Zhu Nai used a joking tone to tell the real situation in her heart. Although it was not as exaggerated as she was, she was really beating in her heart at this time.

Of course, if Lin Yue turned on [Super Hearing], he could hear Zhu Nai's heartbeat.

However, under normal conditions, Lin Yue only turns on the hang-up state, and only receives information about crisis or some help.So Lin Yue only thought that Zhu was joking at this time.

"Really, that's really good luck. After all, I can make a woman like Zhu Nai feel this way, I think it's a success." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"Maybe." Zhu Nai calmed down and said with a smile.

Then the four of them walked down the street.become a beautiful landscape.

The man is handsome, the woman is beautiful and charming, and the two are petite and cute.Such a combination is very striking.

"Zhu Nai is also very popular. Look at the eyes of those boys." Lin Yue said to Zhu Nai with a smile.

"Thank you for your compliment, teacher. I usually encounter idiots who follow me, and I always feel a little uneasy." Zhu Nai smiled slightly, then turned his eyes, and said with a hint of fear on his face.

"Really, indeed. There are indeed many idiots in Neon." Lin Yue nodded and said.

In her own world, Lin Yue often heard about Neon's idiots.

Especially on the tram.This kind of case can be said to be seen frequently.

"Speaking of which, the teacher's country is very stable. This kind of crime should be rare." Zhu Nai thought that Lin Yue was not a Neon person and said.

"Well. It's really very few." Lin Yue nodded in agreement.

"Then, since I know that students are usually targeted by stupid (dead) people, does the teacher have no way to help me? For example, after school, the teacher comes to take me home?" Zhu Nai looked at Lin Yue with a smile. said.

Hearing Zhu Nai's words at the beginning, Lin Yue groaned inwardly.You are already a devil, and you are afraid of being followed by an idiot?I guess you just plug them all in.

But at the end, Lin Yue realized that this girl wanted to tease herself again.

"Okay. After school tonight. The teacher is responsible for escorting Zhu Nai home." Lin Yue responded directly and forcefully. He wanted to see what would happen to her when he really sent her home.

"Alas!!!" Zhu Nai was shocked after hearing Lin Yue's direct answer.

She didn't expect her brother-in-law to agree directly.

Could it be that, as my cousin said in the text message last night, my brother-in-law would really help with anything.

Then she felt like she couldn't take it anymore.

Lin Yue was a little stunned when she saw Zhu Nai, and couldn't help but want to comfort her.

Lin Yue knew that Zhu Nai often pretended to be a mature big sister.

But she was very fragile inside, especially after going through something like that.

Lin Yue put her hand directly on Zhu Nai's head, Zhu Nai felt the touch on his head, and his expression was a little stiff.

"Don't always keep things in your heart. Sometimes you have to rely on the people around you. If it doesn't work, you can find me. I will help you." Lin Yue said to Zhu Nai with a smile.Then let go.

Because it was already at school, Lin Yue took Jiuzhong and Baiyin one step ahead.

And left Akina who was stunned.

Zhu Nai seemed to feel concern in Lin Yue at this time, and that concern was definitely not due to her cousin's advice.

It's a genuine concern from the heart.

Let Zhu Nai be speechless for a long time.

Zhu Nai's heart was very complicated at this time.It finally turned into a sigh.

"Hey! Teacher, maybe I really... can't resist you like this."

Then Zhu Nai walked to the classroom.

After Lin Yue sent the two to his classroom, he returned to his office.

Pushing the door and entering, Lin Yue saw Cang Na sitting in the office at this time.

"Cang Na? Why are you here?" Lin Yue asked Cang Na curiously.

After hearing Lin Yue's voice, Cang Na immediately reincarnated, looked at Lin Yue with a blushing face, and said, "Sister...Brother-in-law."

"Oh, Cang Na, did you recognize me?" Lin Yue said to Cang Na with a smile.

Cana nodded.Then he said, "There is a picture of my brother-in-law in my sister's room."

"So that's the case, then is Seraph okay? Why haven't I seen her now?" Lin Yue realized that she recognized herself through the photo.

Cang Na became nervous when she heard Lin Yue asked about Seraph.She didn't want her sister to come so soon.

How could she execute the 'Brother-in-law Raiders' plan to get revenge on her sister.

"My sister probably still has official business in the underworld. So I didn't come." Cang Na said calmly.

However, the truth is that Seraph is at work watching Magical Girl anime.

