"I'm sorry, it was my dereliction of duty!"

  The soldier bowed his head in shame.

  "Waste, let so few people take away the medicine."

  The captain walked over and gave this incompetent subordinate a hard kick.

  Now it can be explained clearly why these gangsters suddenly ran into the school.

  It is estimated that they want to take hostages and escape.

  But even without Ouyang Murphy, their behavior would be useless.


  Because most foreign members of GHQ don't care about the lives of students here.

  The soldier endured the pain and said, "Not only this, there are many other organizations with members〃¨."

  "It's not an excuse!"

  The captain punched and kicked the soldier.

  He handed such a simple promotion task to this kid, but he was stunned to make a fool of himself.

  Still in front of the high school.

  Really an asshole!

  "Okay, okay."

  Ouyang Mofei handed the medicine bag to the soldier next to him and asked, "Have all the medicines been robbed?"

  The captain stopped and let the soldiers speak.

  "Report to the colonel, nearly [-]% of the drugs were taken away."

  "so much!"

  Ouyang Mofei frowned.

  There are very few organizations in Neon that can snatch such a large number of drugs from GHQ.

  Ouyang Mofei subconsciously looked at Arisa next to him.

  It is clear that the worship group can do this.

  I just don't know if they are there.

  Arisa sensitively noticed that Ouyang Murphy was looking at him, and his heart skipped a beat.

  This man would not suspect that their family was involved.

  In fact, whether there is, who knows.

  Even if the worship group is not involved.

  These things are also very much that they have some inexplicable relationship.

  As a group that has always been against GHQ.

  How could it not covertly support some overt terrorists?

  "However, the command center has dispatched other teams, and I believe all of them will be recovered soon."

  Ouyang Murphy asked, "How much has been recovered now?"

  "Uh..." The soldier looked at Ouyang Murphy with some embarrassment and said, "You are the first batch."

  The squad leader now wants to slap this stupid subordinate hard.

  Can this be said so bluntly?

  "Oh, like this."

  Ouyang Mofei sighed helplessly.

  how to say.

  As expected.

  No matter where it is, the ability of this kind of organization is so poor that he thinks it is unscientific.

  An organization from all countries in the world that almost dominates Neon, even if it has been robbed of materials, it has not been recovered yet.

  Who will believe it.

  "Sorry for making us remiss."

  Soldiers were very ashamed.

  Ouyang Murphy shook his head and said, "Leave this to us, you can continue to hunt down those fugitives."


  Soldiers stood at attention and saluted.

  After that, he led the guards to continue to track down the other fugitives.

  As for the batch of drugs, they have naturally been confiscated.

  Losses need to be counted later, and they cannot be sent directly to a medical center.

  It can be said to be troublesome.

  The patients at the medical center waiting for the Norma gene are really out of luck.


  At this time, a group of middle-aged voices came from the teaching building.

  He is the principal and other administrators of Tianwangzhou No. [-] University.

  This is what happens on campus.

  If they don't show up at this time, it's over.

  Ouyang Mofei saw the group of panicked middle-aged people, and said to Chi Yemengxiang, "You and Arisa are here, I'll talk to the principal and the others about what happened just now."

  Chi Yemengxiang nodded obediently: "." Understood, you can go."

  After that, the captain and Ouyang Murphy followed the principal to the conference room.

  There is still something to be said about today's events.

  Both schools and GHQ must minimize the impact today.

  As soon as the big man left, the students also became active.

  A few more open girls approached Chi Ye Mengxiang.

  "Hey, classmate Chi Ye, what's your relationship with that high school?"

  The girl said ambiguous: "It won't be a couple relationship, right?"

  Arisa also looked at Chi Ye Mengxiang curiously, and she was also curious about the relationship between the two parties.

  Chi Yemengxiang blushed and said, "No...yes."

  "Oh? It's true or false." Another female classmate said in surprise, "Then what's the relationship between you two?"

  "Mr. Ouyang, I was asked by my father to take care of me."

  The girl said shyly.


  The girls present showed an expression that I understand.

  "I really envy you, being taken care of by such a man."

  One of the female classmates obviously had no resistance to this type of (De Li's) man.

  Both eyes are peach blossoms.


  The girls here are surrounded by Chi Ye Mengxiang asking some shy questions and nympho.

  As for the boys.

  Some students want to apprentice to Ouyang Murphy.

  Some have the idea of ​​joining the army


  But there are also a group of people with a different attitude.

  "Hey, Soul Hall, now you know the difference."

  The thorn from before came up to the soul hall Satai again, and laughed: "You still want to pursue classmate Chi Ye, are you really comparable to that big school?"


  Soul Pavilion Sata clenched his fists and looked at him angrily.

  "Oh, how can you compare him to that lord."

  Another thorn appeared, and then sneered: "The colonel defeated those attitudes alone, and he shrank on the ground and trembled. This comparison is not an insult to the colonel."


  The other thorns should reconcile.


  Sakura Manji looked at her friend worriedly. .

Chapter 238

  After explaining to the school administrators how to minimize the impact of the matter, Ouyang Murphy planned to leave the school.

  The school will then conduct an ideological education for the students.

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