Jiana Mingbo has always wanted to try it on Ouyang Murphy to see if he can create a more terrifying one-eyed.

  "Oh, no need."

  Ouyang Mofei smiled and shook his head.

  "Oh, why, as good as me."

  Gao stepped on and pulled to Ouyang Mofei's side, acting like a spoiled child.

  "My right eye, your left eye, don't they match very well?"

  "Hey! What are you thinking?"

  Before Ouyang Murphy could react, Yi Bingjun dragged Gao Teng down.

  "Do you want Murphy to be a monster like you?"

  "Oh roar?" Gao Teng looked at Yi Bingjin with contempt, "Pink Mao, do you know that what you just said is very inappropriate for your identity."


  Yi Bing was suddenly at a loss for words.

  Yes, her words were indeed a little inappropriate.

  As the CCG's investigator, she is the official launch person to give thumbs up to her brother and toe. Her words just now were very bad.

  "Besides, didn't you want to complete this operation at the beginning?"

  Gao stepped closer to Yi Bing, although he was not as tall as the opponent, but his aura overwhelmed the opponent.

  "As for monsters, isn't it good for half a gun to control a half person? Everyone, is it okay?"

  Yi Bing's face froze.

  "That's why you've been pretentious, you're a monster, everyone is."

  Gao Tie hugged his chest and said lightly.

  "..." Yi Binglin bit his lip and said, "I'm sorry."

  "..." Gao Teng looked at Yi Bingcheng quietly, and finally said, "boring."

  She originally thought that Yi Bing would quarrel with herself.

  I didn't expect to be so bluntly mistaken.

  It's really boring.

  "Okay, don't be rude."

  Ouyang Mofei gently patted Gao Teng's little head.

  Gao Tread was photographed by Ouyang Mofei like a gopher and shrank.

  "What, come out and speak to her at this time."

  Gao Teng muttered in dissatisfaction.

  Ouyang Mofei smiled helplessly and said, "If I become half-brother Zheng, your one-eyed king's position will be mine, Lady Queen."

  "Uh... well."

  Gao stepped to look at Ouyang Murphy.

  This guy is not lying.

  Ouyang Mofei clapped his other hand on Yi Bing's head and said, "Don't worry too much, I know you didn't mean to say that."

  Yi Bingli raised his head silently, looked at his lover's face, nodded and smiled.


  The young doctors looked at the scene in front of them, and suddenly began to reckon in their hearts.

  I don't think he has ever had such an experience in his short career of more than [-] years.

  Don't talk about suddenly getting along with two girls.

  Even with one, he has no chance...  

  He felt that his heart was severely stabbed by the three dog men and women in front of him.

  Oh shit!

  Ouyang Mofei still messed up his head and said, "You are getting more and more skilled now, but I didn't forgive you."

  "Yes, Murphy seems to be more and more able to deal with such things."

  Yibing also nodded in agreement.

  "Illusion, this is your illusion."

  Ouyang Mofei smiled awkwardly.

  Can you be proficient?

  When the two daughters picked it up, the Shura field was happening beside him almost every day, or the two were fighting each other.

  Even if he doesn't want to be skilled, he can't.

  So don't blame him, he was forced to be a scumbag.

  After the two daughters were settled, they asked the two doctors what they wanted to ask.

  Di Xing A and B opened a folder indifferently.

  This damn dog man and woman, after showing their affection, they will come here to enslave him!

  "About the artificial brother quality, the trump card, and the heart and the heart, it has entered the experimental stage." Dixing A and B said, "As for the taste, we are still doing further research."

  Gao Step asked, "What about the vaccine?"

  If you want to completely separate the bad relationship between humans and their brothers, you must rely on vaccines to change the way humans live in the posthumous name of their brothers.

  Land Xing A and B shook his head: "There is still no progress on this point, and the span is a bit too big."

  "Oh okay."

  Gao Tie nodded if he realized something, the progress is not bad.

  After Gao stepped asked, it was Yi Bing's turn to enter.

  Yi Binglin looked at Dixing A and B and asked, "Doctor, what about our half-person problem?"

  Since giving up on Cuynx's surgery, Yibing has put his hopes elsewhere.

  Land Xing A and B picked up another document and said with a smile: "We have found a new breakthrough regarding the problem of premature aging in half-human beings."

  "A new breakthrough."

  Ouyang Murphy and Yi Bingcheng looked at each other.

  "Yes, from the resurrected clowns, we may have found other ways to use RC cells."

  Land Xing A and B said confidently.

  Yes, this is what can accompany you.

  Only research can spend a lifetime with him.

  Girlfriend or whatever, go to hell! .

Chapter 180

  Since Ouyang Murphy and the others entered the underground labyrinth and killed Jiuduo and the others, the situation in this neon has become stable.

  First up is the clown.

  After losing the direct leader of Jiu Duo Erfu, the remaining clowns are mostly small gangs without leaders.

  Although he was still wandering outside as he was then, he was gradually being controlled.

  They also found the old duo Erfu to carry out the artificial planting garden Lan Mu Di Ke

  All persons shall be arrested or sentenced.

  So far, the situation where the number of clowns is too large to be cleaned has been alleviated.

  With the combination of Bronze Tree and CCG, they gradually wiped out the clowns.

  In addition, there are constantly new search teams entering the underground labyrinth.

  Gather things about dragons for analysis.

  They were thinking about how to kill the dragon without causing too much damage.

  After all, the price of a city is too great.

  And even evacuation is difficult to do perfectly.

  At least for now, officials have issued a notice that less than one-third of the evacuation of residents in the upper floors of District 24 has been completed after leaving 19.

  Not very optimistic data.

  Once the dragon is really killed by all coercive measures, the chances of these people dying are very high.

  But even if the official announcement is made, the residents are still unmoved.

  So, sometimes these things are very difficult to do.

  It's a very nice weather.

  Ouyang Murphy leaned against the railing of CCG's inner garden, bathed in sunlight, and sighed with emotion.

  "I've become a little more relaxed recently."

  Yi Binglin was wearing casual clothes at this time, and she had few tasks recently.

  "After all, right now, the main thing is to figure out a way to kill the dragon.

  Because of Ouyang Murphy's previous exploration of the underground labyrinth, the route has been figured out a lot.

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