Moeka Chiye was surprised to feel that her body was advancing uncontrollably.

  It was another Moeka who forcibly took control of her body.


  "Is the meal ready?"

  Ouyang Mofei unexpectedly looked at Chi Ye Mengxiang who suddenly walked towards him.

  Her expression was a little strange.

  The girl stopped in front of Ouyang Mofei, and Chi Yemengxiang also regained control of her body.

  She looked at the man in front of her with despair.

  Why be so tough.

  She blamed the other self in her body.

  'After all, according to your character, I don't know how long it will take to make it clear. '

  Another Moe Xiang said lightly inside her body.

  Chi Ye Mengxiang had no choice but to look at Ouyang Murphy bravely.

  I don't know if it's because of blood sucking.

  Chi Yemengxiang seems to be getting a lot closer to Ouyang now.

  "Sorry, I made you laugh just now!"

  the girl shouted loudly.

  Looking at the girl's appearance, Ouyang Mofei laughed and said, "It's okay, I don't care. After all, I have also been a vampire, and I know the desire to suck blood."

  "Oh? Mr. Ouyang is also a vampire?"

  The girl looked at Ouyang Murphy in surprise.

  This was a piece of information she hadn't expected at all.

  Ouyang Mofei looked at Chi Yemengxiang unexpectedly, thinking that this girl is really unexpectedly cute.

  "Didn't I have a white head before?"

  Ouyang Mofei pinched his black hair and explained, "That's what I look like when I turned into a vampire."

  "Ah, I remembered."

  Chi Yemengxiang suddenly remembered the first time she saw Ouyang Mofei.

  He is like another self.

  It feels like a copy.

  When she woke up the next day and saw Ouyang Murphy changed back to her original state, she thought he was wearing a wig or something.

  After all, a vampire like himself who seals himself has never seen a second one.

  Hearing Ouyang Murphy say this, the girl looked at him even closer.

  Is it the same.

  She probably also thought that Ouyang Murphy was a vampire monster who sealed his power.

  "Then Mr. Ouyang wants to suck blood?" The girl suddenly thought of a way. She opened her collar, revealing her white neck, and said, "If you want to suck, you can suck me."


  Ouyang Mofei looked at the scene in front of him speechlessly.

  Should it be said that the current Neon Girls' High School is well developed, or the physical characteristics of the monsters.

  This is the scene when he just opened his clothes a little bit.

  It's hard to imagine what it would have been like if the white Moe Xiang had done such an action.

  Probably more explosive.

  Cup is stronger after all.

  Hmm... Anyway, thanks for the hospitality.

  "No, I don't need blood for the time being."

  Ouyang Murphy silently retracted his gaze.

  "Is it really not necessary?"

  The girl looked at Ouyang Murphy nervously: "Do you dislike my blood?"

  "Why do you think like that?"

  Ouyang Mofei looked at the girl helplessly.

  "Part of the reason I don't want to suck blood is that I really don't want to, and the other part is that I made an agreement with a girl to suck only her blood."

  That girl is Yi Bing Rong...  

  Full of bloody promises.

  Yi Bingjin made a unilateral agreement with Ouyang Murphy that he was his only blood food.

  Ouyang Mofei naturally followed it honestly.

  He didn't even taste the blood of Gao Tread.

  Not to mention the girl in front of me who I have known for less than two days.

  "That's it."

  The girl lowered her head in despair.

  Of course it wasn't because of the girl Ouyang Murphy said, but because she couldn't repay the blood-sucking just now.

  "Okay, don't worry about these details."

  Ouyang Murphy pulled the girl out of her loss: "Let's eat first, I'm looking forward to the Chinese cuisine you make."

  As a native of China, Ouyang Murphy couldn't put down the dishes over there.

  It's a pity that I came to Xiongzhilan to knock on the cooker and I never tried it again except for a long trip there because of a business trip.

  Although he can cook, he is not very proficient.

  So he still looked forward to what Chi Ye Mengxiang would do.


  Chi Yemengxiang nodded, turned around and went into the kitchen to bring out all the dishes.

  Ouyang Mofei looked at the dishes on the table and was a little surprised.

  It feels like authentic Chinese cuisine, and the level is not low.

  At least dumped himself a few streets.

  "Did you go to Huaxia to learn cooking?"

  Ouyang Murphy looked at the girl and asked.

  The girl rubbed the ends of her hair coyly and said, "There are always some Chinese guests in the house before, and I learned a little by following them."

  "But maybe not very well."

  After all, compared to the teacher who taught him, he was really far behind.

  "No, no no."

  Ouyang Mofei had already packed a dish to eat at this time.

  It is no exaggeration to say that this is the best Chinese food he has ever eaten.

  It's even better than the few famous ontology stores that I went to.

  "You are already at the master level."

  Ouyang Mofei looked at the girl in front of him in amazement. He didn't expect to have the talent of a cook.


  A shy smile finally appeared on the girl's face.

  She looked at Ouyang Murphy in surprise.

  After all, he has always been criticized by those masters in the past.

  Ouyang Murphy was the first to praise her.

  At first, the girl saw that Ouyang Mofei was from China, and when she chose to cook Chinese food, she was worried for a while.

  Now I'm finally relieved.

  He seemed satisfied.

  ps: To tell the truth, the current fan dramas are not as good as they used to be (in various senses, funny)

  The picture shows the chef Mengxiang.

Chapter 219

  Ouyang Mofei enjoyed a wave of deliciousness on the tip of his tongue after a long absence.

  I have to say that in life, only women and food can't live up to it.

  "I've almost got your ID proof. Regarding your residence, I'm trying to find a way to buy the house opposite, so you can live there."

  Ouyang Mofei told Chi Ye Mengxiang while eating.

  The girl was stunned and looked at Ouyang Murphy unexpectedly: "Don't Mr. Ouyang live with me?"

  Ouyang Mofei glanced at the girl, shook his head and said, "Do you think it's good to live with a man you haven't known for two days?"

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