Use your fingers to create clones.

  Although it was so fantastic, he was used to it.

  It is this world after all.

  "I just don't know if you are your real body now."

  Ouyang Mofei weighed the big sword in his hand, and was calculating how to kill the three of them in the fastest time.

  Father Doneto folded his hands on his chest, as if he was a devout believer.

  Maybe God grieves for a believer like him.

  For the third one, Ouyang Murphy also knew it.

  Whoever let his iron face do it.

  "Remember that I haven't paid for the mask yet, so I'll take care of you today."

  When Ouyang Mofei was talking, 'chaos' had already started to bless his brother value Mu α Jun through Lin He

  'Chaos' can feed RC cells back to the holding power, so that Ouyang Mofei can get the wisdom of the brother in a short time.

  Even his body's self-healing ability will be improved by a small amount.

  Of course, the premise is that Lin He wrapped around his right arm.

  "Then... let's start!"

  Power up!

  I saw Ouyang Murphy suddenly explode from the spot.

  The ground made of meat is no different from the one made of steel.

  But at that moment, Ouyang Mofei shook like a pudding, and ripples appeared on the ground.

  The first to react was Father Doneto.

  I saw that he, who was originally standing in the same place, suddenly differentiated into five clones.

  This is the maximum amount he can release so far.

  The first four were killed here, and the other one was broken before the CCG bro's order was seized.

  "Interesting clone."

  But even with so many clones, they didn't stop Ouyang Murphy.

  No tricks were used, just ramming.

  Simple and rough collision.

  Under the blessing of 'chaos', Ouyang Mofei also received the blessing of his half-brother while improving his physical fitness.

  Heko, who relies on his right arm, can pick up almost anything.


  'Chaos' stabbed into the priest's body.


  Father Doneto stared blankly at the big sword in his chest, and blood coughed out of his mouth.

  If you look closely, all his fingers are completely damaged.

  In other words, just from the collision just now, those clones were all killed.

  With the blessing of extreme speed, even if you do nothing, it will cause huge damage.

  "The speed of the other two of you is really slow."

  Ouyang Murphy twisted the big sword and directly cut a big hole in Father Donato's chest.

  He pulled out the sword, shed the blood on it, and looked at the two people on the other side who hadn't reacted.


  Old Duo Erfu and Bai remained silent.

  Obviously the two of them did not expect that Ouyang Murphy's speed had reached such a level.

  They didn't even have time to release Hezi, and Father Doneto had already been pierced in the chest.

  Just kidding!

  This speed is already fast enough to compete with the high-stepping angel state.

  Of course, ordinary blessing cannot do this.

  To be able to bless to this level is to doubt this underground labyrinth, and there are too many ways to replenish RC cells to the 'chaos'.

  Clowns, natives, flesh-pink monsters, red poisonous gas...

  From coming in until now, 'chaos' has been eating all the time.


  Accompanied by a strange sound, Hezi, a peacock-like opening screen, appeared in Jiutuo Erfu.

  And chanting, once again become a hero.

  It's just that the Hezi of the two have more or less some damage, which was left when he fought with the two women.

  "Clang, clang!"

  Even the guy on the opposite side strikes first, but it has no effect.

  No matter what the attack was, it was blocked by Ouyang Mofei's gently waving big sword.

  No, it can't be said to be blocking.

  It should be said to be dialed.

  It's like playing Tai Chi.

  That great sword deftly deflects the opponent's attack with minimal force every time.

  After a few seconds of quick attack, Ouyang seized the gap.

  The whole person is half squat, and then fast forward.

  The distance between him and the other side narrowed to about one meter in an instant.

  "Go away!"

  A nice sweep in one hit.

  With the strong wind, the big sword slashed directly at the waists of the two opposite sides.

  The battle is over quickly.

  The unilateral strength is crushed, and the perfect skills are also added.

  Enemies are often defeated simply and randomly. .

Chapter 178

  "I feel that after coming to this world, I have become more and more perverted."

  Ouyang Murphy looked at the corpses piled up in front of him. Each of the three was divided into several sections by him.

  Not because of his bad taste, but because the world is so inexplicable.

  Some of them die in one hit, which is normal.

  Some have knocked out their hearts and brains, and nothing has happened.

  You can still stand up alive - and go with you Euler.

  "Sin, sin."

  Ouyang Murphy muttered while he chopped a few knives.

  It's like chopping vegetables there.

  "It should be fine to cut it like this."

  Ouyang Mofei looked at the pair of minced meat in front of him, nodded, turned and walked towards the exit.

  Indeed, if it is normal, the three guys will surely die.

  But here is... a dragon's labyrinth.

  Shortly after Ouyang Murphy left, the ground formed by the meat began to secrete acid.

  The mound of meat cut from the three corpses began to sink.

  Seems to be the same as before.

  But there's something terrifying about it.

  I saw Old Duo Erfu, chant, and the head of the priest rolled down from the pile of corpses.

  Those were three blood-stained faces.


  The three heads opened their eyes and grinned.

  Then it was slowly devoured by flesh.

  disappeared into the maze.

  There is nothing left here except an unknown liquid.

  As if nothing had happened just now.

  The route back has not changed much because of the experience when we came.

  Ouyang Murphy hurried faster.

  Before long, he saw the second daughter, waiting for him back to back.

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