Two completely different Hezi collided.

  one holy, one bloody

  The difference between the two is clear at a glance.

  This is probably the first collision between the one-eyed king and the king of Hexiu.

  Jiu Duo Erfu resisted and sarcastically said, "It's really sarcastic. He is obviously a man-eating monster, but Hezi is like this."

  "What? Envy, little mouse living in the dark? (of money)"

  Gao Tread was not stimulated by the other party at all, but went back ironically.

  "A clown who can't even call his own father, is used as a tool, and is abandoned by the girl he likes. Are you envious?"

  Obviously, Gao Tie's investigation of Jiu Duo Er Fu's investigation is very clear.

  After all, the people who are in charge of him are all on their side.

  "Die Ba Po Yuan!"

  Xu Shi was touched by Gao's trampling and touched the wound on his heart, and Jiu Duo Erfu directly changed his face.

  "Tsk tsk, it's really ugly."

  The angel's wings stepped on high suddenly expanded, and the white-gold brilliance seemed to overwhelm the opposite side in an instant.

  Old Duo Erfu was bounced off.

  "Mr. Clown, you are very unqualified." Gao Teng looked at Jiu Duo Erfu playfully and said, "As a clown, how can you show such an ugly expression."

  Old Duo Erfu squinted and looked at Gao Teng.

  The strength of this bastard has really grown a lot stronger. .

Chapter 172

  When the battle was in hot water elsewhere, Ouyang Murphy was very quiet here.

  Apart from a few sudden demented brothers, he didn't run into too many dangers.

  Uh... I guess there is probably no danger to this humanoid Tyrannosaurus.

  As he went deeper, he noticed the difference in the walls.

  "It's getting harder and harder."

  Ouyang Mofei touched the surrounding walls.

  Compared with the wall at the entrance, the hardness of the wall here has obviously risen by a level.

  The surface also began to transition from the original pink flesh to blue-black.

  As if... it had grown a skin.

  It's not just these that have changed, there are more and more Hezi on the meat wall.

  Like scales, it was indiscriminately attached to the wall of meat.

  "I am, getting closer and closer to the center?"

  Ouyang Mofei temporarily stopped to rest for a while, looked at the time, and ten minutes had passed.

  He still has twenty minutes to explore.

  After that, no matter what, I need to reconcile with those two girls.

  "But when we get here, is the walkie-talkie really useless?"

  Originally, he wanted to contact the two women and ask them how their situation was, but the walkie-talkie could only make a busy tone now.

  No signal at all.



  The strange sound made Ouyang Murphy, who was parked in place, immediately alert.

  The sound from the corner in front of it.

  "It's really looking more and more like a thriller."

  Ouyang Mofei thought of Gao Tsai's complaints.

  Strange noise around the corner.

  There are several scenarios in his mind now.

  For example, as soon as I passed by, a monster suddenly popped out from the corner and attacked in the face.

  For example, rushing over to find that there is nothing, and then turning back, good guy, turn back and kill!


  But the reality is not the same as his imagination.

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

  Strange voices kept approaching.

  People choose to go directly, not to play the routine of surprise.

  Ouyang Mofei listened more and more clearly.

  That guy is running this way!

  Ouyang Murphy shook the 'chaos' in the handshake and put on an attacking stance.



  I saw a pink monster rushed out.

  This time, the muscles of the monster's body were very distinct.

  Faceless, but with a disgusting mouth that bared teeth.

  "A monster I've never seen before."

  Ouyang Mofei did not immediately attack the rushing monster.

  After all, I don't know what kind of features it has.

  If it is overcast, it will be bad.


  The intelligence of this monster is obviously not very high. After Ouyang Murphy moved away, it was still bumping into the original place.

  "It's a bit like an alien or something."

  Ouyang Murphy opened the distance between him and the monster.

  He twisted the hilt of the sword, the blade unfolded, and several scales rushed out of it.

  RC cells have been continuously replenished since the maze was descended.

  These scales are very well nourished.

  Just as a monster sees a human being, Lin He sees a monster as well.

  Attack like food.


  Lin He inserted into the monster's body.

  Monsters cannot resist.

  "The body is so fragile."

  Ouyang Mofei was a little surprised.

  Judging from the sound of Lin He piercing the monster's body just now, the defensive ability of this monster is even a little weaker than the average brother.

  Ordinary brother's shriveled and haggard ashes embrace Kang Zhao and support Mu's brand, and the body's defense ability is also OK.

  At least not cut into the body like sand.

  Several scales pierced the monster.

  The monster's mouth was very wide open.

  "What about self-healing ability?"

  Ouyang Mofei cautiously controlled Lin He and put it away.

  However, Lin He was obviously a little reluctant, and when he came out, a piece of the monster's flesh and blood was drawn.

  Then, the flesh quickly shrivels and loses its pink luster.

  It was absorbed by Lin He.

  Lin He twisted in front of Ouyang Mofei, forming a shield.

  To prevent this monster from bursting suddenly, it also has time to reflect.

  The monster stood up tremblingly, but it was very difficult as if it had drank.

  During this process, the wound did not heal in the slightest, and even the tear was even more severe.

  "Isn't the self-healing ability also good?"

  Ouyang Mofei frowned, then what was so special about this monster.

  But soon, his questions were answered.

  I saw that the monster's head was like a swelled tumor.

  One, two, three...

  Constantly there is flesh bubbling in the monster's bulge.

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