"It's really a strange ability. It can actually strengthen an extremely fragile stick into a Noble Phantasm."

"Not bad ability." Angora Manuel smiled wickedly.Then, without watching the fight between the two, he chased after Matou Kariya, who was running away.

Lancelot and Archduke B fought into a hall in the house.

This hall is the killing ground of Yuyu Ryunosuke, and tools and torture tools can be seen everywhere on the walls and floors.

Among them, there are many offensive tools such as chainsaws, axes, and knives. These tools and torture tools with a cold glow are all marked with bright red blood.

"Hoo!!!" Lancelot let out a roar.Pick up the tools next to you.

Some axes, hammers, and knives were strengthened by [Knights Don't Die With Their Hands] into Noble Phantasms, which were then thrown at Grand Duke B by Lancelot.

"Hoho, it's really a convenient ability." Grand Duke B praised the handful of Noble Phantasms that came upon him.

Then, using his own inherent skill Vampire's skill [Change], he can turn himself into fog or countless bats.

The figure of Grand Duke B gradually dimmed and blurred, and then turned into a cloud of black mist.

Huuuu—— All the Noble Phantasms thrown by Lancelot penetrated through the black fog.

Boom - The wall behind the black mist was directly smashed open.The whole house shook, and then the walls cracked and the whole house collapsed.

Matou Kariya, who hadn't run far, heard a 'boom' coming from behind, turned his head to look, and found that Angola Manuel, who was closely following behind, was shocked.

He couldn't help but quicken his pace. He now regrets why he didn't learn a magic trick.That way you won't run away in embarrassment.It can also fight against other magician masters.

But now regret is useless, Matou Kariya can only do now is to run.

I can't die, Sakura is still waiting for me to save her.Aoi still needs my protection.

Seeing the approaching Angora Maine, Matou Kariya couldn't help roaring inwardly.

Run for me, damn it! !Matou Kariya wished he had more legs.

In the dark narrow alley, Matou Kariya fled at full speed.

Looking at the light ahead, it was the exit of the main street.

Matou Kariya watched as he was getting closer to the street exit, and couldn't help but feel joy in his heart.

As long as you reach the outside street, you are safe.

Swish - Angora Mainue came to Matou Kariya and blocked the exit of the street.

Matou Kariya stopped, his body trembling.

why. . .Obviously, it was close, Matou Kariya roared inwardly.

Angora Manuel smiled evilly, and black mud surged out from behind him.

Matou Kariya looked at the pitch-black black mud, and his fear continued to spread, and his feet were shaking.

"Move!!!! Why!!!" Matou Kariya couldn't move at all, as if he didn't even have the courage to escape.

"No!!!! I can't die yet!!! Aoi...Sakura...Rin is still waiting for me..." Matou Kariya roared, while the black mud continued to spread, Matou Kariya could only watch looking at himself covered in black mud.

Matou Kariya's eyes darkened, and he fell down.

Matou Kariya's expression changed afterwards, and Angola Manuel smiled when he saw that he was immersed in the fantasy of 'the evil of the world'.

"Come on, join me."

Matou Kariya was in his fantasy, he saw it, and saw that he put on a suit and married his beloved Aoi.She gave birth to two daughters, one named Sakura and one named Rin.

When the family is happy and a warm scene.

As soon as the screen turned, he saw his beloved Aoi hugging a man with a mustache.

His two daughters also abandoned him.

Just when she thought it was over, Kiri Kariya suddenly appeared in the familiar dark basement.

Matou Kariya looked up, saw the dense insects, and found that this was the basement of the Matou family.

At the same time, he saw Matou Zuo Yan next to him.

A weird smile leaked from Matou Zaiyan's disgusting face, and said to Matou Kariya: "Your wife is awesome, those bugs are crawling all over her body, and the voice of her struggling and begging is really nice."

"And your little daughter, Sakura, that broken look is really unstoppable. Kariya."

"Come and see, look over there, now they don't cry anymore."

Matou Kariya looked at the situation with trembling, and saw Aoi and Sakura lying motionless in the pile of insects, their eyes lost their luster, and the insects were allowed to crawl all over their body.

Matou Kariya burst into tears and hugged her head.

"No!!!! This is not true!!!!!!"

In the end, Matou Kariya's eyes became empty, waking up from the nightmare with a hint of madness.

Angola Manuel laughed when he looked at Matou Kariya, who had been transformed successfully.

"Come on, let's change this world."

"Ah, let me get you this time, Aoi." Matou Kariya's eyes flashed frantically.

When the silently guarded knight turns into the demon king who kidnapped the princess.Matou Kariya's blackening was born.

