The pressure you can feel through the screen.

  This is the instinctive feeling of human beings facing giant creatures.

  The faucet in the video is constantly shaking in the underground cavity.

  However, because the body was oppressed and made into a wall of flesh, there was no way to shake it greatly.

  But that didn't last long either.

  After a while, he will move freely.

  As for the research team there, they have completely disappeared.

  Just a bunch of utensils on the ground.

  Come to think of it, they have been eaten and become food for dragons.

  "The dragon's body is constantly growing skin, covering the original body."

  The researchers turned on many other cameras.

  They found that the original flesh-pink wall was covered with bluish-black skin at a speed visible to the naked eye, with poisonous gas surrounding it.

  "It's the same as what I saw before."

  Ouyang Mofei remembered such a scene.

  After killing the monster in the meat bump at that time, the poisonous gas also gave birth to such a thing.

  "Once the dragon is covered with skin, he will break free of the constraints of the space and rush to the ground."

  Everyone present looked very bad.

  Arima asked, "How much time is left? How much time is left for the skin to be covered."

  "At the current speed, it's about half an hour."

  Analyzing the current coverage rate, the researchers quickly came up with the time when the dragon's skin was covered.

  "Don't even think about evacuation."

  Ouyang Mofei heard this and shook his head regretfully.

  It is impossible to complete the evacuation of the remaining one-third of the 24 area within half an hour.

  "How much can be withdrawn now."

  Arima Guishou closed his eyes, he was under a lot of pressure right now.

  "Those monsters ran out!"

  Yibing suddenly pointed to the monitor at the exit of the underground labyrinth.

  I saw a lot of pink monsters in the lumps rushed out of the underground labyrinth and ran to the ground.

  "Damn, did these guys come out first?!"

  Ouyang Mofei's face was not very good when he saw these things.

  These guys can be said to be very easy to deal with.

  An average person with a machine gun can kill a bunch of them.

  But the problem is, this guy is the release of poison gas.

  "Quickly inform the defense team in the city to be careful, don't approach these protections easily, and wear a mask..."

  Arima Gui will take the walkie-talkie and give orders to the people in the command center.

  What follows is a fierce battle. .

Chapter 183

  "These monsters are really a big trouble."

  Ouyang Mofei looked at the monster that looked like a humanoid gas bomb in the distance, and had a headache.

  Some even if they are not attacked, they will suddenly explode when they encounter a lot of people.

  As if this monster just ran out to make a copy

  "Our people are also affected."

  Gao stepped up to Ouyang Mofei's side and said, "Just now Naki took his younger brother to fight those monsters, but they were all affected by the poisonous gas."

  Ouyang Mofei frowned and asked, "Is it out of control?"

  Gao Cao shook his head and said: "The amount they inhaled is not particularly large, so it is not to that extent, but the surge of RC cells also makes them temporarily unable to move."

  Inhalation of these poisonous gases is not an immediate change.

  Instead, he will be in a coma for a period of time, and then he will become a hero, and he will lose control.

  At present, for people who have inhaled a large amount of poisonous gas, all CCG can do is to inject RC inhibitors.

  But this is only a temporary solution.

  Those poisonous gases in the body will continue to stimulate the proliferation of RC cells.

  Moreover, the manufacturing process of RC inhibitors is also somewhat troublesome, and the current inventory of CCG cannot always stabilize those comatose patients.

  These inhibitors can only be used by soldiers on the battlefield, and they are still the kind of situations where there is not much inhalation of poisonous gas, such as Naki and the others.

  In short, although these monsters are not difficult to kill, the poison gas they carry is a very big problem.


  "Is there ten minutes left?"

  Ouyang Mofei looked at his watch, and it was about ten minutes before the dragon completely covered his skin.

  However, the evacuation of people on the ground in District 24 is not very optimistic.

  It was difficult to prevent such an evacuation, let alone these flesh-pink monsters coming out to make trouble.

  Many originally evacuated the team, but because of the intrusion of these monsters, they were directly chaotic, and even all died.

  Seeing these, the masses naturally became more flustered and less organized.

  "These fools."

  Ouyang Mofei looked at the noisy evacuees at the rear, and Yi Bingri, who was mediating, with a bad expression on his face.

  What he hates is these idiots who are deadly and drag other people down.

  At present, Bronze Tree and CCG, as well as the official army, are divided into three waves.

  One wave was Ouyang Murphy's side, blocking the entrance of the underground labyrinth to organize the appearance of these monsters.

  One wave is that Yi Bing entered there and organized the evacuation of the personnel.

  There is also the last wave, which is to walk between the various teams, kill the escaped monsters, and solve some sluts who want to mess with things.

  Gao Teng glanced at Ouyang Murphy in surprise: "Your mood is a little wrong now."

  "Well, after all, it's always a little uncomfortable to see an idiot."

  Ouyang Murphy said while holding the barrel-shaped quinque in his hand and bombarding the monsters that were rushing out incessantly.

  "Sure enough, Mr. Murphy thinks it doesn't matter whether these people can be saved or not."

  Gao Teng smiled slightly.

  "Ouyang Mofei shook his head and said, "I don't think so. "

  "That's not right." Gao Tread thought for a while and said another word, "Mr. Murphy thinks it's okay to sacrifice these guys in order to kill the dragon."


  While loading new ammunition, Ouyang Murphy said, "After all, I have already warned you to evacuate as soon as possible. As a result, these idiots are still here after so many days."

  Although it is a bit extreme, Ouyang Murphy believes that these guys are not necessary to save.

  Even use them as bait.

  Instead of wasting the opportunity to attack the dragon for these fools like now.

  "You really don't deny it at all."

  Gao stepped on playing with his own Hezi.

  She can change Heiko's form at will, and now it is a very rare type of Heiko that can fire cannonballs.

  A Hezi cannon was fired, and a bunch of monsters were killed.

  Poison gas also began to rise faintly, but fortunately it has become an isolation zone.

  In addition, there are huge fans around, which can't blow for the time being.

  "But neither us nor the CCG dared to do that."

  Gao said.

  "After all, if we do it, the previous things will be in vain."

  Once either of them CCG and Bronze Tree do something like that, they will have a very big stain on them.

  The original cooperation may be scrapped.


  Ouyang Murphy heard the sound of a jam from Kuyinke in Ouyang Mofei's hand.

  "Are you out of ammo?"

? ????????? asking for flowers????? ??

  Gao Step asked curiously.

  Ouyang Murphy nodded: "This thing is a bit too expensive."

  "Need mine?"

  I saw Gao Teng stretch a cannonball-shaped Hezi in front of Ouyang Mofei.

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