Orange seemed to be possessed last night, and he had to continue to fight against Lin Yue in life and death.

"Get up, Brother Yue, a lot of interesting things can happen during your absence, and everyone wants to tell you." Sakura urged.

"Okay." Lin Yue just remembered at this time.But found him in an awkward state now.

Then Lin Yue looked at Xiao Ying by the bed, and said embarrassingly, "Xiao Ying... Then why can you go out for a while?"

After Xiao Sakura heard it, she immediately understood what was going on when she saw Lin Yue's upper body.After hesitating for a while, he finally decided to stay.

She also really wanted to see what brother Yue's was, for no reason, just to prepare for the future.

So Sakura decided to ignore it and just looked at Lin Yue like this.

Lin Yue saw Xiao Ying's cheeks turning slightly red towards herself, and she didn't mean to leave at all.For a while, Lin Yue didn't know what to do.

Then the two fell into a deadlock and looked at each other silently.

Lin Yue was silent for a while, then asked tentatively, "Sakura... Really want to see it?"

When Xiao Sakura heard that her cheeks became even redder, she resisted her shyness and said with sharp eyes, "Yes!"

"Uh..." Seeing Xiao Ying being so determined, Lin Yue had no choice but to fulfill her wish.

Lin Yue put her hand on the quilt, Xiao Ying stared at Lin Yue's hand, a few drops of nervous sweat left on her forehead, and watched Lin Yue's movements intently.The heart was also beating violently.

Then, with a swoosh, Lin Yue opened the quilt.When Xiao Sakura saw it, she stared at the boss, her whole face quickly became extremely crimson, and circles of steam came out of her little head.

"Hmm!!!!!" Sakura seemed to have reached a critical point, her eyes turned into mosquito coils, and she fell on the bed.

"Hey... they all told you not to watch." Lin Yue shook her head helplessly.He quickly dressed and left the room with Sakura in his arms.

Carrying Xiao Ying to the hall, the others looked at Lin Yue curiously after seeing it.

"Perverted, attack Sakura as soon as you come back." Karen looked at Lin Yue and complained.

"No! Xiao Ying just fainted." Lin Yue put Xiao Ying on the sofa, Sera hurriedly poured a glass of water for Lin Yue and brought it to Lin Yue's side.

"Thank you, Sera." Lin Yue took it and smiled.

"No, you are polite, Lord Lin Yue." Sera said in panic.

"Besides, little Kalian, if you want to start, you should first start with you, this little girl." Lin Yue gave Xiao Ying a mouthful of water, looked up and down at Kalian and smiled.

Karen always felt a little strange when she was stared at by Lin Yue, as if she had nothing to block in front of him.Karen twisted, glared at Lin Yue with a blushing cheek and said.

"Come on! Who's afraid of who?" Karen was astonished as always.

Qingzi looked a little dazed at the side, although she knew that Karen's character was like this, but she didn't expect that she would enter the state of 'Old Siji' so easily in the face of Lin Yue.

"Oh!!! Isn't it me and Gaia tonight?" Alaya said regretfully.

"Stupid Alaya, what did you say!!!" Gaia patted Alaya angrily.

"No... Orange last night, it's you and me tonight. Why is it that I'm an idiot again!!!" Alaya looked at Gaia complainingly.

"Stupid!!! Stupid!!! Stupid Alaya!!!" Gaia cursed even more shyly, blushing.

On the other hand, Lin Yue ignored Alaya and Gaia. She just stared at Karen for a few minutes and smiled faintly: "Don't worry, little Karen. You will experience it sooner or later."

Seeing Lin Yue's mysterious smile, Karen's face froze. She seemed to have forgotten what she had eavesdropped on before.But thinking about it now, she panicked.

Because she remembered Lin Yue's terrifying fighting power, she seemed unable to deal with it at all.

Done! ! !I'm going to be put on all kinds of poses by him! ! !Karen said with some fear in her heart.

Lin Yue smiled satisfied when she saw Kalian's flustered eyes.Then there will be hello fruit to eat, little Karen.Lin Yue said in her heart.

