Well... after all, he is the one-eyed leader of that bronze tree.

  I didn't expect this prison to hold her.

  Otherwise, there is no need for them to prepare everything for this aunt in the cell.

  Oh, it's all tears.

  Why is Gao stepping so angry?

  Of course, it's because Ouyang Murphy and the others are more than just kissing!

  After that, all kinds of strange sounds appeared in the phone.

  As a skilled old driver, Gao Step can of course hear what those sounds are!

  "How dare that woman! How dare!"

  Gao Teng gritted his teeth, but he was really pryed by the other party? !

  Ouyang Mofei, this bastard!

  Talking about liking her, talking about having nothing to do with that woman.

  Now, in front of her, she is doing these things with that pink Mao Bichi.

  She is going out now and slaughtering this dog and man.

  "Don't come out... oh."

  At this time, Yi Bing's weak voice came from the phone.

  "If you... come out now, everything you and... Murphy will do will be in vain."

  Yi Binglin's voice became smaller and smaller, and the last few words were spoken there with anger.

  Hidden in the high step inside Gundam, his eyebrows jumped.

  "And...and, I've done everything, and now you're here...it's no use...to help."

  Yi Binglin also seemed to persuade Gao to step on, but her intermittent words really made people...

  "Murphy just made the mistake that all men make, and it's over."

  After speaking, Yi Binglin hung up the phone.

  "Beep beep..."

  The high-stepping mobile phone is already busy.


  Gao stepped on the phone to explode!

  He Zi, who was behind him, penetrated the wall completely, and the timid brother Zhi Qia was completely stunned and fainted.

  I will kill this fellow!

  Gao Teng's eyes glowed red.

  But is Yi Bing at this time really like what she said?


  After hanging up the phone, Yi Bingjin's hand holding the phone sags down weakly.

  She was probably in rags at this point.

  The truth, though, is that they didn't do what they thought they were.

  At this time, Ouyang Mofei was holding her tightly and buried his face in her neck.

  He is sucking blood!

  Just now Ouyang Murphy suddenly pushed him away and hugged him.

  Yi Bingli thought something was really going to happen.

  But suddenly there was a tingling pain in the neck.

  That's the feeling of fangs piercing the skin.

  Yi Binglin, who has more control over his body than ordinary people, can clearly feel it.

  The icy fangs pierced the skin, and his blood was rushing out of the arteries.

  He was sucked clean by the man in front of him.

  Not at all left.

  Like... a vampire.

  Ouyang Murphy is like a gluttonous child, sucking the blood of Yi Bingli without restraint.

  This was the first time he actually ate.

  At this moment, the group of 'Akasha's Will' he recorded was burning with excitement.

  Yi Bing's blood was like an accelerant, making the flames burn more and more vigorously.

  Gradually, the flames reached the point where Ouyang Mofei lit up by himself.

  In the illustrated book, the card representing 'Akasha's Will' was completely lit up.

  Lighted up when Ouyang Mofei didn't allow it.

  Like a low tide, Ouyang Mofei's black hair faded.

  Snow-white hair stained.

  His eyes became more scarlet, and the fangs of the true ancestor completely grew out, and the speed of absorbing blood was faster.

  Yi Bing, who was hugged tightly by Ouyang Mofei, could feel it.

  Ouyang Mofei's figure seemed to become tighter at that moment.

  Has reached the perfect body, indescribable point.

  It is probably the kind of degree that shows a little bit of abdominal muscles, it will make a woman crazy.

  But she didn't feel it carefully.

  Yi Bing's face became paler, and the blood in his body lost too much in a short period of time.

  If it is sucked and sucked again, I don't know if it will be life-threatening.

  But even if it was dangerous, Yi Binglin did not refuse.

  On the one hand, she didn't want to refuse, on the other hand... she couldn't refuse.

  In the process of sucking blood, the fangs seem to release some kind of hormone, or even toxin.

  A toxin that paralyzes nerves.

  Even after being sucked so much blood, Yi Bing's face was still flushed.

  She is also very addicted to this feeling of being sucked blood.

  It was so comfortable that she even had the idea of ​​being sucked to death just like that.

  She was powerless, but happy.

  Her nervous system was telling her, don't move, just wait and enjoy.

  very scary.

  ".‖How is this going."

  Yi Binglin looked worriedly at Ouyang Murphy, who was buried in his neck. Now he was like a ghoul who hadn't eaten for a long time.

  And his sudden white hair.

  In Yibing's cognition, of course, RC cells rapidly increase in value in a short period of time, and such a situation may occur.

  But Ouyang Mofei has almost no RC cells in his body.

  Could it be that he is really a vampire?

  ——Vampire Station

  At this time, the runaway Chi Ye Mengxiang has been trapped by Zhu Ranyicha's demon power.

  "That's it, it's enough to wait until she releases the excess power."

  The old driver walked out slowly and said, "You don't need to be so nervous, this level of rampage won't wake up that guy at all."

  "Fuck you, I feel sorry for my daughter. If that guy doesn't wake up, it's none of my business."

  Zhu Ranyicha rolled his eyes.


  The old driver was speechless for such a king of vampires (of Zhao's).

  It is better to get in touch with the true ancestor of Akashia.

  However, they were obviously too happy too soon.

  I saw some illusory flames burning inexplicably on Chi Ye Mengxiang's body.

  A scarlet phantom flame.

  Zhu Ranyicha also noticed this: "That is..."

  "It's the flame I gave that kid."

  The old driver also became serious.

  Sure enough, even if the flame was not from Chi Yemengxiang, she and Ouyang Mofei could still influence each other.

  Just what will happen to that kid?

  That flame was like adding a series of buffs to Chi Ye Mengxiang.

  The overflowing demon power suddenly began to retract the retracting fork.

  The already hot body became even more explosive.


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