Yi Bing is going to find Ouyang Murphy.

  Hmm... In a sense, entering a sister is either stealing home, or on the way to stealing home.

  Stepping high is not forgiving, but on the way to forgiveness.

  Editor Ouyang is really a sinful man.


  The attack of the holy sword caused the dragon to feel great pain.

  Those golden holy swords are constantly destroying its body.

  Surprisingly, the places that have been chopped by those holy swords cannot be recovered by RC cells.

  It seems that the RC inhibitor has been permanently injected there.

  "Ah, ah... ah!"

  Old Duo Erfu in the barrier was holding his head and roaring there.

  Now he has almost empathized with the dragon.

  The pain of the sword wounds caused by those holy swords was fed back to his brain and body.

  The Sheng Shengguang left behind is still eroding the dragon's body.

  "You really want to carry the ugliness to the end, Mr. Clown."

  Gao Tread flew in front of the dragon, and sneered at the old Duo Erfu who was in the barrier with a very grim expression.

  The holy sword floated beside Gao Tread, and as long as she ordered it, it would all rush into the dragon's body and kill Jiuduo Erfu.

  Old Duo Erfu's pupils widened to a very terrifying level.

  "Why! Why... you changed back!"

  He didn't understand why Gao Teng, who had already been turned into a dragon by himself, had regained his human form.

  It even has the means to directly damage dragons. .

Chapter 198

  "Are you OK?"

  Ouyang Murphy saw Yi Bing who came to find him.

  Yi Binglin shook his head, stood with Ouyang Mofei, then looked at Gao Teng: "How did she become like this."

  Gao Teng's current form really made her curious.

  Ouyang Mofei smiled wryly and said, "I don't know this - I don't know."

  Since Ouyang Murphy came to this world, he has never stopped complaining about such unscientific things.

  Although he wanted to find the truth in this, he was also quite stupid.

  "is it?"

  Yi Bingjin looked at the air with a little fascination, a chic and beautiful step.

  No woman can resist this beauty.

  Arima Guishou stopped with a kind of person.

  The battle between Gao Tread and the dragon no longer needs them to be involved.

  It doesn't matter if they are there or not.

  Instead of rushing up and saying goodbye to wasting your life, it is better to stay where you are and observe the situation of the battle.

  If an unfavorable situation does arise, it is not too late for them to enter the market quickly.

  It's just that Arima Guishou did not expect that Gao Teng could reach such a point.

  He thought that defeating himself was already the limit of high stepping, but he didn't expect her to break through once.

  Is it really because of Ouyang?

  Arima Gui will look at Ouyang Murphy standing in the distance.

  The mystery of the other party is something he has never been able to figure out.

  Even his identity was forged by Yi Bingjin.

  This man seemed to appear out of nowhere.

  Mysterious and powerful.

  He didn't forget the scene just now, easily defeated Hualong's high footsteps, and kicked the old Duo Erfu dragon with one kick.

  Simply incredible.

  But that's it.

  Arima Gui will not want to delve into the origins and secrets of Ouyang Murphy.

  After all, it was time for him to retire.

  When Gao Teng completely killed Jiuduo Erfu and completed everything.

  He disappeared from the public eye.

  "What a comfortable glow."

  Kaneki Ken forced his eyes to feel it carefully.

  The gentle light of the wings seems to be healing everyone on the battlefield.

  "I didn't expect that woman to have this side."

  Ayano Kirishima pouted.


  Tatara looked at the high tread in the sky.

  The expression on his face was very different from before, revealing a touch of relief and emotion.

  Duoduo Liang is considered to be another elder who stepped on high.

  Seeing that she has changed now, he blesses from the bottom of his heart.

  Light shines on the earth.

  The poisonous gas in the air gradually dissipated.

  Everyone saw a hopeful and fascinating scene.

  A miracle like the coming of an angel.

  "Why! Why! Why can't I hit!"

  Old Duo Erfu was beating frantically inside the barrier, and the dragon was ravaging frantically.

  It kept hitting the high pedals, but unfortunately, they were all dodged.

  The dragon hit the ground, and the ground shook.

  Gao Tread appeared behind Long, and she looked at Jiu Duo Erfu's reaction: "You've really gone crazy."

  Old Duo Erfu's current mental state is obviously abnormal.

  Maybe he wasn't normal himself.

  But it was completely broken after connecting the dragon.

  How did dragons come about?

  That was many years ago, transformed by the first generation of the one-eyed king.

  Even though the One-Eyed King has been killed by Arima Guishogun, his chaotic will before his death is still in it.

  So many unwilling corpses were sucked again.

  How could there be no problem.


  The golden holy sword stabbed Jiutuo Erfu with a hurricane once again.

  There was no accidental puncture in it.


  The dragon wailed there.

  Incompetently furious.

  At this time, there were countless blood holes and wounds on the dragon's body.

  Those are all caused by the holy sword.

  "It's almost time to deal with you."

  Gao Tread recalled the golden holy sword that was still tormenting the dragon there.

  She flew right in front of the dragon.

  At this time, the old Duo Erfu had already slumped weakly in the barrier.

  His consumption is too great.

  Transiently releases poisonous gas, catalyzing high-stepping dragons.

  Being dragged down by Arima Guishou and his group, he was exhausted.

  He was kicked out by Ouyang Murphy and seriously injured.

  The holy sword, which is still being trampled on, continues to inflict irreparable damage.

  He has no power.

  The dragon head rested weakly on its own body.

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