Then Lin Yue started chatting with Alaya and the others, telling the changes in the world in the past 10 years.

A few minutes later, Alaya finally finished speaking, and Lin Yue looked at Alaya strangely.

"In other words, you released all the Heroic Spirits from the Heroic Spirit Throne? And now there are many Heroic Spirits living here in this world?" Lin Yue recounted strangely.Thinking inwardly, he said, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a fantasy carnival.

"Yes, because there are no other parallel worlds that need Heroic Spirits, so just let them go. But if the only remaining world wants to summon Heroic Spirits, the Heroic Spirits living here will be matched according to the match and then receive summon invitations." Alai Ye said with a smile.

"This will not only take care of the world over there, but also give those Heroic Spirits who are tired of the Heroic Spirit Throne a chance to choose life again." Alaya continued.

"Oh, you've changed, you're not a black-hearted boss." After hearing this, Lin Yue felt that Alaya was doing well, and then complained about her.

"Bah, how can I be a black-hearted boss? In the past, it was because of so many worlds, and eventually they were going to perish. So in order to save those heroic spirits, I had to work hard." Alaya said dissatisfied... .

Then Alaya smiled and continued: "But since the moon helped eliminate those enemies of the earth and human beings, the future has changed. Everything is developing in a good direction. In this case, those heroic spirits can also choose their own freedom. life."

Everyone nodded when they heard Alaya's words.

Including Medusa, she likes her current life very much.

"However, there are too many people on the earth, and the earth will be destroyed by then." Gaia said worriedly.

"Is this a problem? I bring the technology of the new Protoss this time, and soon the energy of the entire earth will set off a revolution." Lin Yue said with a mysterious smile.

Gaia's concerns are undoubtedly correct, the heroic spirit will let go of life, and then the world will merge in time, and the population of the earth will grow rapidly.This is undoubtedly very likely to cause problems such as resources.

However, Lin Yue has the technology of the new Protoss, but it is very simple to solve these problems.Knowing that Apocalypse and the New Founding Star are the size of a galaxy, it is a no-brainer to be able to use their technology to feed the people of this planet.

"What?! What is the new Protoss?" Alaya asked curiously.

Caroline aside.Medusa, Aoko, Fujino and others all pricked up their ears and listened carefully to Lin Yue's words.

"The new Protoss are all powerful guys. They mainly live in the fourth world. Everyone has a strong power, and even the weakest guy can hit the impact of 100 galaxies at will."

Lin Yue said lightly.

Alaya, Gaia, and the others all gasped when they heard it. The weakest person could easily hit 100 galaxies. If it was placed with them, the entire galaxy would not know how many times it would be destroyed.

"But they're not in our world, don't worry. Even here, I can easily kill them." Lin Yue said lightly.

"Well! I believe you!" Alaya agreed immediately.

"By the way, since the heroic spirit is released, will the 'mysterious' characteristics be affected to a certain extent?" Lin Yue looked at Alaya and asked.

"No, since you modified the rules of this world last time, magic will no longer be known by many people because of 'mystery', thus reducing its power." Alaya replied.

"That's it, that's good." Lin Yue said, rubbing her chin.Then he continued to ask: "Then you release those heroic spirits, how to solve their problem of force, after all, there are some bad guys in there. Will it affect ordinary people at that time?"

"Hee hee, this is easy!" Alaya replied with a smile.

"I banned all their Noble Phantasms from being brought into human society, and only kept some of their own inherent skills."

"Then I asked the old man Jewel to use the clock tower as the passage for the heroic spirits to come down from the Heroic Spirit Seat, and then let the people in the clock tower help to register. Then I asked them to organize the department that supervises the heroic spirits and punish the heroic spirits."

Alaya tilted her nose, as if she wanted Lin Yue to praise her for being smart.

"This..." Lin Yue did not expect that Alaya could arrange such a detailed arrangement.This made Lin Yue feel a little impressed.

"Hey, hurry up and praise me." Alaya said with satisfaction after seeing Lin Yue's reaction.

