——Void Lab

  "Your flame is beyond my expectations."

  Ouyang Murphy looked at the girl's heart, where the flames burned.

  But the girl's flame was not as fiery as Ouyang Mofei had expected at first.

  Her flame is very small.

  Gives a feeling of being extinguished at any time.

  The strange thing is that behind this small group of flames, there is a group of extremely enchanting purple-red flames.

  That strange flame should be the flame of Sakura's real name.

  The consciousness of Sakuraman's real name is connected with G Qi.

  "But it's quite right to think about it. After all, you just created a clone for the sake of Yingman's real name."

  Ouyang Murphy ran out of all his previous thoughts.

  The flame of G prayer is weak, which is reasonable.

  After all, when the drama started, Ouyang Mofei didn't realize that she had the same obsession and pursuit as the old one and the other.

  She is more like a puppet.

  Ouyang Mofei, who thinks that as long as he is the protagonist, the flame is powerful, is still too naive.

  In this way, the flames of Sakura Manji are not as strong.

  In the early stage, his character was too weak to speak.

  The only estimate that still has a bit of a look is that of the gods.

  But Ouyang Murphy didn't hold out much hope.

  What is the purpose of Tsugami Ya's behavior has determined the upper limit of his flame.

  "Oh, this is very troublesome."

  Ouyang Mofei looked at G Qi staring at her with a headache.

  Even stepping on that flame, it took him so many years to meet the requirements.

  Wouldn't the world take longer?

  Thinking of this, Ouyang Murphy had a bitter look on his face.

  G Qi still pointed a gun at Ouyang Murphy.

  However, there were no more bullets in it, and all the bullets were deflected by Ouyang.

  She didn't quite understand what Ouyang Murphy said.

  What a clone, what a flame.


  Suddenly, the earth shook.

  The entire Void Lab was like a cannonball hit.

  I saw a huge humanoid machine smashed down from the roof of the laboratory.

  "Xiao Qi, are you alright!"

  A girl's voice came from inside the robot.

  Shinomiya Ayase.

  When G Qi saw the robot, he immediately ran over.

  It's just that Ouyang Mofei wouldn't let her escape so easily.

  He grabbed the girl's arm.

  The girl frowned in pain.

  Ouyang Murphy's strength is really too great.

  The girl felt that her arm was about to be crushed by the opponent.

  Ouyang Mofei didn't care about the girl's expression, he said lightly: "." So you children are really immature, and you don't even take measures to hide your identity when you come out?"

  He thought it was incredible.

  It's okay to call your partner's name casually, even if you come without a mask.

  I don't even know how to deal with the sound.

  People who are really GHQ are idiots.

  Uh... no, they might really be idiots.

  Otherwise, why let G Qi, the singer, be active on the Internet for so long.

  "Let go of Xiao Qi!"

  Ayase, the manipulator of the mecha, launched an attack on Ouyang Murphy.

  Ouyang Murphy grabbed the girl who couldn't break free and avoided the opponent's attack in the ruins of the laboratory like a waltz.

  Until he jumped to the deepest point that the machine couldn't touch.

  "I'm wondering if you're trying to kill me in the name of killing this young lady."

  Ouyang Murphy raised G prayer.

  At this time, G prayed that his feet could not stand at all.

  Ouyang Mo (Did Zhao) avoided her just now and didn't take her into consideration at all.

  As soon as she resists a little, she pulls hard and then increases her strength.

  G Qi's face has become very bad because of the pain.

  "You are bullshitting!"

  Shinomiya Ayase cursed: "Let go of Xiao Qi."

  Said the machine seems to open the long-range offensive capabilities.

  "What an irrational child."

  Ouyang Mofei shook his head helplessly.

  With a smile, he looked at G Qi beside him, and wrapped her building with his left hand.

  "Miss, tonight, go to me and use you a little bit."


  G Qi stared blankly at Ouyang Mofei's flickering pupils, the next second.


  The girl blushed slightly and snorted.

  I saw a white hole in the girl's chest that opened up.

  With Ouyang Murphy and G Qi as the center, silver-gray void matter floated around.

  Ouyang Mofei stretched his right hand into the white hole.

  He felt a powerful long sword. .

Chapter 228

  "Monitoring resumed."

  Thrush, who was supported by the rear, obtained the live situation of the laboratory through the robot controlled by Ayase Shinomiya.

  But what happened next made her, as well as Jigshen Ya, stunned.

  I saw in the video that the man put his hand into G Qi's body, and then pulled out a big sword.

  "It's really that power."

  Jigshenya looked at Ouyang Mofei with a smiling face in the video, and his expression was very excited.

  He couldn't forget the power that the man used to save him back then.

  That power called the king.

  "Ya, what's going on?! Why was that officer able to pull out... such a big sword from Xiao Qi's body?"

  The girl was a little incoherent.

  Chopping bullets with his hands, drawing swords from his chest, these things are really beyond common sense.

  Jigshenya didn't answer, but stared at Ouyang Murphy in the video.

  ——Void Research Lab

  "let me go."

  The voice of 'G pray' was very cold at this time, and his eyes were full of annoyance and coldness.

  This is not G pray!

  "Ah, so you came out so easily."

  Ouyang Mofei looked at the current 'G Qi' in 'surprise'.

  Or Sakuraman's real name.

  The first appearance of Sakuraman's real name was when Sakuramanji drew out the Void Sword for the first time in the fan drama.

  Ouyang Murphy also wanted to try to see if he could summon this Eve.

  In reality, it still looks very easy.

  Neither G Qi nor Sakura Man's real name could resist pulling out their void.

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