"Oh? As expected of the Demon King's younger sister, she can remain calm in the face of me. It's commendable. Hahaha!" Kirkball said with a wild laugh.

"Hmph, if you're still so calm in the face of my brother, that's worthy of praise." Rias said disdainfully at Kirkball.

When Kirkball heard Rias' brother, his smile stopped abruptly.

The nasty red-haired man appeared in his mind, and Kirkball's face became gloomy.

"So you brought me out with great fanfare just to chat with me?" Rias said, looking at Kirkball with contempt.

"How is that possible!!! I am for a great cause!!! And this career needs you as a start!!!" Kirkball's eyes became crazy.

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"Jie Jie! Of course it's going to start a war!!! As long as you die, your brother will go crazy. Michael, your brother, and Asazel will all be involved in this melee!! Hahaha." Kirkball said excitedly.

"You guy, do you want to have another three-way battle? Why?" Rias's acting skills were very good, and her face became gloomy as she looked at Kirkball.

"Yes! Because of boredom." Kirkball said lightly.After thinking of something, he looked at Rias and the others with a wicked smile.

"Oh, that's right. Let me tell you a piece of news. During the three-way battle, the god of the Bible was already dead. Tsk tsk, dragged the four major demon kings to die together in exchange for peace." Kirkball looked down at the ground. Rias and the others said.


"What!!! God is dead!!!" Xenovia and Irina exclaimed in disbelief.

"Why, don't believe it? By the way, that blond little girl seems to be a rare healing artifact. Originally this kind of artifact could not cure demons, but guess what, it can cure demons now because the god of the Bible is dead. . Michael and the others can't maintain the system at all!!!" Kirkball said with a sullen look on his face.

"how come!!!"

Xenovia and Irina believed it, and they wondered why Asia's artifact could heal demons.

Unexpectedly, because the Lord died long ago, Asia was misunderstood by the church as a witch.

But compared to this, the news of the Lord's death hit them even harder.

Asia, with no acting skills, can only turn her head and cover her face.

After all, Lin Yue promised her that if she played well, she would be rewarded tonight.

Asia therefore 'reluctantly' agreed and began to perform.

Asia pretended to be hit too, covering her face and crying.

After seeing this scene, Xenovia and Irina thought she was also saddened by the news of the Lord's death.

For a time, the three felt that they had a common language.

Rias watched Asia's acting, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

It sucks!It's okay to lie to Xenovia and Irina, but in front of her, she can see it at a glance.

After complaining about Asia's acting skills, Rias looked at Kirkball.

"Okay, you can die." Rias said lightly, her face no longer panicking.

"Huh?" Kirkball thought that there was something wrong with Rias's mind, and looked at Rias with a puzzled expression.

"Black magic - wither!" Rias stretched out her hand neatly and used the black magic that Lin Yue had adapted from the Dark Book.With the power of chaos created by Lin Yue himself.

Let Rias not only have the original power of destruction, but also the power of chaos now.

A trace of bright red chaos power emanated from Rias.

Kirkball looked at the traces of the red chaotic power, felt his scalp numb, and the alarm bell rang in his heart.

Danger! ! !The thought popped into Kirkball's mind.

Kirkball ignored it and wanted to fly away.

"Want to go? 'Kokboll stands still forever'." Rias was very excited when she saw that Kirkball wanted to go.Directly paired with the power of chaos, it uses the ability to modify reality.

Then Kirkball found himself unable to move at all, which was when he started to panic.

"What kind of power is this???!!!" Kirkball was shocked.

However, in an instant, he had already fallen into Rias's black magic.

The whole person gradually withered up, and the hair turned from black to white, and then to hair loss.His face was old and slowly withered.

The wings behind him gradually lost their feathers, and then the skin and muscles of the body turned into dust in the wind as if they had been weathered.

The skeleton also slowly decayed and turned into dust.

Even Kirkball's soul was eroded and gradually dissipated.Of.

Chapter 178

This scene was seen by Xenovia and Irina.

They just felt their scalps go numb and looked at Kirkball, the big one just now, and now it's empty.

They have never seen this kind of magic before, and watching Kirkball's process from aging to dust, this scene is already a shadow in their hearts.

"Alara, Rias, I didn't expect to even use [Reality Modification]." Zhu Nai said with a smile covering his side face.

"Well, I wanted to try it for a long time, and found that I am much more proficient than before." Rias nodded with satisfaction and said.

"After all, if this thing is careless and unintentional becomes a reality, it will be bad." Rias thought for a while and said.

The power of chaos has the ability to modify reality, but it can modify reality in one sentence like the Scarlet Witch.

It would be bad if one accidentally said something wrong and caused an irreversible situation.