"Actually, it was Violet's help." Gaia ruthlessly exposed Alaya.

"That's too much!!! Gaia!!!" Alaya said angrily after hearing it.

"You didn't come up with it yourself." Gaia said lightly after taking a sip of tea.

"Wow!!!! Too much, Gaia!!!" Alaya cried and patted Gaia.

The others all smiled and looked at the two slapsticks.

And after Lin Yue heard Violet, Violet's figure appeared in her mind. . .That small black-haired long-haired, wearing a white headband, the eldest lady with elegance and temperament - Tono Akiba. .

Chapter 202

After Lin Yue thought of Tono Akiba, she fell into deep thought.

After that day, although he let Violet adopt Tono Akiha, Lin Yue felt that she had killed her whole family after all.Feeling a little guilty about her.

Fujino saw Lin Yue beside him in deep thought, shook his arm and asked, "Yue, what's wrong?"

Lin Yue, who was called by Fujino, recovered from her meditation, looked at Fujino and said, "It's okay, I just thought of something."

"Oh, okay." Fujino responded.

And Lin Yue thought to herself that it seemed that she had to find some time to see how she was doing.

Then Alaya asked, "What is Yue going to do?"

"First set up a group, and then use it to launch new energy, and then continue to develop in other areas, such as agriculture, entertainment industry, etc..." Lin Yue said lightly.

Fujino listened thoughtfully, and after following Violet for a while, she naturally learned a lot of knowledge in this area.So she thought that she should be able to help Lin Yue manage this group.

Medusa didn't take care of this, so she didn't understand it, even more so for Sera and Rizelit.Illya listened in a daze, then continued to eat her own snacks.

Karen was even less interested in this kind of thing, so she silently listened to what Lin Yue said.

At this time, Xiao Ying woke up, watching everyone's conversation, she looked at Lin Yuecheng a little embarrassedly.

After all, after seeing the length of Lin Yue before, she was a little impressed.

"Sakura, are you okay? Why did you faint?" Aoi asked with some concern.

"Well, no problem, it's just..." Xiao Ying's face turned slightly red, and she glanced at Lin Yue secretly and replied.

"Is it really okay?" Aoi asked worriedly.

"It's okay, it's okay." Xiao Ying shook her head and said, she couldn't say that she fainted because she saw Brother Yue and was so shy.This. . .Too ashamed (of) shame.Sakura said in her heart.

Medusa, on the other hand, looked at Xiao Ying thoughtfully. She noticed that Xiao Ying's eyes were clearly shy when she looked at Lin Yue.

Lin Yue glanced at Xiao Ying meaningfully, which made Xiao Ying a little flustered.

Then Lin Yue looked at the number of people and asked, "Where are the others?"

When she heard Lin Yue ask the others, Sakura replied: "Sister, Elk 14 and Aigo are at the Magic Association. Sister Mei went to the Free Country for a concert. Amber and Jade I should be helping with lunch in the kitchen now. Aoko-san should be in her room now."

Lin Yue was a little surprised when he heard it. He arranged for Rin to go to the clock tower, but Erquite followed, which made him a little confused.But Lin Yue suddenly thought of Zhu Yue in Erquite's body.What if the old man of gems didn't know what to do when he saw it.

Thinking of this Lin Yue smiled slightly, it seems that it should be very interesting.

"What is Qingzi doing in the room?" Lin Yue asked.

" should be playing a game." Karen answered.

"Uh... play games?!" Lin Yue was a little surprised when she heard it.

"It's the computer game called LOL launched by your company. It's all over the world now, and there are world competitions. Illya and Aoko are both obsessed." Karen said lightly.

Lin Yue suddenly realized after hearing it.For this game, Lin Yue designed it based on a game in his original world.When Lin Yue left this world, he had finished the overall design and handed it over to the people under the company.Let them do it, and now they do it.

For the popularity of this game, Lin Yue doesn't have to worry at all.Unexpectedly, after so many years of development, they even started to hold events.

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