"I'm fine, take someone to see the fainted soldiers below and see how they are?"

  Ouyang Murphy was talking about those soldiers who were easily knocked down by members of the funeral club.

  In a way, it's really embarrassing.

  A group of soldiers who had been orthodoxly trained were easily brought down by a few furry children.

  Say it without seeing anyone.


  The captain stood at attention and saluted, and immediately rushed under the bridge with his entourage.

  "Can I still walk? I'm going to go down and have a look."

  Ouyang Mofei asked Chi Yemengxiang.

  "Huh? Ah, it's okay!"

  The girl suddenly reacted, Ouyang Murphy's hand had left his head, and he immediately replied in a panic.

  Ouyang Murphy nodded and walked under the bridge.

  Chi Yemengxiang followed suit.

  - under the bridge

  Several members of the funeral home have been subdued by GHQ soldiers.

  The fallen soldiers were also treated by the medics they brought.

  As for that one.

  Judging from the appearance of the captain, it seems that he is going to take their family away.

  "Their family has nothing to do with the members of the funeral club, they are irrelevant people."

  Ouyang Murphy stepped forward to stop them.

  The soldiers who were detaining a family of three looked at each other.

  On the contrary, the captain is very sensible.

  "What are you doing stupidly, let go of others!"

  The captain snarled sharply.

  Apparently he had forgotten that he had asked these soldiers to detain them just now.

  "thanks, thanks!"

  The man and woman bowed to Ouyang Murphy and thanked him repeatedly.

  If Ouyang Mofei didn't come out and make a statement, their family would definitely be regarded as accomplices of the funeral club.

  "It's nothing." Ouyang Murphy shook his head and said to the man, "You just follow them to the treatment center. Although the chances of recovery are very small, you are harming them by staying by their side."

  Ouyang Murphy looked at the woman and child beside the man.


  The man looked at his wife and children, and then at the GHQ soldier in front of him.

  Finally, he nodded.


  The members of the funeral club, who were lying on the ground and handcuffed, began to curse.

  Ouyang Mofei ignored these guys, and after telling the captain not to be rough with the family, he left with Chi Yemengxiang.

  The members of these funeral clubs are just small buildings, which have no practical value.

  If there is, they will contact him.

  Chi Ye Mengxiang followed behind Ouyang Mofei like a little tail.

  She said numbly, "Mr. Ouyang, he is a good person."


  the black face asked.

  ps: daily pictures.

Chapter 225

  "It's a pretty good song."

  Ouyang Murphy watched G Qi's new MV in the office.

  Although he himself is not interested in these singing and dancing things, but the girl's expression and singing are unexpectedly able to move people's hearts.

  "Is this the heroine's blessing?"

  Ouyang Mofei looked at the girl's appearance, he was very curious about what kind of flame such a person had.

  However, he can probably guess that it will definitely not be able to reach the level of high stepping, and old and two blessings.

  Declare it here.

  The flame of Jiutuo Erfu, before Gao Teng completed the wing shape, even surpassed her.

  That group of black flames, paranoid and crazy.

  It is a flame that makes people go crazy.

  Ouyang Mofei thinks that this girl wants to achieve this level, and it may not be possible.

  The most curious thing right now is, Chi Shen Ya, and the flames of Sakura Manji.

  He wanted to know to what extent the flames of these two had reached.

  This determines which side he will put his energy on in the future.

  Although relying on the plot, he did not intend to take care of the male protagonist in the plot.

  After all, if it is so useful, the elder brother, Lanhui Hongji, Lanzheng, and Partridge, is sorry for stepping on it, but it should be Jinmuyan.

  "Oh, you are actually looking at her."

  A familiar voice appeared in Ouyang Mofei's ear.

  It's Zo.

  Ouyang Mofei looked at the young man floating above him and said, "Is there any problem?"

  "No, no." Zuo looked at the girl on the screen, "Her singing, her expression, and her destiny are very suitable."

  "Is it full of tragedy?"

  Ouyang Murphy also knew why G Qi was born.

  It is for the resurrection of Sakuraman's real name.

  Ini's identity is actually a connection experiment created to talk to Sakura Manji's sister, Sakura Man's real name.

  A replica made with the void of his real name and genetics as the core foundation.

  "You seem to know her true identity〃¨."

  Zuo looked at Ouyang Murphy in surprise.

  The other party seems to know a lot of secret things.

  "Your illusion."

  Ouyang Mofei turned off the monitor in his hand and looked at Zuo: "What are you doing here?"

  Zuo smiled slightly and said, "As an organ to eliminate will, we naturally need to keep an eye on the process of world change, especially important people like you."

  "You're not going to get in the way like the other little guy."

  Ouyang Mofei held a pen in his hand, and he gently pulled out the cap.

  The sharp nib of the pen is creepy.

  Zuo has no doubt that as long as he nods his head, that thing will burst his throat.

  Very bloody picture.

  "Of course not, we tomb guards will take warning for your illegal behavior." Zuo floated down from the air, full of respect for Ouyang Mofei, "We are deeply sorry for the trouble he caused you. ."

  Ouyang Mofei quietly looked at the thick eyebrow in front of him.

  This one feels more difficult to deal with than that Yu.

  "If that's the case, you can do whatever you want."

  Now Ouang Murphy doesn't plan to have a big face with this guy, after all, it's not necessary.

  Jingle Bell

  Ouyang Murphy's cell phone rang.

  Ouyang Murphy glanced at the caller ID, it was the person he ordered to go down before.

  "Hey, are things done?"

  "Report to the Colonel, Miss Chi Ye's admission procedures have been completed. Regarding the housing issue, we have already bought the house next door to you."

  The other party's movements were very fast, and it didn't take a few days to deal with everything.

  "I have sent the specific information to your mailbox."

  "Okay, but I get it. Hard work."

  "It is my honor to serve the university."

  The tone on the other side was very respectful.

  Ouyang Murphy didn't know whether the other party respected his position or his settings.

  After all, the will of the world set Ouyang Murphy a relatively good and charismatic character.

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