Ouyang Murphy kicked Yu, who was still lying on the ground.

  Weak, poor, helpless Yu shook his head.

  After getting the answer, Ouyang Murphy turned his head back to G Qi and said, "As an ordinary person's secretary, you are very unqualified."

  "Yeah." The girl nodded if she realized something, and then seemed to remember her friend's advice, "I will try my best to correct it."

  "Ah, no, you don't have to correct it."

  Ouyang Murphy shook his head and said.


  The girl was puzzled again.

  It's different from what Ayase and the others said.

  "I said as an ordinary person, but as my secretary, you are very qualified."

  Ouyang Murphy turned the rotor's chair like a child and said, "I'm just an idle job after all, and I don't have any jobs, so the secretary doesn't need to know anything."

  That kind of almighty secretary, give it to him, he still thinks it will delay others. .

Chapter 252

  "Idle job?"

  G Qi looked at the environment around Ouyang Mofei, how could such an environment not be what he said.

  "Listen, girl." Ouyang Murphy said, "Zangshenya probably wants you to get something like the Void Genome from me, and I don't care."

  "After all, I was stupid and planned to give it to him. As for the so-called intelligence, you can do whatever you want. Don't expect to get anything out of my mouth. I don't know anything."

  "What are you doing here, feel free, I only have one request, just don't cause trouble for me."

  In order not to let G Qi for some inexplicable reason, Ouyang Mofei gave her an alarm bell in advance.

  G Qi was silent for a while, and then said: "The secretary helps the boss with his work and will not cause trouble."

  "Hmm, I hope so."

  What should a secretary do?

  Although before coming, Ayase and Thrush told him a lot of things they knew, but G Qijue was not quite right.

  As an undercover she is not very qualified.

  Whether professional skills, or now.

  I don't know who leaked the news of Ouyang Murphy's return to the GHQ Center, and many people began to step into Ouyang Murphy's office.

  Obviously his ass is not hot, and he is about to come in and meet a group of stinking adults.

  Of course, Secretary G Qi was completely reduced to a vase at this time.

  She just did that and watched Ouyang Murphy talk to different people.

  No matter who he sees, he seems to be able to deal with the past easily.

  within a few hours.

  From ordinary officers, to some senior leaders; from some female staff who want to even, to celebrities and eldest ladies...

  Ouyang Murphy seems to be able to grasp the degree of all receptions.

  I know what kind of level I should communicate with them as a major.

  In the process, he not only subtly rejected some of everyone's demands, but also obtained a lot of GHQ and neon status from their mouths.

  For example, there are some rumors about the enshrining group, Shidou Shuichiro, or fact.

  G Qi also listened stupidly from the beginning, and then started to take out the recording pen to record.

  One of the reasons she came here was to get information.

  Although the information seems to be that this man knocked out of someone else's mouth, it doesn't matter.

  For girls, it is enough to complete the final task.

  It doesn't matter what the process is.

  Until the evening, when it was almost time for get off work, the number of visitors gradually decreased.

  Ouyang Murphy also changed his previous expression and slumped on the chair.

  "Axi, why is my idle job so troublesome〃¨!"

  Ouyang Mofei looked desperate.

  He didn't know how long he hadn't reminisced about the days when he wore a formulaic expression like this and cooperated with others to say various things.

  Past life, brother quality Lanyun

  He has been in contact with many big people and celebrities, and he knows how to communicate with them.

  But all of a sudden, it's really overpowering.

  Ouyang Mofei looked at G Qi, who was sending emails, speechlessly.

  This secretary is really rubbish.

  "Boom boom boom!"

  Ouyang Murphy knocked on the table.


  The girl raised her head in confusion and looked at Ouyang Murphy.

  "I said Miss Secretary, can you get me some water?"

  Ouyang Mofei's smile is very kind.

  G Qi nodded, she remembered Ayase telling her secretary of the rules.

  Within the scope of work, you need to meet all the requirements of your boss.

  G Qi picked up the half bottle of water beside him and handed it to Ouyang Mofei: "Here."


  Ouyang Mofei looked at the water in his hand, was silent for a while, and asked, "Is this what I gave you before?"

  G prayed nodded and said, "There's still half of it, it should be enough."

  The girl didn't seem to realize that she did something wrong at all.

  Ouyang Murphy held the bottle, sighed, and said, "I suddenly regret it."


  "Well, I regret it." Ouyang Mofei nodded with a smile and said, "Miss G Qi, you are not qualified for me now."

  "Not... qualified?"

  G Qi repeated his words again.

  Ouyang Mofei stood up and threw the half bottle of water in his hand directly into the trash can.

  He doesn't have some disgusting proclivities.

  He took his water glass, walked to the water dispenser, and said, "I thought I might not need anything for my job, but I found out that I was wrong first."

  Although Ouyang Murphy is an idle position, it does not mean that he has no power in his hands.

  On the contrary, he was able to call the army, and the authority of the weapon was second only to the commander-in-chief, the major general.

  Especially now, when the major general is not there.

  Ouyang Murphy can be said to be the most powerful figure in the entire GHQ.

  And people like him, even if they are idle at home, will have all kinds of things come to their door.

  In other words, he still needs a more normal or shrewd secretary.

  Can help him deal with these troublesome people or things.

  Otherwise, he will waste a lot of energy dealing with these bastards.

  Why do you call it an asshole?

  The man doesn't say much.


  Fortunately, it wasn't Brother Lan Shu here, otherwise he was worried that Gao Ting and Yi Bing would tear them apart.

  "." I'm not qualified, what do you mean?"

  G Qi followed Ouyang Murphy.

  Ouyang Mofei took the water and took a sip.

  His throat was dry after talking for hours on end.

  Ouyang Mofei turned to his side and looked up at his G Qi blankly.

  "What I said before, for normal people (the king's), you are an unqualified secretary."

  G prayed nodded.

  Ouyang Mofei continued: "Then correct me now, I have become a normal person."

  What he needs is a secretary who can help him with things.

  A secretary who can help him block some meaningless visitors.

  A secretary who can help him easily get rid of some inexplicable things.

  But G pray for this mascot.

  All afternoon, she sat on the sofa and watched Ouyang Murphy talk to the visitors.

  did nothing.

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