"As long as there are demons around, she bleeds."

"Oh, so convenient?"

People were talking about it, when a majestic priest appeared.said to the little girl.

"Karen Ordesia, your physique is a bit special. From now on, you will be the church's radar for exorcising demons."

Karen's face was expressionless, as if she didn't care about others and decided her life so simply.

At this time, a sneer sounded.

"Hahaha, the people in the church are really righteous, using a little girl as a tool? It's really hypocritical."


"Who is slandering our church."

When everyone reacted, they were filled with righteous indignation, looking for the source of the voice, wanting to tear this daring madman to shreds.

However, they looked left and right and couldn't find the figure of the man at all.

What's the matter, man?The people in the church were talking a lot, and their faces were dazed.

"Blind men, on your heads."

The voice fell, and everyone in the church and Karen looked up.

I found a handsome young man with black broken hair and black eyes like stars floating in the air.

The sun behind the youth radiated light, as if like the divine light of the Lord, shining behind the youth.

It was Lin Yue who came.

When Lin Yue was testing [Space Teleportation], she sensed this place in Italy and only remembered such a person when she saw this nun with silver hair and golden pupils, fair skin and petite figure.

Carlene Aldecia, the Virgin of Magdalene.

His father is the pleasure priest Kotomine Kirei.

Her father abandoned her after her mother committed suicide and put her up for adoption by the church.

Because of the special physique of Karen - the medium of tortured spirits.

If you get close to a demon, you will automatically reappear spiritual obstacles, and you will suffer all over your body as if you were injured.

He was told by the church and used her as a tool.Let it be violated by those who are possessed by so-called demons.

And never had a painful thought, like her father's innate relationship was broken.

A very poor girl.

But since Lin Yue met today, then this will not be allowed to happen.

So Lin Yue used [Space Teleportation] to come here.

Karen and the other church members raised their heads and looked at Lin Yue with an incredible look.

For a moment they thought it was Yahweh coming into the world.

Lin Yue liked the feeling of floating and descending more and more. Before watching Dachao, Uncle Da and the others didn't feel anything when they were floating and talking like this.

Now Lin Yue felt it, it was very cool.

Lin Yue stretched out her slender and white hand and used her mind power on Karen.

Karen's body suddenly became lighter, and she slowly floated up, drifting towards Lin Yue.

The surrounding church personnel looked surprised and watched Lin Yue control Karen's floating, although they knew about the mysterious side.Some magicians can do this, but the young man in front of them is not using magic and they can perceive it.

At this time, they boldly guessed that it was a god?But in any case, the person in front of them seems to be unable to offend them.

An elderly and well-informed priest asked the question.

"Dare to ask that your Excellency is a god?"

Karen heard, God?I felt myself floating in the air, and I saw the handsome young man constantly approaching.Perhaps only God has such power.

"God? Hahaha, maybe."

"I'm not one of those high gods."

"I'm just a destroyer walking in the world."

Lin Yue shook her head.He is not God, and there is no divinity in him.

Reached out his hands, used the ability to control energy to directly condense an energy ball, and threw it into the church house.

Boom - the entire church was directly annihilated, leaving only a large pit.

"Destroy.. Destroy.. Who..." The church people swallowed when they saw this.

Hearing this word, everyone thought of bad things. After all, this word is not good.

And as soon as they appeared on the scene, they laughed at their church and directly bombed the entire church.It can be seen how much this man despised the church.

They can only think of this, is this a devil?Demon King?

At this time, some people thought of this and wanted to run away.

Some people quietly raised their legs and stepped back, but they were afraid of disturbing Lin Yue, so they could only move a few millimeters little by little.

Naturally, Lin Yue could see that she couldn't help laughing in her heart. She was really weak, so she wanted to retreat.

Then he took Kalian directly, stretched out his arms and hugged Kalian directly.

Karen felt a man's breath, and she felt a little strange in her heart.Perhaps it is the same charm as Lin Yue's dimensionality reduction.

She doesn't hate this feeling.

Lin Yue is watching Kalian carefully, she is really a beautiful embryo.

If it wasn't for meeting him, her life like a prostitute in the future would be a nightmare.

Thinking of this, Lin Yue looked at Karen's soft eyes with a hint of pity.

Karen felt Lin Yue's eyes.What's the matter with this man's eyes.Unlike his father's eyes, like his mother's.

"It's really a special physique." Lin Yue sighed.

When those church personnel heard it, they all wondered whether Lin Yue was attracted by Karen's physique.

They know that this kind of physique attracts demons after all, so the man in front of him should also be attracted by the physique of Karen.

Some even speak out.

"Damn, this monster actually attracts such a powerful demon."

"Monster, get out. We don't welcome you in the church."

Some pointed at Karen and cursed.

"Sir Demon, this nun is handed over to you, please let me go."

Some knelt down and kept kowtow begging.

In order to survive, they abandoned Karen.

Lin Yue looked at their ugliness like a clown, her eyes suddenly turned red, and she looked at the few people who were scolding Karen.

It was a hot sight, and a scorching red light shot out from Lin Yue, hitting the person directly.

The people around felt the scorching rays like the sun, and watched the man evaporate in place, leaving nothing.

All they thought was fear.

Karen opened her mouth slightly and looked at Lin Yue.

After solving one, Lin Yue turned to another person.

The man looked at Lin Yue's scarlet eyes, and hurriedly knelt down and begged.

"Please spare my lord, I will be a cow and a horse for you, please spare my life." He kept kowtowing and making a 'bang bang' sound.

At this time, Karen stretched out her fair little hand and touched Lin Yue's face.

"No, spare him." Looking at Lin Yue with a tangled face.

She knew that Lin Yue was standing up for her, but she didn't want these people to be killed by Lin Yue, although she was not treated well.Maybe that's why she was called a saint.

Lin Yue felt her little hand, and Lin Yue's eyes returned to normal.

He smiled and rubbed Karen's head.

"She's really a saint, I really can't put it down."

"In this case, little saint, I will take it away."

Leaving this sentence, Lin Yue doesn't care about the opinions of these church personnel and Karen.Directly turned on [Space Teleportation], a light flashed, and left with Karen. .

Chapter 24

Lin Yue took Karen directly to the forest near Einzbern's house.

Karen looked at this scene in disbelief.

This man can even do such a thing.In an instant, he took people to another place.

Lin Yue held Karen's hand and walked in the silent forest.

Seems to feel Karen's emotions.

"What, little saint, are you afraid?"

"My name is Lin Yue, but I'm a destroyer, a devil." Lin Yue looked at Karen and smiled.

"No." Karen said flatly.

"Oh?" Lin Yue looked at Karen with interest.

"You are not a demon, I have a special constitution, if you are a demon, I..." Karen seemed to recall the situation when she encountered a demon.

And the embrace of the devil is not as warm as yours.Of course Karen didn't say that in the end.

"But I destroyed your church and killed one of your priests." Lin Yue said with a grim expression.I want to make fun of Karen.

Karen was frightened by Lin Yue's hideous face.keep backing away. "I...you..."

Then what came to mind.His expression turned from shock to calm.

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