Since she was still in the stage of being punished by Gurefia, she couldn't go out to find Lin Yue.

Although Lin Yue pleaded with Gurefia to shorten the time.But it still made Seraph somewhat unhappy.

Especially now that she knew that Lin Yue was back, she was furious.

"There are still two days...you can go out to find the moon. Damn Gurefia!!!" Seraph said bitterly while watching the anime.

Lin Yue nodded after hearing this.

"I see."

Then Lin Yue went to Cang Na's side.Cang Na felt excited and nervous for a while.

"So Xiao Cang, what are you doing here in my office? Do you want my brother-in-law to help you cheat in the exam?" Lin Yue said jokingly.

"No, they have good grades." Cang Na glanced at Lin Yue and said.

She was now sure that what her sister said was true.

Lin Yue is indeed very funny sometimes.

Then Cang Na pushed his glasses, hesitated, and said, "I was just worried that my brother-in-law didn't have breakfast, so... I specially brought breakfast for my brother-in-law."

Cang Na hesitated and took out a lunch box from his side.

After Lin Yue heard it, she looked at Cang Na in surprise, and then looked at the bento with delicate packaging and a heart pattern on it.

This made Lin Yue look at Cang Na strangely.

No way. . .Could it be her? ? ! ! !

Lin Yue is not a fool, to be able to come up with such a thing, he must have that idea.

Lin Yue suddenly found it interesting that Cang Na knew that he was her sister's man, yet was so obviously bold.

Isn't this exactly what Lin Yue wanted?

"Okay, I'll take it. Thank you Cang Na. It seems that Cang Na will be a good wife in the future." Lin Yue took the lunch and said to Cang Na with a smile.

"Ah...maybe...I...leave first." Cang Na's heart thumped after hearing Lin Yue said that she would be a good wife.Then he got up in a panic and left.

Lin Yue watched Cang Na leave with a smile, and then opened the breakfast Cang Na prepared for her.

After looking at the balanced nutrition and delicious breakfast.

Lin Yue knew that Cang Na prepared very carefully.

Then Lin Yue finished the breakfast and went to class.

When they came to the classroom, the girls warmly welcomed the teacher as always.

But those boys looked at Lin Yue with hatred.

Yesterday he agreed, and today he will teach this little white-faced teacher a lesson.

Then Lin Yue started the class, and the girls, except Rias and Zhu Nai, listened carefully.

Zhu Nai looked at Lin Yue with a complicated expression, thinking about what Lin Yue told her this morning.

And Rias also looked at Lin Yue with the same complexity, although she learned from Lin Yue that Lin Yue was not an ordinary person.

But what's the use of it, people don't want to be dependents at all.

Rias looked at Lin Yue with a sad expression on her face.As if to say why not become my family.

And Lin Yue has a keen sense of perception and can naturally know Rias's situation.

But it's hard to say anything now, Lin Yue can only continue teaching.

And while the lectures were taking place, the boys started to do things.

They began to talk about their own, and did not listen to Lin Yue's lectures.Some even cross the position to talk.

As if ignoring that it is class time.

Cang Na was obsessively listening to Lin Yue's lecture when he was suddenly disturbed by these people, and his brows could not help frowning.

However, at this time, a few 'hooks', and several flying objects with white shadows hit the heads of some troublesome students.

It was Lin Yue who threw it directly with the chalk. When the chalk hit them, the whole chalk was shattered into powder.

Rias' pupils shrank when she saw it.

The speed is so fast, I can't see the speed of the chalk thrown by Teacher Lin Yue just now.Rias was horrified.

She became more and more curious about Lin Yue's power, and at the same time wanted Lin Yue to be her family.

"Several classmates, can you abide by the classroom discipline, or you won't keep your hands next time." Lin Yue said with a smile.

Although Lin Yue didn't throw the subsonic speed.But about the same.

Hit them in the head, it really hurts.

Several people covered their heads, trembling back to their seats, and stopped making trouble.

Cang Na rolled his eyes and looked at the boys with disdain.

Thanks to my brother-in-law for keeping me, these guys might have disappeared from this world long ago.Cana thought to herself.

On the other side, Zhu Nai saw a hint of shock on his face.

She couldn't understand such a speed herself. She felt that Lin Yue was definitely not that simple.

After all, she had heard from her cousin that this brother-in-law helped her cousin and put pressure on the entire Himejima family.Cousin Fu took the position of suzerain.

She gradually began to want to know about this mysterious brother-in-law.

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