Especially pay attention to the girl's flame.

  The short period of a few days is indeed different from before, and it is more real than in the past.

  In other words, the girl is awakening to her true self.

  This is still something to look forward to.

  Ouyang Murphy was a little interested.

  He stretched out his hand on the head of the guilty girl and said, "Why do you have this idea?"

  G Qi shook his head in confusion.

  "I'll give you another choice, will you still go?"

  Ouyang Mofei stared at the girl's red eyes.

  Likewise, the girl looked at him.

  Those deep pupils seemed to see through her.

  "Without the order of Sangshenya, what is your choice?"

  Ouyang Murphy's voice was like magic, and it kept echoing in G Qi's ears.

  Just like what he said at the beginning, his own will.

  This seems to be questioning.


  The girl bit her lip, and finally nodded with difficulty: "I'll go back."


  Ouyang Mofei didn't care about G Qi's answer, what he cared about was the reason.

  "Because Ya... no!"

  Originally G prayed to say Ya's order, but the voice in her ear stopped her.

  "If you don't go, everyone, everyone will be killed. People who get sick in the funeral society will also..."

  The girl couldn't go on.

  She seemed to understand that what she said was too selfish.

  "Pfft! Pfft!"

  The depressed girl felt that the big hand on her head suddenly patted ungently.

  "Well, the answer is good, I'm very satisfied."

  Ouyang Mofei nodded with a smile on his face.

  He didn't care at all about what was right or wrong between the funeral agency and GHQ.

  This kind of position issue, he has long since forgiven his brother Lan Binwu.

  On the contrary, it was G Qi's answer that made him feel interesting.

  The doll consciousness nurtured in this replica body has its own choice and will.

  The flame of G praying, when she said those words, was like adding a stick of firewood.

  The flames are brighter.

  It struggled hard under the strange purple-red flames.

  This awakening of self-consciousness and the burning of flames made Ouyang Mofei feel happy when he saw it.

  This is probably the characteristic deep in Ouyang Mofei's soul.

  Delight in beautiful flames.

  G prays that the small, hard-burning flame has a special charm in his eyes.

  The injection of the Void Genome is worth it! .

Chapter 254

  "You seem to be suddenly happy, why?"

  G Qi was very puzzled about Ouyang Murphy's sudden dissatisfaction and now his expression.

  Do you have anything to say about yourself that makes you happy?

  No alas.

  "Why am I so happy?"

  Ouyang Mofei took his hand back and said, "Probably because I saw a girl who has gone astray and is gradually getting on the right track.~"

  "A girl who has gone astray?" G Qi pointed to himself and asked, "Is it me?"

  "What do you think?"

  Ouyang Mofei smiled, turned around, and continued to walk.

  G prayed that he didn't get an answer, didn't ask any further questions, but kept the question in his heart.

  She followed in Ouyang Murphy's footsteps.

  In fact, to a question Ouyang Murphy had just now, the girl had an answer that she didn't say.

  Why follow him?

  In addition to excluding the orders of the Sangshin Ya, she also has such a plan.

  She felt a charismatic attraction from Ouyang Murphy.

  That is the thirst of the apocalypse virus for more perfect creatures.

  She has one more question for Ouyang Murphy.

  That to know if you want it or not.

  Girls want to know the answer to this question.

  But in the end, she still didn't ask.


  Probably because she felt that it would be better to find the answer to such a question by herself.

  In just a few days, G Qi has begun to learn to bury some problems in his heart and think for himself.

  Although the distance between Ouyang Mofei's work area and his residence has been lengthened, it is still within an acceptable range.

  He and G prayed, feeling at home before the sun went down.

  "Welcome back, dinner..."

  The cook, Chi Yemengxiang, greeted Ouyang Murphy, who was returning home, as skillfully as usual.

  Just like a new wife.

  She prepared everything at home, and even stretched out her hand to take Ouyang Murphy's coat.

  But today she saw an unexpected person.

  "She... how?"

  Of course, Moeka Chiye didn't forget to pray.

  G Ini and Shinomiya Ayase, as prisoners of war, she remembered clearly.

  This girl is beautiful, but she is a terrorist.

  It was in the same group as the people I met under the overpass before.

  "She is a secretary who was just fired by me. She is now homeless and came back with me."

  While explaining, Ouyang Mofei handed the jacket he took off to Chi Yemengxiang's hand.

  Well... honestly, he refused at first.

  However, as the number of times increased, the temperament of a good wife on Chi Yemengxiang became more and more intense, causing him to subconsciously hand over the coat.

  What he said below was like explaining to his wife why he brought a girl back.

  "Of course these are all superficial excuses." Ouyang Murphy rolled up his sleeves, walked into the room, and said, "She's a little guy who was sent by the terrorist gang to go undercover beside me."


  Chi Ye Mengxiang widened her eyes.

  She has never touched anything that ordinary people can't touch, but she is still very aware of such things as undercover.

  Whether it is a film and television work or reality, the frequency of this term is not low.

  The word undercover is a very handsome term in the eyes of some adolescent children.

  However, this is obviously not suitable for Chi Ye Mengxiang.

  "Then Mr. Ouyang, are you alright?!"

  Chi Chi Ye Meng Xiang nervously looked at Ouyang Murphy, who had slipped to the table and was stealing food.

  Ouyang Murphy shrugged and said, "Do you think I'll be someone who has something to do?"

  Chi Yemengxiang opened her mouth, but she still didn't say what she wanted to say.

  Yes, does Ouyang Murphy look like someone in trouble?

  Chi Yemengxiang couldn't imagine Ouyang Mofei's shriveled appearance.

  "excuse me."

  G Qi said hello to Chi Ye Mengxiang, then took off her shoes and walked into the room.

  The action is not jerky, paused.

  As if this was her home.

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