I was surprised that Ouyang Murphy was not a brother-in-law to step on the alliance.

  "It turned out to be true."

  Di Xing A and B were surprised to see Ouyang Mofei's sudden stop.

  Black Rock Rock and Marutesai, looking at the ground line A and B.

  Dixing A and B explained: "I have been researching about Tie Mian there, and I found that the other party is the elder brother who is the one who is supporting the benzy Yuan Huai Ya. It seems that he is not a human being."

  "Not human?"

  Kuro Iwawa, and Marutesai frowned.

  Not human, not brother Zheng, what else?

  The two apparently haven't touched on these things yet.

  Dixing A and B shook his head and did not say anything.

  Half-human things, the less you know, the better.

  He obviously also regarded Ouyang Murphy as a half-human.

  Ouyang Mofei looked at Yi Bingri, whose eyes were starting to redden, giving him a headache.

  This girl must have recognized herself.

  It's really troublesome.

  Originally, he thought that he had put on a mask and changed his body shape a little, and no one would be able to find it.

  Unexpectedly, she was recognized by this girl at a glance.

  "I said that for world peace, everyone who is doing it, do you believe it?"

  Ouyang Murphy stuck 'chaos' on the ground and asked in an unfamiliar tone.

  Marutesai sneered: "For world peace? What bullshit reason."

  Kuro Iwawa wasn't immediately sarcastic to Marutesai.

  He turned around and looked around at the investigators who had been knocked down by Ouyang Murphy.

  Excluding those who were bred by brothers, most of them just fainted.

  This iron face did not kill.

  Just like the owl.

  What Hei Panyan said was Fangcun Gongshan, the owl who did not kill.

  "Then why not join CCG, you are not a brother. 

  Yi Bing's voice trembled a little.

  She did not believe what Ouyang Murphy said.

  It's just that there is something missing in what she said, why not join CCG with her.


  Ouyang Murphy didn't know how to answer the girl's question.

  It is difficult to directly say that it is because of the high stepping.

  "Brother, hurry up."

  Just as Ouyang Murphy was still thinking about how he was going to answer Yi Bing, the brother behind him> Pixong Xia Chu

  He said: "In the other buildings, the chief and many other cadres were entangled."

  The situation in the other buildings was not as good as Ouyang Murphy's side.

  In this CCG headquarters, there are naturally many top investigators.

  Tatara, Noro and his like are not invincible existences here.

  Even if Fangcun is meritorious, there will be danger if he steps too high.

  At least if Arima Guishou came here after recovering, the father and daughter would never have beaten Arima Guishou.

  Not to mention, there are members of V and Joker in it.

  They also won't let go of the members of the Bronze Tree.


  Ouyang Murphy nodded, pulled up the big sword on the ground, and said, "I'm sorry everyone, I'm in a hurry."

  Immediately, the muscles on his body tightened, and he wanted to make the people here lose their combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

  Quickly capture the entire side building, and then go to support other buildings.

  "Be careful, this guy is going to kill!"

  Hei Panyan could feel the breath from Ouyang Mofei, which was obviously different from before.

  Yi Binglin was still stunned, not moving.

  She is very confused right now.

  A few scales twisted around the 'Chaos' sword like vines, wrapping around Ouyang Mofei's right arm.

  "Go together!"

  Ouyang Mofei greeted all the brothers to attack.

  Then he disappeared in place.

  That's right, it disappeared in place like a wind blowing by.

  The next second he appeared behind Yi Bing, in front of Hei Panyan.


  Black Rock immediately raised his shield to defend.

  Ouyang Mofei swung down his sword.

  Because the speed of the swinging sword was too fast, a strange half moon was drawn.


  With a loud bang.

  The sword and the shield collided, and the huge wind pressure blew away the surrounding people.


  Obviously wearing the strongest armor and holding a shield with one of the best defenses, Hei Panyan felt that his internal organs were severely damaged.


  His knee hit the ground hard, and a huge crack was smashed into the ground.

  Then... Hei Panyan completely lost consciousness and fell to the ground.


  Ouyang Mofei looked at the next special class.

  As for Ipoh...

  Let's talk about it later, the battlefield is not the place for explanation. .

Chapter 137

  How strong is Arima Guishogun?

  Ten years ago, Takashi Arima, who was only a second-class investigator, was able to defeat Koyoshi Hoshimura, ripped off his opponent's arms, and made the strongest SSS-level Quinque at present - Owl.

  Ten years have passed.

  Despite the limitation of premature aging of half-human beings, the 29-year-old Takasama Arima is in the prime of his combat effectiveness.

  Even though Gao Teng has surpassed his father and Fangcun Gongshan, he still can't match this white death god.

  "You are really strong."

  Gao Teng looked at the wound on his giant paw with a heavy tone.

  This man is more than twice as strong as when he expelled her and her father.

  How on earth did Mr. Murphy defeat this monster so easily?

  Gao Teng, who was hiding inside the monster, looked a little bitter.

  Arima changed the IXA in his hand into a multi-broken spiral spike, which can cause lethal piercing damage to the enemy.

  Of course, to deal with owls like Gao stepping.

  The best Quinque is naturally the 'Owl', but unfortunately it was destroyed by the monster Ouyang Murphy.

  "The iron face is stronger."

  Arima Guishou has a very deep memory of the man who easily defeated him.

  "That's right, our family is always beyond my expectations."

  Takato said while dodging Arima's attack.

  Since he came to District 20 with Ouyang Murphy, he has constantly refreshed his understanding of him.

  Originally thought it was just a human with good kung fu, but in the end, he easily defeated the gods and the gecko.

  If it wasn't for her intervention after that, Tadara would have really cooled down.

  He also defeated the old Duo Erfu, who he found difficult.

  In the end, he defeated Arima Guishou.

  "Bang, Boom!"

  Every movement of Gao Teng caused great damage to the ground, and the whole building shook many times because of her.

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