"Uh... that's amazing..." Lin Yue said with a slight twitch at the corner of her mouth.

Girl, talk well, why do you want to hit someone with a ball?

Zhu Nai said with a smile: "Allah, Teacher Lin Yue, I am good at lightning magic."

"Uh... Since that's the case, then the two of you will attack me with the attacks you are best at." Lin Yue said lightly to the two of them.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

"Huh? Do you really want to do this? Teacher." Rias looked at Lin Yue worriedly.

Then she knew that Lin Yue was very strong, but in her mind, her destructive power could destroy anything. If one accidentally hurt Lin Yue, she would be heartbroken.

"It doesn't matter, your destructive power is not enough to cause harm to me." Lin Yue said to Rias with a smile.

When Rias heard this, her face was a little unhappy.

The power of destruction she was proud of, but Lin Yue ignored it.

This made Rias a little angry and said, "Mr. Lin Yue, I know you are very strong, but my power of destruction is also very strong!! So please don't underestimate it."

Hearing that Rias got angry, Lin Yue said with a smile: "If that's the case, then show it to me. Let me see the power of destruction you are proud of."

Seeing that Lin Yue didn't care, Rias had to show her true skills to Lin Yue.

Then Rias walked to Akeno and nodded at Akeno.

Akeno also understood what Rias meant.

The two began to gather magic power.

Rias's hands condensed red and black magic power, and slowly formed a magic bullet the size of a basketball.

Unlike her brother, Rias focuses on strength, so her magic bullet is very large.It was as if all the magic power of the whole body was concentrated in this one magic bullet.

..... 0

And Rias' older brother is more skillful, so Rias' older brother's magic bullet is relatively small.

Both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Lin Yue nodded after seeing it.

"Rias, your destructive magic bullet is indeed very powerful." Lin Yue saw that the space around the magic bullet was distorted, indicating that this force was very destructive.

"Of course!!! This is the most powerful force in our family." Rias said very happily after hearing what Lin Yue said.

On the other side, Akane's body changed, and thunder and lightning that made a 'crack' sound kept appearing.

"Alala, Teacher Lin Yue should also pay attention to my power of thunder and lightning." Zhu Nai said with narrowed eyes.

"Come on, you all attack me." Lin Yue nodded and then said to them.

Akeno and Rias looked at each other, and then attacked directly.

"Go, destroy the magic bullet!!!" Rias directly controlled the red and black magic bullet the size of a basketball to fly towards Lin Yue.

"Lightning!!!" Zhu Nai raised his hand and shouted.

Then one after another thunder and lightning passed directly towards Lin Yue.

Lin Yue ignored the attack of the lightning and let the lightning fall on her.

Akeno and Rias were both heartbroken when they saw it.I was thinking in my heart, why not defend.

However, the lightning on Lin Yue had no effect at all.

The thunderbolt disappeared instantly when it touched Lin Yue, but Lin Yue's expression didn't even change.As if scratching wasn't enough.

Then Lin Yue stretched out his hand and directly caught the Destruction Magic Bullet with his bare hands, and then shook it lightly.

'puff! ! ! '

The magic bullet shrank down like a deflated gas.It disappears directly from the back.

Rias and Akeno were stunned to see this scene.

This scene was very shocking to them, even if they saw that some high-ranked battles in the ranking game were not so simple to take the attack, and then annihilate the attack of others.

And it's its own magic bullet of destruction.

Rias looked at it, her mouth opened slightly, and when she thought that the strength she was proud of was so easy not to be resolved, the whole person became less confident.

And this scene is still a bit familiar, she can't remember when she heard of someone who received the power of destruction with their bare hands.

But it was still a big blow to Rias.

"Rias, do you still think the power of destruction can hurt me?" Lin Yue said to Rias with a smile.

Rias shook her head after hearing this.

"I'll talk about Zhu Nai's affairs later. Let me talk to you first, Rias. Although your Destruction Magic Bullet is very powerful, it has obvious shortcomings." Lin Yue said slowly.Of.

Chapter 152

After hearing this, Rias held her chin in her hand, thinking about the shortcomings that Lin Yue said.

Lin Yue quietly watched Rias thinking, to see if she could figure it out.

Rias thought for a while, then slowly said, "Is it too slow?"

Rias looked at Lin Yue and said.

She and Zhu Nai attacked together just now, and the first attack to reach Lin Yue was Zhu Nai's falling thunder.

However, her own destruction magic bullet arrived late when Akina's attack was almost over, so Rias saw that although her own destruction magic bullet was huge and powerful, its speed was not very fast.

Akeno thought seriously about Rias' attack just now after hearing this. It was indeed very slow.

