Ouyang Mofei looked at the human body that fell to the ground, purple crystals appeared on his body, and then turned into pieces.

   These soldiers, because of the damage to the void just now, became like this.

  "That's right." Zuo nodded and said, "The birth of a new civilization is often accompanied by the sacrifice of civilization. Just like Dayat."

  "Hmph, it's really fun, this kind of inexplicable thing."

  Ouyang Mofei reached out and squeezed the purple crystal fragments on the ground.

  In a sense, this world is unreasonable to lie with brother Lan.

  Or the world is more child's play.

  Casually decides the sacrifice of a civilization, and where to stay.

  And the interfering person is still the lingering generation who does not know how many civilizations have perished.

  "What is this so-called apocalypse virus?"

  Ouyang Mofei crushed the crystal fragments in his hand.

  "Knock out the power of the world, and it will regenerate the world in crystallization."

  "It's like I didn't say it."

  Ouyang Murphy shook his head.

  The guy said it so broadly and didn't give much information at all.

  Zuo was silent for a long time, and then continued: "We represent the will of the world to eliminate, and the apocalypse virus in your mouth is the specific manifestation of elimination."

  "Knocked out, eliminated, people in this world are really pitiful."

  Ouyang Murphy expressed sympathy for the people of this world.

  Why are these self-righteous existences everywhere?

  "Every ruined civilization is pitiful."

  As a tomb keeper who has witnessed the birth and destruction of countless civilizations, I know the tragic transition between civilizations.

  There was a slightly sad expression on Zuo's face.

  That's how the loneliness of the Dayat civilization was at the beginning.

  But luckily they were forever in another way.

  "Although I don't know what kind of existence you are, I am very optimistic about you and become a real Adam."

  Zuo looked at Ouyang Mofei expectantly: "The world with you as a template will definitely be beyond imagination."

  Ouyang Mofei's terrifying power and mysterious ability.

  If he is Adam, then the next human civilization will surpass everything in the past.

  "Thank you for watching."

  Ouyang Mofei glanced at Zuo with little interest.

  Adam or something, he has no interest at all.

  His Wang Zhili was just playing around with it, and he didn't want to do anything at all.

  His main goal was to light the flames and hurry to the next world.

  "That's all I said, so I wish you a very magnanimous Wang Lu, goodbye."

  Zuo Daiyou slowly disappeared in front of Ouyang Mofei's eyes, turning into a long thing in the void.

  "It's all troublesome."

  Ouyang Murphy sighed and rubbed his aching head.

  Why is there no flame that can be ignited immediately, let him run away when it is lit?

  Although he was a little curious, he really didn't want to deal with these troublesome things.

  But no way.

  Coming here, his troubles are doomed. .

Chapter 217

  According to the new thick eyebrows just now, these guys will not actively interfere in the elimination process of this world.

  The real influence is still the so-called Eve and Adam.

  It is clear who Eve is.

  It's that Sakura Man's real name.

  As for who Adam is.

  There are currently three candidates, Shuichiro Keido, Manji Sakura, and Yashin Ya~.

  "Uh...though I don't really want to put that old guy in--in."

  Ouyang Mofei's mind appeared as Shuichiro Stem, and it was completely expected that Sakuraman's real name rejected his marriage proposal in the drama.

  But at this time, it is hard to say whether it will be like the original.

  After all, the tomb keeper named Zuo did not appear in the original book.

  Of course, in addition to these three, there is actually one more.

  That is Ouyang Murray himself.

  It's just that he has no interest in himself.

  As soon as he didn't want to dominate the world, the second team, Sakuraman's real name, didn't feel anything.

  Whoever loves this seat of Adam will take it. He doesn't want to go anyway.

  And if he does sit in that position, he is very worried about whether the will of the world will let him go.

  While thinking like this, Ouyang Murphy returned to his place.

  "I am back."

  No one in the room agreed.

  But there was a screeching sound from the kitchen.

  Ouyang Murphy walked into the kitchen.

  I saw a pink-haired girl, wearing an apron, working in the kitchen with a spatula.

  Ouyang Mofei sniffed his nose.

  "The scent is really good."

  Ouyang Mofei was surprised.

  In his previous life, with the two examples of Gao Ting and Yi Bing, he almost equated beautiful girls with kitchen killers.

  I didn't expect this cute pet with only two personalities to be able to cook.

  And even more surprising, Chi Ye Mengxiang still cooks Chinese food.

  "Have you been to Huaxia? You even cook the dishes over there."

  Ouyang Murphy was surprised when he looked at the prepared dishes.

  The appearance and aroma have reached the master level.

  The taste is probably not bad.


  The girl was startled by Ouyang Murphy's voice.

  Gladly, her foot slipped.

  "Be careful."

  Ouyang Murphy reached out and grabbed the girl.

  Well... Mr. Ouyang is still very conscious.

  Instead of trying to use the cuddle to help the girl, she simply pulled the girl back to her normal position.

  After all, he is also a famous grass owner.

  But God seems to be determined to give him benefits.

  After the girl was pulled back by him, her front foot slipped when she was attached to her body.


  Ouyang Murphy sighed in his heart as he watched the stunned girl pounce on him.

  And this kind of operation?

  It's a very classic drama.

  The girl was lying in Ouyang Murphy's arms.

  All kinds of extrusion.

  It's summer again, you should know what it feels like.

  "Then you're alright...hh"

  Ouyang Mofei originally wanted to take care of the girl politely.

  But he suddenly found that the girl was clasping him, and his face flushed slightly to her neck.

  "It smells so good."

  The girl opened her mouth as if she had smelled a rare delicacy.

  The vampire's fangs were exposed.

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