"Yes, in order to wait for Teacher Lin Yue." Rias walked towards Lin Yue with a smile.

After getting close to Lin Yue, he directly grabbed Lin Yue's arm.

The softness that directly pressed against Lin Yue's arm made Lin Yue feel a little dazed.

Good guy, as expected of you, did you actually start to seduce me without any hesitation?

Rias took Lin Yue directly to the sofa and saw that the table was full of various snacks and cookies.

"I prepared it specially for you to thank Teacher Lin Yue for her hard work." Rias held Lin Yue's arm and said with a wink.

"Uh, actually... it's not too much hard work, it's just you who have worked hard." Lin Yue said helplessly.

He was just guiding on the side, and he didn't do anything, what was the hard work.

"No, I'm glad the teacher can help us. So it's what the teacher deserves."

"Sa, eat quickly, teacher, I made this myself." Rias looked at Lin Yue with expectant eyes and said.

Seeing this, Lin Yue had no choice but to eat the snacks and biscuits on the table.

"How is it? Teacher Lin Yue. Is it delicious?" Rias asked.

"It's okay, you can eat it too, I can't finish it all by myself." Lin Yue said lightly.

Then the two chatted and ate together.

"Teacher Lin Yue, what kind of girl do you like?" Rias asked suddenly.

After Lin Yue heard it, she almost swallowed.

Turning her head to look at Rias, she found that Rias was rubbing the corners of her clothes with her hands, and there was a hint of blush on her cheeks.His eyes kept drifting out.A shy look like a mimosa.

Seeing this, Lin Yue was excited.

At this time, of course, I have to tease this Rias well.

"Oh, what kind of girl?"

"Then Rias, what kind of girl do you think I should like?" Lin Yue asked Rias with a smile.

"This..." Rias couldn't be beaten by Lin Yue's sudden failure to play cards according to the routine.

Didn't I ask you?How did it become a question to me.Rias groaned inwardly.

But she still thought about it for a while and said, "I think the one who is worthy of Mr. Lin Yue must first have a noble status, a famous lady, and secondly, be beautiful. And..."

Rias said a lot of conditions, which made Lin Yue look a little weird.

Is this whether you are looking for a wife or I am looking for a wife, how can you analyze a bunch of things so skillfully.

And what makes Lin Yue feel weird is that many of these conditions are in line with Rias.

When Lin Yue thought of this, she understood that Rias was carrying private goods.

Lin Yue then smiled and turned around to face Rias.

"Oh, why do I think that there are people around me who are very suitable for these conditions." Lin Yue said with a smile on the corner of her mouth, looking at Rias with deep meaning.

After hearing this, Rias realized that she was careless.He actually silently turned this template for picking objects into himself.

Rias looked at Lin Yue's expression, and felt a little flustered in her heart, but she still pretended to be calm and asked: "Really... Then who is the person that Teacher Lin Yue is? Do I know him?"

"Oh, Rias wants to know." Lin Yue gave Rias a meaningful look.

Then slowly approached Rias.

Rias saw Lin Yue slowly approaching, and she stepped back a little overwhelmed.

Looking at Lin Yue who was constantly approaching, she was very nervous.

Knowing that she had retreated to the armrest of the sofa, Rias realized that she had nowhere to go.

Lin Yue stretched out her hand and directly supported the armrest of the sofa behind Rias, bullying her body.

Successfully turned into a couch boom scene.

Rias looked at the face of Lin Yue who was close at hand, and her breathing began to quicken.

A hint of blush appeared on his cheeks.

So close! ! !Too close! ! !Rias cried out inwardly.

Lin Yuexihe's smile kept getting closer to Rias.

Rias felt her heart beating louder and louder.

'Plop thump! ! ! '

"Lin...Yue...Teacher...I..." Rias looked panicked, but there was a hint of joy.

"I think that person has his eyes on the horizon, right in front of his eyes." Lin Yue said gently as she approached Rias's face.

Rias blushed hot when she heard it.

really! ! !He could hear that this man was talking about himself! ! !Rias howled inwardly.

