Triton in memory, is that such a person?

  He has a crush on his sister, and Ying Manji knows it.

  Will he make such a choice?

  Sakura Manji doesn't know.

  Tsukigami looked at the rifle in his hand tremblingly, Ouyang Mofei had already pointed it at Ying Manji very intimately.

  All he needs to do is just a touch.

  As long as you press the button, the person selected by his real name will only be him.

  He was the only one who stayed by his real name's side.

  The flames flickered there.

  Ouyang Mofei narrowed his eyes.

  How will it change?


  Tsukigami squeezed the trigger.

  An energy cannon capable of destroying a human body shot out from the front of the rifle.

  Sakura Manji in the distance closed his eyes.

  it's over...

  He thought so.

  After a second.


  Sakura Manji opened his eyes in surprise, and there was no problem with his body.

  He is not dead?

  "Oh, you ruined your hairstyle."

  Ouyang Mofei turned his head to the side, he felt a small tuft of hair smelling burnt.

  "Can you tell me why?"

  Chi Shen Ya coughed blood and forced a smile: "Hmph, you are too self-righteous!"


  "She said I was her knight, and a knight would never do anything to make her sad!"

  The rifle in Tsukigami's hand suddenly disintegrated.

  The void where the rifle was originally enhanced appeared on his left hand.

  He hit Ouyang Murphy sharply.

  Ouyang Mofei easily dodged.

  Chi Shen Ya struggled to support his body, blood dripping from his face.

  This handsome young man, this is considered a broken (remarkable) appearance.

  Tsukigami raised his gun and said, "Yes, everything I do is for my real name."

  "I'm sorry to everyone in the funeral club, I'm sorry for the set, I'm sorry for Mr. Sculuji who saved me..."

  The guilt on Tsukigami's face was real.

  He took advantage of a lot of people, and he understood that.

  "If I can survive, I will spend the rest of my life begging for their forgiveness."

  The void in Chi Shenya's hands flickered there.

  Void is, after all, a manifestation of the mind.

  Although it has been finalized, it still has the ability to strengthen.

  "But now...I am her knight, protect her!"

  Dazzling light condensed on the rifle.

  "Tsk tsk tsk, I don't even know if it's affectionate or licking dogs for today's teenagers."

  Ouyang Mofei looked at this unprecedented energy cannon and smiled: "But, to tell the shameless truth, the flame burns very well.".

Chapter 348

  "Huh, today's harvest is not bad."

  Ouyang Murphy sat back on the throne again.

  At this time, the people who were besieging him there just now had completely stopped.

  Just now, the void of Chi Shen Ya had been improved to a certain extent, and he launched a fierce attack on Ouyang Mofei.

  The others also rushed up.

  Even Carroll attacked Ouyang Murphy with an attacking void.

  But it's a pity.

  Sometimes, the gap between people is so desperate.

  "What... a joke, is this guy really human?!"

  Arisa was lying on the ground, and she could feel every cell screaming in pain.

  Just now, she, who was originally a long-range shooter, had to act as a meat shield because of the general attack here.

  After all, her void, even in Carroll's body, can't match it in terms of defense.

  Her Void's defense is indeed very strong, and Ouyang Mofei stopped, afraid of breaking it.

  Arisa did the meat shield job perfectly.

  However, the fact that the defensive cover was not shattered did not mean that Ouyang Murphy couldn't hit her.

  Just now, Arisa had a profound understanding of what it means to fight cattle across the mountain.

  So, she insisted on being beaten by Ouyang Murphy, and covered the others.

  Others also used the strongest blow.

  The results of it?

  Broke Ouyang Murphy's shirt.

  Yes, only to this extent.

  There was no wound, but his clothes were broken.


  Skuluji was lying on the ground with his arms around Carroll, and he was completely out of strength.

  Tsukigami Ya pressed his teeth and stared fiercely at the man sitting next to Sakuraman's real name.

  Sakura's face is full of complexity.

  As for G pray.

  She was not surprised by this ending.

  As if expected.

  However, she seems to have a lot of emotional fluctuations there because of other things.

  Ouyang Murphy dragged his chin and comforted like a confidant big brother: "Don't be so frowning, you guys are really amazing. Look, you've torn my clothes."

  He didn't lie about this.

  It is rare to be able to break his clothes.

  Not to mention that his body has been strengthened so many times.

  A few of them together should have been able to fight against the high-footed state of the past.

  As for now, it's hard to say.

  The strength of those two people, the extent to which they have improved in all aspects, is very exaggerated.

  Thinking of this, Ouyang Mofei's waist hurt a little.


  This is, a mass of human-shaped meat fell from the sky.

  Well... it's Pleasant.

  She was completely unconscious.

  It seems that the result of the battle between her and the two tomb keepers is self-evident.

  Zuo Heyou landed from the air, both of them holding two swords.

  The clothes on his body were also damaged, which was exaggerated by Ouyang Mofei.

  "Hey, two swords? It's interesting."

  Ouyang Mofei looked at the knives in the hands of the two tomb keepers.

  Naturally, he can do the second sword style, but he has never met anyone who is stronger.

  Seeing the sword in the hands of the tomb keeper, he became a little interested.

  "Uh...I'm not going to fight you."

  Yu read Ouyang Murphy's meaning in an instant, and he threw the two swords in his hands to the ground.

  Said that he could not fight Ouyang Murphy.

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