If in a real battle, others won't just stand there stupidly and let you hit with this attack.

"Indeed, this is only one aspect. Although your magic bullet is very powerful, how many times can you use it? Let's not talk about speed, if the opponent has defensive means, then what will happen to them in a war of attrition with you? Rias."

Lin Yue said to Rias with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

After Rias heard Lin Yue's words, her expression became strange.Yes, other people's opponents are not fools. If they fight for a long time with you, they don't have much magical support.

Especially the characteristic of Phoenix, I estimate that it is released a little more than twice, that is, if I kill him twice, there is no ability.

Thinking of this, Rias's eyes darkened.

How did you deal with that phoenix?

"Then... what can the teacher do..." Rias looked at Lin Yue and asked.

"Yes, you can practice controlling the magic power injected by the magic bullet each time, so as to achieve the rational use of magic power. At the same time, continue to use magic power to squeeze magic power to increase the amount of magic power. Increase your magic power reserve." Lin Yue then said these exercises 's suggestion.

"This... is indeed a very good idea..." Rias then nodded.

"Magic power is not so easy to improve. Now, you should mainly practice the magic power of controlling magic bullets. Rias."

Then Lin Yue made a balloon and inserted it to the side, Lin Yue pointed at the balloon and said, "This balloon will recover every time it is destroyed. The main thing for you now is to use your Destruction Magic Bullet to attack the back without destroying the balloon. dummy."

Then Lin Yue made a dummy behind the balloon.It is also something that can be automatically restored if it is destroyed.

After Rias saw it, she had to say that this was indeed a more effective way to learn to master her own power.

Then Rias nodded to Akeno, then went to the side and started preparing for her training trip.

After solving Rias's problem, Lin Yue looked at Akeno.

Zhu Nai should be considered to have three bloodlines now, human, fallen angel and demon.

But because of her experience, she couldn't accept the power of the fallen angel at all.

Being looked at by Lin Yue, Zhu Nai felt a little unnatural and asked, "Mr. Lin Yue, what is my question??"

"Zhu Nai, are you still calling me teacher? Suzaku told me about you." Lin Yue said to Zhu Nai with a smile.

After Zhu Nai heard this, his body trembled, as if he recalled that day.

In order to protect himself, his mother was killed under the pursuit of the Himejima family.

On that day, although his father, the fallen angel cadre, Barakil, came to kill all those who were chasing him.

But it was still too late to save his mother, and since then Akeno hated his black wings and fallen angel blood.

He hates his father, who is a fallen angel, for hurting his mother.

Therefore, she has been resisting using the power that belongs to the fallen angel in her body.

Zhu Nai recalled the scenes at that time, the tears in his eyes kept falling, and the tears kept falling like broken beads.

"Woooo~~~ Teacher...you...why do you remind me of that day!!!" Zhu Nai said to Lin Yue with red eyes.

Lin Yue came to Zhu Nai, put her hand on her shoulder and said, "Actually... you don't hate the bloodline of the fallen angel itself, nor your father."

"You just think in your heart why you didn't protect your mother well. You're just blaming your father for not coming earlier."

"The kind-hearted you actually still love your mother and your father very much. That's why you can't forgive yourself, right..." Lin Yue stroked Zhu Nai's long hair and said slowly.

After Zhu Nai heard Lin Yue's words, her body trembled, and then she kept asking herself.

Why exactly?Why is it so useless, have you forgiven yourself in the end?

Zhu Nai's eyes became sad, thinking about why he rejected his father and everyone, including the cousin who had always cared about him.

"Think about it slowly, Zhu Nai, when you figure it out, you will find that you don't actually hate your father. Only in this way can you better accept the blood of a fallen angel flowing in you."

"You are the most perfect." Lin Yue said to Zhu Nai with a smile.

After Zhu Nai heard it, his body trembled a little, and then he stretched out a black winged wing.

"Even... such ugly wings, can Teacher Lin Yue accept it?" Zhu Nai asked Lin Yue with red eyes.

At this time, Zhu Nai, who was wearing a school uniform, with a black wing, was like an angel who fell into the mundane world.

Seeing this, Lin Yue smiled and said to Zhu Nai, "Now you are as beautiful as an angel who has fallen into the mortal world. I like it very much. These black wings are very beautiful."

Hearing Lin Yue's words, Zhu Nai wanted to cry even more.

He threw himself directly into Lin Yue's arms and began to cry.

While Rias was holding the magic bullet on the side, she saw Lin Yue hug Zhu Nai directly, with the hashtag on her head.

Without noticing, the magic bullet was injected with maximum mana at once, and then threw it out.

Exploded the balloon directly.

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