How to do! ! !Lin Yue teacher him. . .like. . .Ahhh! ! !Don't care, Rias, it's time to summon up your courage and go up bravely! ! !

After Rias made up her mind, she glanced at Lin Yue's lips.

Slowly take the initiative to meet.

When Lin Yue saw that Rias was actually approaching, she was stunned for a while, but then she also took the initiative to attack.

However, just as they were about to get in touch, a door opening interrupted Lin Yue and Rias.

"Ala, Mr. Lin Yue is really bold, actually attacking his own students." Zhu Nai appeared in front of the door, squinting and smiling at the current posture of the two of them.

Zhu Nai's background is full of black resentment.

After being interrupted, Lin Yue could only secretly cry out a pity.

Then he could only lift his current posture and sit up straight.

Rias sat up straight after seeing the interruption by Akeno, and she also secretly cried out in pity.

Damn Zhu Nai, actually interrupted me at this time! ! !

It's hard to muster the courage.Rias wanted to cry without tears.

Zhu Nai looked at Lin Yue and Rias with a smile, and then sat on the other side of Lin Yue.

"Ara, Rias, there are so many snacks today." Zhu Nai looked at Rias and asked.

"This... I prepared it to reward Teacher Lin Yue." Rias said nervously.

"Oh, so that's how it is, it's too much, Rias. You don't call me for such a thing." Akeno said with a look of sadness.

Rias groaned inwardly, calling you?I did it especially for Teacher Lin Yue to be alone.

But on the surface, she still tapped her head and said, "I'm sorry, Zhu Nai. I forgot."

Rias pretended to have forgotten Akeno.

Ah!Rias, you think I don't know what you're thinking, thank you I came quickly, otherwise you would have succeeded.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Akeno despised Rias in her heart.

But after tonight, I'm the only winner.Zhu Nai believed in himself.

Then Lin Yue took the two into the training venue and continued to start training.


After more than two hours, the three returned to the department.

At this time, Rias was in a much better state than yesterday, at least there was no such thing as yesterday's situation where her magic power was exhausted and she was exhausted.

And Zhu Nai used the power of fallen angels more skillfully.

Lightning with the light attribute is definitely a big killer for some demons.

"Then Rias, bye bye." Zhu Nai took Lin Yue's hand naturally and waved at Rias.

Rias could only stare at Akeno with gritted teeth.

Seeing Zhu Nai's actions, Lin Yue knew that this girl wanted to send her home.

No way, who made the promise in the first place.

Lin Yue had to accompany Zhu Nai to go back.

Rias didn't know how envious she was when she saw the two leave together.

On the way, Zhu Nai was very happy, holding Lin Yue's arm with a smile and walking all the way.

"Mr. Lin Yue, at noon today, I asked someone to deliver a lunch box to that person." Zhu Nai said to Lin Yue with a smile.

That person should be referring to Juno's father.

...... ......

It seems that Zhu Nai has completely seen it.

"It seems that Zhu Nai has figured it out." Lin Yue looked at Zhu Nai and said with a smile.

"Thanks to Teacher Lin Yue for this." Zhu Nai looked at Lin Yue with a smile and said.

"Well, I'm fine, as long as you can figure it out yourself." Lin Yue said with a shrug.

"No, it's still the teacher's credit." Zhu Nai smiled gently.

"Hey, teacher, can I call you Lin Yuejun?" Zhu Nai suddenly changed his voice.

"Hey? Yes, yes, but why?" Lin Yue asked curiously when she saw Zhu Nai suddenly change her name.

"Of course it's because I don't think Lin Yuejun is very old. Calling a teacher always feels a little old." Zhu Nai said lightly.

Lin Yue thought about it, and now she really has no age to talk about.According to his age at the end of the world.Only about 20 years old.

It's really not that different from Akatsuki and the others.

So let Zhu Nai like it.Lin Yue thought so.

"Hey, Lin Yuejun. Do you remember what I said yesterday?" Zhu Nai turned to look at Lin Yue and said.

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