The Void Genome he was interested in should also be by this guy's side.

  It should be very soon, if not yet produced.

  After all, so many prerequisites have been put together.

  "It's impossible to find out just with a small research institute like me."

  Shidou Shuichiro answered in a flat tone.

  "Oh, is that so?" Ouyang Mofei walked to the opposite of Jiudao Shuichiro and said, "I thought no one would know more about this thing than the director of Jidao."

  Shidou Shirou frowned.

  There was something wrong with this guy's tone.

  "After all, you and Dr. Yingman were the first to study these things." Ouyang Mofei leaned his back on the table and seemed to say unintentionally, "It's really jealous of talents, it's a pity that Dr. Yingman just died like this. ."


  Shidou Shuichiro stopped what he was doing and frowned at Ouyang Murphy.

  This man feels very strange to himself today.

  The words also seem to have a hint.

  "If you have nothing else to do, please leave first." Shidou Shiuichiro directly issued a eviction order, "I don't want the next experiment to be disturbed."

  "Oh, did I bother you? I'm so sorry."

   Ouyang Mofei was "surprised" for a moment, and then apologized: "In that case, Director Stem, let's continue to work hard."


  Shidou Shuichiro nodded indifferently.

  "But don't forget to hand in something you can watch regularly, otherwise this institute will not exist anymore."

  Ouyang Mofei suddenly looked back, but not at Shuichiro Stem, but at another shadow.

  There is something there.

  Ouyang Murphy immediately felt the difference there.

  Gedao Shuichiro stood there, staring straight at Ouyang Murphy, until he disappeared into the room.

  "This man seems to know something."

  At this time, a boy with thick eyebrows stepped out of the shadows.

  The boy seemed to appear out of nowhere. He floated in the air and said, "Just now, he seems to have discovered me too."

  "Don't worry about him, just follow our plan."

  Shidou Shiuichiro didn't take Ouyang Mofei seriously.

  In his eyes, Ouyang Murphy was just a GHQ soldier with some merit.

  "is it?"

  Thick eyebrows looked at the closed laboratory door.

  I don't know if it was his delusion.

  He felt a very familiar aura from Ouyang Mofei.

  That kind of world-like atmosphere. .

Chapter 210

  Ouyang Mofei's so-called director's work is actually standing in the office and fishing for fish.

  In essence, all the work had been arranged before he came, and he didn't need to worry too much at all.

  Still, he took the initiative to investigate a few things.

  Relying on his own authority, he came to the monitoring room and called up all the monitoring in the room.

  There was no expectation, and the monitoring room couldn't see Shuichiro Kemichi's laboratory.

  According to the staff in the monitoring room, this is because the contents of the laboratory are classified information.

  While the monitored equipment is still functional, the monitored content is stored in an encrypted file.

  Even Ouyang Murphy's authority could not be opened.

  It is said that this document will not be opened until a special moment.

  And this special moment was naturally decided by Shuichiro Kemichi.

  It's a really stupid reason.

  It is possible to monitor the office of Shuichiro Stemichi.

  But looking at the situation of the other party, he didn't stay there for a few minutes a day, and there would be nothing worth noting if he wanted to come there.

  So the most important place is that guy's lab?

  Ouyang Murphy looked at the missing area in the center of the screen.

  He is more interested in how far this man has researched the so-called apocalypse virus.

  In the fan dramas in memory, there are not many descriptions of this virus.

  The general introduction is just to eliminate the current human beings and open a new world.

  Its specific content has not been elaborated too much.

  As he had just experienced the spread of the poisonous gas from the elder brother, and after the human beings turned into the elder brother, Ouyang Mofei was obviously very interested in these things.

  As for the so-called King Power, the Void Genome.

  From the very beginning, he just had the idea of ​​playing with it if he could get it, and forgetting if he couldn't get it.

  After all, what Void can do, now he... seems to be able to do it easily.

  "However, there seems to be more than one stem in that laboratory."

  Ouyang Murphy dragged his chin.

  As a former martial artist, his feeling is that he can't go wrong.

  Although he couldn't see it, he could clearly perceive that there was a third existence there.

  The opponent's ability made it impossible for Ouyang Mofei to observe him with the naked eye.

  "It should be that kid."

  Ouyang Mofei carefully recalled the content of the drama.

  Next to Shuichiro Kemichi, there is a mysterious existence.

  Like a child, like a witness to the ceremony, the guy who claims to represent the will of the world.

  In short, to sum up, it is not a good person.

  After all, from what Ouyang Mofei knew, what this guy did wasn't really a personnel thing.

  But does the will of the world really have such a representation?

  Ouyang Murphy was very puzzled.

  If it is true, the will of the world cannot fail to tell him clearly.

  Ouyang Murphy intends to find an opportunity to test this man.

  If possible, he should be able to get everything he wants to know from this mouth.

  After thinking about a lot of things, Ouyang Murphy returned to his office.

  At this time, he seemed to have reacted to something: "I seem to have misunderstood the point."

  His goal is to ignite the flame, how suddenly it seems to be investigating the truth of this world.

  Also, he doesn't seem to have solved the various things about Chi Ye Mengxiang.

  "You have to get these things done first."

  The first thing he had to figure out was the identity of Chi Yemengxiang, as well as the issue of where to live.

  The operation process of these things is not unfamiliar to him.

  After all, Yi Binglin used some means to help him get all this done.

  And relying on him now, these things are not difficult to handle.

  It can even be said that a phone call can be done.

  This is true.

  Ouyang Murphy called GHQ's place about identity registration, and after saying hello to the staff there, they had already started the process.

  "I didn't expect that I still have the right to speak in GHQ"

  In addition to being the director of the security department of the Void Research Institute, Ouyang Mofei is also the colonel of GHQ.

  Only one level away from the general commander of the Neon Division.

  As for why he gave up his bright future and became the director of a small void research institute.

  According to his setting, he was tired of fighting and wanted to find some easier work.

  So the headquarters sent him here.

  But even so, his power in the Neon GHQ division is not small.

  The level is there after all.

  "I suddenly feel the convenience of power."

  Ouyang Mofei shook his head with a smile.

  "." If things go on like this, the terrorist gang of the Funeral Society, as the director, Colonel, should I take care of them properly?"

  It's also interesting to tease and tease these children and let them experience the world of adults.

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