."

  Ayato Kirishima could have escaped before CCG arrived, but he stayed because of Ken Kaneki.

  "Shut up, idiot!"

  Kirishima Ayato scolded directly: "Leave you and run, how is it possible!"

  Suzuya Shizo shook his head and said, "None of you can escape."

  Saying that, Suzuya Shizo rushed up to give the two of them the last shot.

  Kirishima Ayutuo's face was hideous, could it be possible to die like this?


  Kaneki Ken suddenly bit himself, he was eating his own flesh and blood.

  Heko behind Kaneki started to grow frantically in an instant.

  Pieces of armor began to grow on Lin He, and He Zi, like a centipede, hit Suzuya Shizao vigorously.

  Kaneki Ken endured the pain, then tore off a piece of meat from his hand and stuffed it into Kirishima Ayutu's mouth.

  His teeth were all covered with his own blood, and Kaneki Yan forced a smile: "If you are injured, replenish RC cells, I have not forgotten what you said."


  Kirishima Ayumi looked at Kaneki Ken blankly, the bloody smell of the other party in his mouth.

  "Are you an idiot?!"

  Jin Muyan smiled naively, but it was still too reluctant: "Hehe."

  "Be careful."

  Kouki Shinohara, who found something bad, exploded immediately, and the big knife in his hand split the centipede-like Heko for Suzuya Shizo.

  Hexie broke.

  "Get out of here!"

  With the addition of Ken Kaneki's flesh and blood, Ayutu Kirishima recovered a little, and Yuhiro, who was burning behind his back, waved again.


  From the beginning of the battle, Arima Takasama has maintained a defensive stance.

  In addition to the fierce offensive of the opponent, he also needs to adapt to predict Ouyang Murphy's path.

  And now... enough.

  I saw that Arima Guishogun's speed suddenly increased in that second.

  At the moment when Ouyang Mo was not free, he slashed several times.

  Instant attack!

  This is a characteristic of 'owl'.

  In a short period of time, he has the power of Yuhe's sexual brother.

  Ouyang Mofei didn't back down when he saw this, but saw him stick the 'chaos' to the ground.

  The blade suddenly widened, and countless scales were sprayed out of the hollow.

  It was as if Roma spit out scales from her abdomen.

  The powerful Rinhiro and Arima Takashogun's 'Owl' had a strangulation effect.

  Obviously not brother Zheng, but they are all using brother value Mu α Jun

  Arima Guishou finished his slashing, and the 'chaos' created Hiroko all shattered.

  But Ouyang Murphy did not draw his sword, but suddenly crouched down and moved quickly behind Arima Guishou.

  "Gangquan is the best!"

  A fatal blow was thrown at Arima Guishogun who was temporarily unprepared.

  Quick, hard, accurate!

  Even a certain Uncle Li would praise a good punch when he saw it.

  Unfortunately, this punch did not hit Arima Guishou.

  Suddenly, an extremely hard thing sprang out from under the ground.

  is another part of 'Owl'!


  Like ringing a bell, Ouyang Mofei's fist hit it.


  Ouyang Murphy blew up the weapon composed of Kuyinke Steel and SSS-class Hebao.

  Although he lost part of his weapon, Takashi Arima was also temporarily out of danger...  

  "Tsk! It's really insidious."

  Ouyang Murphy looked at Kuyink, who he had punched through, and cursed.

  The 'Owl' can be disassembled, and this part is obviously hidden under Arima Gui.

  If it wasn't for the one just now, it is very likely that he would be overcast.

  "I hate being shackled the most."

  Ouyang Mofei threw the scrap iron in his hand and slowly pulled out the sword stuck on the ground: "Let's get rid of you quickly."


  Arima Guishou suddenly felt a strong wind, and instinct made him immediately lift the 'Owl'.

  What happened next proved that he was right.

  "Heavy hack!"

  Ouyang Mofei suddenly appeared in front of him for some reason and slashed hard.

  Unpretentious and neat!

  But there is a kind of sharpness that has transformed from countless swordsmanship.

  Arima Gui will use the strength of his whole body to resist this blow.

  But I don't know why, the power on that great sword did not decrease with the passage of time, but instead layer by layer.


  Arima Gui knelt on one knee on the ground, and he smashed the ground one after another.


  Ouyang Mofei sent the strength in his hands, and then kicked his legs.

  His knee slammed into Takasama Arima's jaw.

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