The voice of Fangmura Aite fell.

  The corpse lying in the blood outside began to twitch.

  They staggered to their feet.

  Like walking dead.

  No, it should be said that it is like a demon crawling out of hell.

  They are walking towards Gao Teng and Fangcun Aite who are standing in the center.

  "Look, they're here for revenge."

  Fangmura Aite looked at all this around him miserably.

  In the past years, she has seen this scene countless times by herself.

  Next, it is probably the kind of pain that is heart-wrenching and deep-rooted.

  She already has experience.

  But what about her...

  Fangmura Aite looked at Gao Teng.

  However, something unexpected happened to her.

  "Become a dragon, swindle a corpse, another me. Tsk tsk tsk, this is more than a fantasy novel."

  There was a wicked smile on Gao's face.

  For these things, she did not look like herself at all, showing fear, timidity, and resignation.


  Fangmura Aite looked at Gao Teng in astonishment.

  Gao Tie looked around at the corpses that were walking slowly around, and said, "Little guy, you said two things wrong."

  "Am I wrong?"

  "The first thing is to pay for the so-called sin."

  Gao stepped arrogantly and looked at the surrounding corpse with contempt.

  The clothes behind her started to bulge.

  It's Heiko!

  "Being killed by these guys is not the so-called repayment, it is the realization of my original purpose!"

  White-gold wings showed from behind the high tread.

  The wings at this time seem to be brighter than before.

  After all, Hezi here does not rely on RC cells.

  It's a very spiritual thing.

  In other words, Hezi, this is the thing of idealism.

  She flew high in the sky.

  "For these innocent people who died, I express regret, but it does not mean that I will let them disturb me, even such... presumptuous!"

  Step on the wings high.

  The wind was blowing, and the golden light overflowed.

  The brilliance of the wings seemed to illuminate this gloomy world.

  Feathers of white-gold light protruded from the high-footed angel wings.

  Like a sharp arrow, it pierced through the corpse trying to get close.

  "The world is twisted."

  "Twisted in the tragic relationship between man and his brother."

  "Weak, here is the original sin."

  "So, for death, you can only blame yourself!"

  The words of stepping on high seemed to stimulate the surrounding corpses. Even though they were pierced by feathers, they walked forward with more excitement.

  The world is shaking.

  The screams around him grew louder.

  This executioner, she is still unwilling to admit her sins!

  "What are you doing!"

  Fangmura Aite looked at the high tread in the sky in panic.

  Why are you still mocking these people now?

  "But I knew until I met that one."

  The feathers that were stepped on high became less sharp with her relaxed expression.

  It began to slowly and slowly fall to the ground.

  Her expression became very soft and sweet.

  "I understand that even so, he will still stand with me desperately."

  "I am willing to accompany me to fight that unrealistic future."

  "Maybe this world is not really that cruel, but in order to live up to him, I want to change it completely!"

  The white-gold light became brighter and brighter.

  Soft, yet very powerful.

  The corpses seemed soothed by the light.

  The terrifying wailing is slowly disappearing.

  Even evil spirits yearn for such light.

  "I, the one-eyed king, take my oath here."

  "In the end, a better world will be created, a world where human beings and their brothers and nephews are alive!"

  "So, dead man, rest in peace!"

  At this moment, the white-gold light has reached its maximum level.

  like purification.

  Those staggering corpses gradually disappeared in place.

  They closed their eyes and applied for very serenity.

  In the end it turned into a feather.

  Fangmura Aite opened his mouth wide and looked at everything around him in disbelief.

  Gao Teng looked around and smiled slightly.

  She landed in front of Fangcun Aite from the air and said, "This is the real way of atonement."

  "You and I."

  Fangmura Aite was speechless.

  "The second thing, what I did, didn't come to nothing because I became a dragon."

  Gao stepped on his face with a confident and happy expression: "Because of a certain parent, I may be taught a lesson for such a disobedient me."

  She just finished speaking.

  Above the sky, a third party appeared.

  That was Ouyang Murphy who became the true ancestor.

  He will dragon, easily subdued.

  "Look, let me tell you."


  It's all different. .

Chapter 193

  "Why are you like this."

  Fangmura Aite looked at the high tread in front of him in confusion.

  Obviously not much taller than himself, why can he do this.

  She should be the same as herself.

  Cruel, vile.

  But he was also entangled by these grievances, suffering.

  But she couldn't see the slightest bit of that smell on her.

  She even, even, lighted up this terrifying world, purifying all those walking corpses.

  Yoshimura Aite couldn't understand what the other party was doing.

  One more thing... the one-eyed king.

  Since when has she been able to firmly become such a person.

  "It seems that you are really pitiful."

  Gao Teng looked down at Fangmura Aite, who was a little confused, with a distressed expression.

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