Arima Gui will go straight to the topic, which may be his style.

  "Of course there is time."

  Ouyang Murphy nodded, cooperating with CCG has been the Bronze Tree recently.

  Although the popularity of Bronze Tree among the masses is very good at present, reaching a cooperative relationship with CCG is the real means to correct it.

  As for the high tread, um... let's go later.

  After all, after discussing it with General Arima, you can take it home directly, so there's no need to be in such a hurry...

  Then Ouyang Murphy and Arima Guishou went to the office to discuss.

  Yi Binglin watched the two of them leave, his expression a little bad.

  Since Murphy is not going, let her go see her sister who is locked up first.

  "Hey hey."

  Yi Binglin seemed to have seen Gao Step's furious look.

  "Uh... I Bing, what's the matter with you?"

  Amen Gangtaro looked a little hairy when he looked at Yi Bingjin's appearance of doing something.

  "It's nothing."

  Saying that, Yi Bing entered and left the CCG building. She knew where the prison where Gao Cao was held.

  - Prison location

  Gao Teng was sitting on the sofa at this time, sulking.

  Looking around, there are almost ruins.

  The walls are full of exaggerated large holes, making people worry that the prison will suddenly collapse.

  The surrounding brothers shrugged and shivered, not daring to make a sound.

  They finally saw the horror of the one-eyed.

  High tread gnashing teeth.

  That dead scumbag really did that.

  Although he had already guessed it, Gao Teng was still very angry.

  Sure enough, men are unreliable!

  "Ah, sister, why do you think you just had a fight here?"

  Yi Bingcheng's soft and ethereal voice echoed in this silent prison.

  "elder sister?!"

  High step pupil constriction. .

Chapter 158


  "That's the problem we're facing right now."

  Arima Gui will hand over the latest information to Ouyang Murphy and say, "Most of those clowns are dead investigators, and there are many ordinary people who are forced."

  Except for District 24, almost everything is being destroyed by clowns.

  CCG also quickly got some news from the other party.

  Many of the members of the Joker are remodeled dead.

  These are their main combat powers.

  These deceased ones were obsessed with eating meat, or desperately lacking RC cells.

  So they will seize every opportunity to nibble.

  But at the same time, their intelligence is not very high.

  It's easy to be guided by the real clowns on the team.

  Then there's the issue of the humans in the Joker team.

  Ouyang Mofei frowned: "There are still humans here, ordinary people?"

  Arima Guijian nodded and said, "Almost every clown gang has humans in the front row, and they rely on these people as shields to set foot in the entire city."

  When the truth was known, the CCG as a whole ushered in another downturn.

  Zeng Jin helped brother Zhi to retire and now even kill ordinary people.

  Many young investigators were even depressed because of this.

  Murder is not as easy as it seems.

  Not to mention the investigators who have been educated in integrity since childhood and want to protect people.

  "More importantly, we found a large number of clowns entrenched in the underground area of ​​24."

  "Underground in Area 24?"

  Ouyang Murphy began to recall the impression of District 24 in his mind, to be honest, there were not many.

  Arima continued to explain: "Those clowns kept transporting bodies inside, whether human or otherwise."

  "doing what?"

  Arima Gui Jiang's expression became serious, and he handed Ouyang Mofei another report, which was about the detection of the underground.

  "Recently, we have detected that there are a lot of moving heat sources underground in the 24th area, or the entire 24th area has begun to fluctuate."

  "To this extent...a bit like a living thing."

  Ouyang Mofei has practiced martial arts for many years, and is still very sensitive to these things.

  Those energy blocks in the ground, plus the annotations next to them, have reached the thermal range of living things.

  "What's under Area 24?"

  Ouyang Murphy had to pay attention, something unexpected suddenly appeared.

  Arima Guishou stroked his glasses and said, "It's the... dragon from the Hexiu family."


  Ouyang Mofei's eyes widened when he heard this.

  What a joke, there are dragons in this world?

  Not so fanciful.

  Arima Guishou explained: "The Hexiu family once gave birth to a true one-eyed king in the past."

  Gao stepping and Arima Guishou are not the first.

  "It's just that he went berserk after eating too many brothers and toes. He started to prey on the people of the Hexiu family. The accumulation of a large number of RC cells made him completely changed and became a dragon."

  Arima Guijun handed Ouyang Mofei another dark photo with a dragon drawn on it.

  " call this thing... a dragon?"

  Ouyang Mofei looked at the long monster in the photo and didn't know how to describe his mood for a while.

  How should I put it, as a person from the sea, he is still an inheritor of ancient martial arts.

  Ouyang Mofei is still a little emotional about dragons.

  As a result, you held a... indescribable long monster, and he said it was a dragon.

  Isn't something bad.

  Arima Guishou ignored Ouyang Murphy's complaints and continued: "The Hexiu family dispatched all their strength to subdue him, kill him, and then throw him under the floor."

  "And then the formation of Area 24?"

  Ouyang Mofei compared the photos of District 24 and the dragon, and had some associations.

  Those walls of meat can't be this dragon.

  Arima Guishou nodded: "Now it seems that the dragon is not dead and is being awakened."

  "Why can't you develop a good habit of making up your knife?"

  Ouyang Murphy had a headache.

  The people around him don't seem to make up for it.

  The most typical representative is Yi Binglin, who was almost GG several times because she didn't have it.

  "Also, why are you throwing this big guy into the ground? Why don't you just divide it up and eat it?"

  Ouyang Mofei complained: "This way, with the Xiu family, we won't need to prey for decades."

  Arima Guijian listened and looked at Ouyang Murphy quietly.

  This guy's ability to sneer is a bit strong.

  Seeing Arima Guishou's eyes, Ouyang Mofei immediately stopped complaining.

  "The clowns have been transporting corpses there, and they must be trying to wake up the dragon completely."

? ????????? asking for flowers????? ??

  "What happens when you wake it up?" Ouyang Mofei looked at the size of the big guy, "Can you blow up this thing with modern weapons?"

  Arima Guishou said: "That is the last resort."

  After all, once those weapons of mass destruction are used, the surrounding cities are basically useless.

  "And..." Arima Guishou said with a very solemn expression, "If it wakes up, human beings may become... brother frame!

  Ouyang Mo Fei paused and raised his head sharply: "What do you mean?"

  This is no funny joke.

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