At this time, Yi Binglin already knew it was going to happen, she just wanted to curse in her heart, green hair and green pool!

  Shameless guy.

  Soon Ouyang Murphy returned to the dormitory and walked in without knocking on the door.

  After all, they have been officially together with Gao Tread for a while, and the way they get along is more and more casual and natural.

  "Quan, you... um."

  Ouyang Mofei originally wanted to ask where Gao Tie went.

  As soon as he came in, he saw something that raised his blood pressure and killed him.

  At this time, he even made up some "funny" sound effects in his mind.

  "How about today's secretary, boss."

  Gao Tie showed an aggressive smile from Sister Yu, and she grabbed Ouyang Mofei's tie.

  ", what day is it?"

  Ouyang Mofei's waist subconsciously hurt.

  When people are old, their health is not good.

  Gao Teng approached Ouyang Mofei's ear slowly.

  The scent of the perfume on her body is different from that in the past, and a little smell can smell a mature feminine flavor.

  "Today is... a day of revenge."

  Gao Step is simply against the sky in this aspect of acting.

  Now her frowns and smiles, every word and sentence, are full of Yujie's breath.

? ????????? asking for flowers????? ??

  Gao Tread gently rubbed Ouyang Mofei's earlobe.

  "Uh, uh, uh!"

  Yi Bing, who was hiding in the closet, shouted frantically.

  But to no avail.

  Her mouth was covered, and her groaning was directly covered up by the music outside.

  She wanted to hit the closet, but Heko, who bound her, obviously wouldn't give her such a chance.

  If she didn't move once, Hezi would tighten it a little, causing Yi Bingri to not dare to move.

  too frightening.

  Gao Teng glanced at the wardrobe and smiled inwardly.

  Pink hair, a defeated dog is a defeated dog after all.

  Even if you are given the opportunity to temporarily steal your home, what can you do?

  I'll make you cry every minute and make you strike out.

0 ......  

  Gao stepped on and pulled Ouyang Murphy onto the bed.

  For a time this room can be said to be, happiness and sadness coexist.

  Outside the wardrobe, the scene inside the wardrobe can be said to be very different.

  High pressure on one side and low pressure on the other.

  Yi Binglin closed his eyes and didn't want to see this sad scene, but the voice in his ears could not be blocked.

  Why do this to her.

  She is still a child!

  Show her, just show her, why stimulate her.

  Yi Bing Rin felt that he had been opened to a new world.


  Because behind her... she slowly opened her eyes.

  Alas, poor girl.

  How long this maddening revenge has lasted, no one cares, and there is no need to care.

  the next day.

  Ouyang Murphy was called by Arima Guishou early to discuss further specific actions.

  Gao stepped wrapped in a blanket and opened the wardrobe door with a smile.

  At this time, Yi Bing's face was flushed.

  There are reasons why the wardrobe is sultry, there are reasons why Hezler is too tight and it is difficult to breathe, and there are...

  Gao Tread smiled and leaned in front of Yi Bing, and said, "Fen Mao, you are still a little tender."

  "Good...that's too much."

  Yi Bing looked at Gao Teng tremblingly.

  Tears of emotional complexity were shed.

  There are grievances, regrets, and more self-blame.

  I turned out to be... pills.

Chapter 164

  Gao Tread released Heko who bound Yi Bing into.

  Because of being tied up for too long and for some physical reasons (funny), Yi Binglin slumped directly on the ground.


  Gao Tread showed the typical smile of a bad guy.

  She patted Yi Binglin's little face lightly: "I watched it last night, are you happy?"

  Yi Bingjin didn't speak, her pure little world had been greatly impacted.

  She needs silence.

  First, she did not open the door to a new world.

  No new hobbies have been awakened.

  No, no, no!

  absolutely not...

  With tears in his eyes, Yi Bing was crying frantically in his heart.

  Alas, poor baby.

  The past 20 years have been smooth sailing.

  I didn't know that I met Gao stepping, um...

  This woman has a little calf in every way.

  Gao Teng squatted beside Yi Bing, and looked at this pear blossom with rain, and felt relieved for a while.


  The ghost knows how collapsed and angry she was when this woman called her to provoke her and broadcast her live broadcast a few days ago.

  It's the first time to be a human, so there's no need to endure it.


  Gao Tread stretched out his fingers and flicked the tears on Yi Bingcheng's face, and said with a smile: "So, sister Fenmao. You must be obedient in the future, and don't come to provoke people you can't provoke."

  Yi Bing nodded blankly, but did not speak.

  "Hey, are you playing bad?"

  Gao Teng poked Yi Bing's little head suspiciously.

  no response.

  Poke again.

  Still no response.

  Gao Teng sighed with emotion: "The unexpected innocence is unbearable. I originally wanted to continue to play other things."

  Hearing this, Yi Binglin shuddered.

  "Hey, I suddenly feel that it's quite interesting to tease you like this."

  Gao stepped up and stood up, and the excellent figure had a different kind of charm under the cover of the blanket.

  Now the gap between her and Yi Bing was immediately revealed.

  One is the aloof and ever-changing Witch King.

  One is the embarrassed, pitiful Cinderella.

  Can't move at all.

  Gao stepped to the table, picked up an apple, and bit it.

  I don't know why, it's such a normal action, but it's very...

  However, the only Ouyang Murphy who can appreciate now is not here.

  Gao Tread looked at his apple and asked playfully, "Pink hair."


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