It was the sweet, innocent smile of the past.

  She knew Ouyang Murphy, and she knew the answer.


  Yi Binglin suddenly patted Ouyang Murphy's face with his hands, and then pulled him.

  A sweet, sweet kiss.

  Just like Ibrahim.

  Sure enough, different people have different kisses.


  Ouyang Mofei looked at Yi Bingjin blankly: "You..."

  "Ouyang Murphy, you bastard!"

  Yi Binglin scolded softly, saying that it was scolding, rather than being jealous.

  She pulled the man over again.

  Only this time it wasn't a kiss, it was a bite.

  Ouyang Murphy felt that his lips were broken and blood was oozing out.

  And the blood in his mouth was not only from him, but also from Yi Bing.

  When the girl saw him just now, she had already bit her lip.

  The blood of both sides, mixed and distributed to both sides.

  What does blood taste like?

  Probably the smell of rust.

  But for some unknown reason, Ouyang Mofei felt that in addition to the rust taste he had learned, it was a sweet and addictive taste.

  He seemed a little fascinated by Yi Bing's blood.

  The reason, in addition to what the two sides are doing now.

  The most important thing is - Akashia's will.

  For the first time, the scarlet flame that Ouyang Mofei recorded was jumping excitedly.

  It's thirsting for more blood!

  Ouyang Mo is not the true ancestor and needs blood!

  Of course, it's a bit unpleasant to say this at this time.

  Now is the time for boys and girls to kiss.

  However, here is the sweet pink scent, and the other side...


  The high stepping was hit by Arima Gui from the top of the tall building and directly hit the inner ground.

  Many of her Hezi have long been cut off by the other party.

  Arima Gui will step on high.

  Complete abuse!

  This is a world famous painting!pill.

Chapter 140

  ——A certain vampire station


  At this time, Chi Ye Mengxiang, who was training herself in the wild, felt a strangeness coming from her body.


  Not the body, but a part of the soul.

  It's not accurate to say that, it's more like his own strength has just been affected.

  Not the usual inexplicable surge.

  Instead, a force that had never throbbed suddenly began to change.

  It's like... the meaning of a long drought and a rain.

  It is normal for Chi Ye Mengxiang to feel this way.

  That's because Ouyang Murphy tasted the blood of others just now.

  The True Ancestor represented by that group of 'Akasha's Will' was fed.

  That group of flames was Chi Ye Mengxiang's mother, which Akashia condensed after she completed her amazing career.

  And Chi Ye Mengxiang, she has the power of Akashia, the blood of the true ancestor in her body.

  There are some subtle connections between the two.

  in the castle

  "Mengxiang must be sent out as soon as possible."

  Zhu Ranyicha looked at the daughter in the video and was very worried.

  Chi Ye Mengxiang's power growth rate is getting more and more exaggerated, and it will not take long for him to wake up from the rampage.

  The old driver shook his head helplessly: "No, that world is still closed, and I can't get in."

  The old driver's abilities allow him to travel between worlds, but only.

  If different worlds are closed, he can't even get close.

  As an outsider, he would be assimilated into a creature of that world before the other world was closed.

  And lose the ability to shuttle.

  The only one who can really swim in various worlds is that kid.

  "How long will that take!"

  Zhu Ranyicha was very irritable, this feeling of watching his daughter step into the abyss step by step, but helpless.

  It is absolutely unbearable as a father.

  "Come on, come on."

  The old driver tried his best to appease the vampire king who was about to go mad.

  "The world of cannibals, the flames are being lit."

  Although he can no longer get close to that closed world, he can feel it.

  That world is already on fire.

  It won't be long before it's completely on fire, and the world will be unlocked again.

  ——Brother is Neon Lan


  Yi Bing was paralyzed in Ouyang Murphy's arms, and she covered her lips.

  I don't know if it's an illusion.

  She felt that Ouyang Murphy was sucking her own blood just now.

  At this time, Ouyang Mofei was obviously a little unfulfilled.

  Part of it is because of kissing.

  The other part was because of the smell of blood, which made him a little bit addicted.

  However, he finally stopped the impulse in his heart and made up his mind that he must study the flame again when he goes back.

  Why did he still have that urge to blood even though he didn't use that vampire's flame?

  "That's the first time you've taken the initiative."

  It seemed that Ouyang Murphy's kiss had some kind of strange effect.

  Yi Bingcheng's face was a little crimson, and he had no strength.

  Looking at the girl in his arms, Ouyang Mofei's face became completely complicated.

  This time, it was impossible for him to escape.

  It can also be said before that I am passive, not active.

  Now I am enjoying myself there too.


  Wait, why do you feel like a scumbag before?

  Obviously enjoying the things that should be enjoyed, but do not want to be responsible.


  Ouyang Mofei suddenly found that he seemed to have become a scumbag ever since he escaped from Yi Bingcheng's side.

  Forced to be a scumbag, becoming a scumbag invisibly.

  In his previous life, he was too diligent in changing girls.

  Said to be a scumbag, but it is actually a transaction.

  After all, he didn't delay any girl.

  What the other party wants, he gives, and he also takes something from them.

  Others also feel normal.

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