"Come back, berserker." Matou Kariya (Angola Manuel) said.

The two recalled their servants at the same time.

"Take you to meet our mates, let's make this Holy Grail War more fun." Angora Mainu said with a grin.

There are other Heroic Spirits in his own territory, and when he came out to meet Matou Kariya this time, the team grew again.

The two then left.

However, not long after they left, a petite figure appeared here.

"Ah, have you left?" The figure made a weak voice.

Under the moonlight, the figure gradually revealed.

A girl with short blond hair, a flawless white face like a doll, a pair of blue eyes, and a face like a porcelain doll appeared here. .

Chapter 30

Her name is Shajo Aige.Or also known as the 'Root Queen'.When she was born, she was connected to her roots, possessing overwhelming magical power and talent, and possessing power equal to or higher than that of a magician.It is the existence of another connection source besides the two rituals.

"Tamazao-san, it's all your fault. You've been so rude. I missed a good show." Shatiao Aige said to the air.

"Migu, master, it's your first time participating in the Holy Grail War. Why do you want to join in the fun? And I'm a caster, do you want me to rush forward?"

Another coquettish voice complained in the air.

"Hey, this is indeed my first time." Sajo Aige raised his hand and murmured while looking at the scarlet Command Spell on the back of his hand.

It was her first time participating in the Holy Grail War, and this Command Spell suddenly appeared on the back of her hand a few months ago.

Since she is connected to the root, she knows this is an admission ticket to the Holy Grail War.

Because she is connected to the root, she has long been bored with some things in the outside world.So she is not interested in other things in general.

However, one day, she met the person in the roots that she will never forget.

Looking at the handsome man with black hair and eyes like stars from a distance, Sha Tiao Aige's heart beat violently, and an inexplicable throbbing came.

When she searched again, the man was nowhere to be seen.

Sajo Aige connected to the root cause, but did not find out where the man was.Just know there is this guy.

But Sajo Aige did not give up, she must find the prince in her heart.

Then the Command Spell appears, after she learns that her prince might also participate in the Holy Grail War.

Sajo Aige left Sajo's house directly and went straight to Fuyuki City in order to find her prince.

"The Holy Grail War hasn't started yet, you can watch it when it's lively." Another voice returned.

"It's really a useless servant." Sajo Aige complained.

Then he said in a warning tone: "You useless fox, don't talk nonsense when you see the prince. I warn you."

Then the spirits gradually condensed in the empty place, and a graceful figure appeared.

Wearing a blue kimono, the huge front armor can't wrap it up.

A huge blue bow was tied into her peach-colored hair, revealing a pair of yellow furry ears.

A tail swayed randomly behind him.She is exactly the servant that Aika summoned—caster, Tamamo-mae.

Tamamo-mae desperately wants to become a virtuous witch magician.A peerless beauty who served Emperor Toba at the end of the Heian period. Legend has it that she was the incarnation of a fox with white face, golden hair and nine tails.

"Master, are you sure that your prince will participate in the Holy Grail War?" Tamamo Mae asked curiously, looking at Sandjo Aige with wide eyes.She is also curious about how obsessed she is with such a strong Master.

"Of course, although I couldn't find his exact location through the source, I'm pretty sure he will appear in this Holy Grail War." A blush on Aika's face, recalled seeing him in the source. The figure that arrived, gradually became obsessed on his face.

Tamamo-mae shook her head when she saw Aige with such an expression.After getting along these days, she has long been accustomed to this kind of love song.Clearly a girl in love.

Then, there was a hint of slyness in Tamamo's eyes, and she blew lightly into Aige's ear and said.

"Migu, master, in fact, men prefer my body." Yuzao stiffened.The front armor can't help shaking.

Then, looking at Aige's figure, a hint of provocation flashed in his eyes.

After Aigo heard it, she looked at the front armor that was shaking in front of Tamamo.Seeing the smug look in front of Tamamo.

Aige's face was gloomy, and she stared at Tamamo before gnashing her teeth.

"Damn fox, be careful I tear you apart."

Of course, Aige is no joke. As the existence of connecting roots, Aige's ability is undoubtedly very strong, especially he is proficient in the magic of the gods.So Aige can tear the Heroic Spirit by hand.

Yuzaoqian also knew that, looking at the fierce love song, Yuzaoqian was counseled.

"Migu, Master, I'm joking." Tamao Qian said cautiously.

"Forgive the little fox, Migu."

Aige only regained her composure when she saw Yuzao's cowardice, and turned her away.

"Cut, cowardly fox."

"Let's go, no fun to watch. Go back."

Aige left the alley without looking back, and walked towards the main street to prepare to go back to her place of residence.

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