At first, everyone felt the scalp tingling with the ability of the power of chaos, and even those who obtained the power of chaos did not dare to talk nonsense.

I am afraid that a wrong word will become a reality.

However, Lin Yue reluctantly explained to them after learning about it. If you want to [modify reality], you have to use the power of chaos in your body, and then use language to succeed.

And through the power of chaos created by Lin Yue, in front of his host, he is very gentle and will not runaway.

So everyone quickly mastered the method of controlling the power of chaos.

Then Lin Yue appeared in front of Rias and said with a smile: "Rias, not bad, the abilities of black magic and the power of chaos are getting more and more proficient."

"Hee hee, that's what Teacher Skaha taught." Rias was overjoyed when she heard her lover's appreciation.

Then Lin Yue looked at the two holy swordsmen of the church and asked, "Are you all right?"

After Xenovia and Irina saw Lin Yue, they nodded and said, "It's okay, thanks to your help."

At this time, the flashes on the two of them were healed by Asia's divine weapon, and there were no scars left.

"I'm sorry, Asia. Before I..." Xenovia looked at Asia with a somewhat ashamed expression.

Asia shook her head and said, "No, I can understand what Xenovia said."

Seeing Asia's magnanimity, Xenovia didn't know what to say.

At this time, a man in white armor with a pair of light wings appeared in the sky.

He is the current White Dragon Emperor Vali, who was sent to monitor Hyoudou Ichijo.

But today, during the surveillance process, his good friend Tobio Ikase suddenly came to him.

Then the two started a passionate confrontation after a long absence.

After the end, Tobio Ikase told him that the purpose of coming to him was that Azazel sent him to inform Vali to let him bring back Kirkball, who was doing things.

But when he arrived, he saw Kirkball turned into dust in the wind.

What made him even more speechless was that when he went to confront his long-lost friend, Hyoudou Ichijo, the target of surveillance, ran here.

He also fought side by side with his two best friends.

"Are you late?" Valley murmured when he came to the place where Kirkball disappeared.

There was a little powder left in the ground, the only thing Kirkball had left.

When Rias and the others saw Vali, they asked, "Who are you?"

Seeing Rias' question, Vali lifted the ban and revealed his face.

"I am the current White Dragon King Vali, and Asachel asked me to bring Kokbor back."

"But now it seems... it doesn't seem to be needed anymore." Valli said with a slight twitch at the corner of his mouth.

He couldn't have gone back with this pile of powder.

"Azazel?! What are you Fallen Angels trying to do? Let a war lunatic mess around here." Rias pretended to be angry and said dissatisfied.

Xenovia and Irina also looked at Vali vigilantly, they thought Vali would be an enemy, after all, they were all a group of fallen angels.

"Don't get me wrong, we don't have any other intentions. About Kirkball's actions, Azazel only learned about it later. That's why he sent me to stop it and bring it back. We don't mean anything." Vali said with a cold sweat on his forehead. .

He had just seen Rias's weird magic, and he didn't think he could handle it.

"Really, then I'll take it as a good thing, but what happened today, you God Son monitors must give us an explanation." Rias continued.

"I'll go back and talk to Asazel about this," Valli said cautiously.

When Vali saw Lin Yue next to Rias, his pupils shrank and his body began to tremble.

"You...you are the God Slayer??!!" Vali said looking at Lin Yue with some fear.

He naturally knew the deeds of the God Slayer, so he had been working hard with Lin Yue as his goal, and wanted to become a person as powerful as Lin Yue.

Especially after knowing that his grandfather had been killed by Lin Yue without the ability to fight back, Vali felt a sense of relief.

After all, his shadow was the cruel grandfather Rezevim since he was a child.

It's just a little bit lost that Lezevim was not defeated by himself.

"Oh, you actually know me. The current White Dragon Emperor." Lin Yue looked at Vali with a smile and said.

"Yes... Azazel told you about you. After I see you, I will say hello to you. Regarding Linali's matter, he expresses his apologies," Valli said.

"It's nothing, I don't care about that matter, it's just that Asachel, as the Fallen Angel Governor, doesn't manage his subordinates properly, it's a bit dereliction of duty." Lin Yue shook her head and said.

Azazel has always been obsessed with researching artifacts, and rarely manages the internal affairs of the Son of God Watcher.This leads to frequent mishaps by subordinates.

This is also the reason for the subsequent abdication of Asachel in the original work and no longer serving as governor.

He knew that he was not a qualified leader, so he gave way to Baiqiu very simply.Concentrate on researching the artifact on your own.

"This... I'll have a good talk with him." Vali said secretly, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Oh, let's not talk about this, what do you think when you see your destined enemy Chilongdi?" Lin Yue said lightly, then turned to look at Kiba Yuto.

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