"Are you kidding me, it's possible that the bastard isn't going to let go!"

  Zhu Ran was stunned for a while, the fire was lit for you, and you still closed the door and didn't let anyone out.

  I'm not afraid that other worlds will kill you.

  "It should be that it hasn't burned as much as it should."

  The driver touched his chin, guessing.

  "Really or not, isn't that enough?"

  Zhu Ranyicha looked at the flame in her impression in disbelief.

  "Probably this is the benefit of having that kid there. He is both the igniter and the igniter."

  The old driver shook his head, and he became more and more puzzled about the existence of Ouyang Murphy.

  "But even if you wait, it won't take long."

  "If it really continues to burn, it will be much bigger than the movement made by Akashya."

  ——Brother is Neon Lan

  "Aren, why are you here?"

  Ouyang Mofei was a little embarrassed, no, it was kidney pain.

  Every time I had a little bad contact with Yi Bing, I would be tortured for a few days.

  Especially recently she has an angel form.

  That is simply more terrifying than the other forms.

  Forget about physical strength, the state of the high-stepper is really terrifying.

  Don't say it, it's all tears.

  "Hey, I specifically waited until Gao Teng was taken away before I came out."

  Yi Binglin let go of Ouyang Murphy, smiling all over his face.

  So you really came to steal your home!

  Ouyang Mofei's eyes widened.

  Yi Binglin leaned over to Ouyang Mofei and said with an ambiguous expression, "Isn't it more interesting to be sneaky like this?"

  Ouyang Mofei said helplessly, "I feel like you are killing yourself."

  Yi Binglin smiled and said, "If she really wants to kill me, will you stop her?"

  "I won't let this happen, I will organize all your murderous behaviors in advance!"

  Ouyang Mo is not righteous.

  Yi Bingli sneered: "I don't know who it is. I don't even care about the girlfriend who was beaten. Kissing other women, tsk tsk tsk."

  Ouyang Mofei's expression froze.

  After that day, he was re-examined on the side of his body.

  Very normal.

  No vampire fangs have grown.

  I don't have any impulses for blood.

  That group of 'Akasha's Will' also lay strangely inside, motionless.

  It seems that his obsession is not because of the True Ancestor.

  In other words, he was deluded himself, and he really had that idea.

  "I made the mistake that all men make, maybe..."

  Ouyang Mofei was very embarrassed.


  Yi Bing sneered, and then said, "Murphy, that's really a scumbag answer. You really are an out-and-out scumbag."

  Ouyang Murphy shrugged his head, he himself didn't want to be like that.

  But reality played a big joke on him.

  A little bit narcissistic, a man like him, in addition to being like a star in the dark night...

  "Anyway, what are you doing here?"

? ????????? asking for flowers????? ??

  Ouyang Mofei really didn't believe that Yi Bing was really willing to come here because of these.

  Yi Binglin said, "You are so boring."

  Apparently he came to him because of something really bad.

  Speaking of business, Yi Bing's face became serious.

  "Not long ago, Old Duoerfu invaded CCG's headquarters."

  Ouyang Murphy spit out: "Your building can really be invaded by anyone."

  Yi Bingren rolled his eyes, but did not refute.

  After all, CCG's defense now seems to be as unreliable as a piece of paper.

  "According to what the General Administration of Hearima said, he will launch a riot in Neon as the king of Hexiu soon."

0 ......  

  "Isn't this inevitable?" Ouyang Murphy said, "Based on Mr. Clown's situation, it's strange that he settles down."

  Yi Bingjin said: "So there is the General Administration of Horses, let me come over and understand the situation with you, whether Bronze Tree can really join forces with CCG."

  Ouyang Mofei was taken aback and said, "CCG is planning to join forces with us?"

  To be honest, although at the press conference and afterwards, Ouyang Murphy had the idea of ​​cooperating with CCG.

  After all, just relying on the bronze tree, it's hard to say whether the neon humans believe it or not.

  So the bronze tree needs the assistance of CCG.

  Official recognition is required.

  But CCG will cooperate with Bronze Tree. In Ouyang Mofei's point of view, at least it should be the old Duoduo Erfu that has an irreversible social impact, not now.

  "Is it Ma Guishang's own intention, or CCG's intention."


  Ouyang Murphy showed such an expression as he expected, and said, "I knew it."

  Yi Binglin looked at Ouyang Mofei and said, "Actually, I can't understand why Ma Guijiang wants to cooperate with Bronze Tree."

  In Yibing's point of view.

  Although CCG's situation is not good now, it is still very simple to deal with a clown.

  "Probably, he also wants to end the current conflict between humans and brothers." Maru.

Chapter 150

  District 24 is a large labyrinth that is excavated by Brother Zhi and spreads all over Tokyo underground.

  According to rumors, there are a lot of brother frames lurking in the deepest part of the 24th district

  Not only that, the walls of District 24 are "meat walls" made of Hezi.

  Its production principle is similar to that of Kuyink, but the production process is developed by the brother of 24th District.

  Because of this wall of flesh, the exploration of Area 24 has become difficult.

  But now, Area 24 will officially unveil its mystery.

  Old Duo Erfu, Bai, and Doneto Prupla (Father, Amen Gangtaro's adoptive father).

  The three-person team set foot in this area.

  "The first generation, the forbidden one-eyed king, does it really exist?"

  Chan looked at the wall of flesh around him, with doubts in his tone.

  Jiu Duo Erfu smiled slightly and said, "That's naturally true. When CCG was still a countermeasure institute, there were monsters."

  "This one-eyed king, wouldn't it be something you and the Xiu family made again?"

  Chant looked at Jiu Duo Er Fu suspiciously.

  Old Duo Erfu refused to deny it, indeed.

  Bai sighed: "It's a sinful family."

  "Of course, sin will be washed away eventually."

  Father Doneto Prupla's eyes glowed red.

  Hearing that, a sick smile appeared on Jiu Duo Erfu's face: "Yes, I, the King of Hexiu, will put an end to all these sins!"

  The old Duo Erfu's Hezi broke out and was inserted into the surrounding meat wall.

  What is terrifying is that those walls of flesh began to wriggle, and even grew scarlet, glass-like eyes.

  These walls of meat are alive!

  The so-called one-eyed king, even through constant predation, acquires RC cells.

  Can't live more than a hundred years.

  But Old Duo Erfu said there that the first generation of the one-eyed king was still alive.

  Then the problem is coming.

  How did this generation of one-eyed kings survive?

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