The slaughterhouse Qihuang's eyes flashed, and he approached Lin Yue directly, and said delicately: "So, little brother wants to go to bliss with me?!"

Lin Yue smiled and looked at Qihuang in the Slaughterhouse, and said with a slightly upturned corner of her mouth, "Aren't you trying to overtake me?!"

"How is that possible?! People are sincere." Qihuang said hurriedly when he heard Lin Yue's words.

"If you don't believe me, listen to it. When people see you, their hearts are beating thumping?!" Then he took Lin Yue's hand and went to his heart, thinking that he wanted to let Lin Yue feel it.

Lin Yue looked at the heart of Qihuang in the killing institute, and sighed inwardly: Tortoise, this seems to be similar to Yasaka and Gabriel.

Just when Lin Yue was about to feel the heart, the door was pushed open, Qiu Ye ran in, pulled Lin Yue aside, and then looked at the Killing Institute Qi Huang with vigilance.

"I know you're not a good woman. Humph!" Qiuye stared at the Killing Institute Qihuang with wide eyes.

"Ah, it's a pity." After seeing the failure of his plan, Qihuang murmured helplessly.

"Uh... Qiuye, don't you take a rest?" Lin Yue asked Qiuye, whose hair turned red and glared at Qihuang in the Killing Institute.

"If I hadn't come in time, brother, you would have been fooled by this woman!!! I saw with my own eyes that after this woman confused a person, she said to her 'I don't love you anymore' and that person went to ( ) Killed. It's just too terrifying for this ability!!!" Akiba said seriously.

When Lin Yue and Qihuang of the Killing Institute heard it, they were stunned for a moment, and then they covered their mouths and laughed.

"Oh?! What are you laughing at?" Qiuye asked in confusion.

"Hahaha, Akiba-chan, I don't have the ability to charm my little brother. It would be better to say that I was charmed by my little brother." Qihuang from the Killing Institute said with a smile, and then put an electric eye on Lin Yue.

"Huh?! Really?" Qiuye looked at Lin Yue suspiciously.

Lin Yue nodded with a smile and said, "After you have [Blessing of the Dragon], you should know my strength. It's not her little charm that can charm me."

After hearing Lin Yue's words, Qiuye only remembered the information they had obtained by contracting [Dragon's Gift] last night.

Unexpectedly, this world still has such strength, which made Qiuye's three views ruthlessly refreshed.

Thinking of the strength brought by his reversal impulse, it is simply insignificant and not worth mentioning.

Especially after knowing Lin Yue's strength, Akiba was even more shocked.

However, because of this, Akiba's strength has also increased to a stellar level.

"Okay. Come out for dinner, Brother Yue. Sister Violet has cooked a lot of delicious food." Qiuye then pulled Lin Yue out.

Then the three came to the hall and sat down at the dining table.

"Well, not bad, Violet. The craftsmanship is very good." Lin Yue complimented while eating Violet's cooking.

"Thank you for the compliment." Violet said with a smile.

Akiba looked at Violet and suddenly thought of something, and then said directly: "Brother Yue, Sister Violet calls you every night, thinking of you in her dreams."

Suddenly, Violet blushed and became shy at the words of Akiba.

Ah, why is Akiba suddenly exposed! ! !Violet said in a panic.

"Really? Actually, I was thinking about Violet when I was away." Lin Yue said with a smile.

Akiba's hint made Lin Yue understand Violet's feelings for her.

If that's the case, of course she has to respond to Violet properly.

"Ah!!! So happy!!!" When Violet heard this, a bright smile appeared on her face.

『!?'若"?;水!资'?源";群''"』?";6",5:;?6:6.1?"8":'8;.9.6.."『"若?!?水;中!'!转",;群,.』,?'7,6;,6'!0!1'8.;3'?2"0  “啊,对了,薇尔莉特我给你说一下接下来公司要做的事情。这次改动比较大。”林月突然想起了自己要创建个总集团,然后安排新神族的科技进(的)去。

"Yes! You said." Violet's face became serious in an instant after hearing about the company.

"Well, don't be so serious. Just relax." Lin Yue said, looking at Violet who suddenly turned serious.

Then Lin Yue slowly spoke her mind.

After a few minutes, Violet frowned and said, "But how to solve the energy problem?"

"Of course it uses stellar energy." Lin Yue said lightly.

"Stellar energy?!"*2

Violet and the Slaughterhouse Qihuang looked at Lin Yue in surprise.

Stars, they are very familiar, the sun is a star.

But according to the current solar technology, let's not talk about how much it can receive.When the sun reaches the earth, the sun's energy is lost by more than half.

This is simply not enough energy for the super farms planned by Lin Yue.

"Do you think it's the sun?! Don't be ridiculous, I don't need the sun. I just need to create a star that is [-] times more massive than the sun." Lin Yue said lightly.

"But... it's easier said than done to create stars." Violet said suspiciously.

Lin Yue smiled slightly, stretched out her hand, and instantly a small ball of light appeared out of thin air in her hand.

"This is the star that will be our main energy source in this world in the future..." Lin Yue said lightly.

Violet, Seshoin Kiara, and Akiba looked at the small ball of light in Lin Yue's hand with curious expressions on their faces.

"This is a star?! It's so beautiful!!! This is the first time I've seen a star so close!!!" Violet looked at the light ball with a curious look on her face and said.

"But, why not burn down the whole house? This is a star." Akiba asked.

"Because I covered a layer of protection on his surface, it's safer. Even a black hole can't be destroyed." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"It's amazing!!!" Qiuye looked at Lin Yue with admiration.

And the killing institute Qi Huang also looked at Lin Yue with brilliance again and again, and began to understand why Getia died at his hands.

This difference in strength is simply too great.Gettya died rightly.

Then Lin Yue continued to explain the technology of the new Protoss to them. As for how to convert the energy emitted by the stars into energy, it is natural to use the mother box or the technology on Apocalypse.

After realizing it, Violet immediately entered work mode, and then started to make phone calls to prepare for Lin Yue's plan.

After finishing the solution, Lin Yue left the apartment with Qihuang from the Slaughterhouse.

Originally, Lin Yue planned to take Akiba and Violet back to live there, but Violet planned to go after this period of time, and Akiba naturally stayed by Violet's side to help.

After seeing the thoughts of the two, Lin Yue chose to respect them and let them continue to live here for a while.

"You want to take me there?" Qi Huang of the Slaughterhouse saw that Lin Yue was with him, and the two of them were alone, and instantly became interested and asked charmingly.

"It's too dangerous to take you home and let you mess around outside." Lin Yue said lightly, he would not admit that he was indeed interested in Qihuang in the Slaughter Institute.

"Oh, are you going to bring people home? I'm so happy!" After hearing this, Qihuang said with a coquettish smile.

"Put away your smile, didn't you see the state of the passers-by on the side?!" Lin Yue patted his forehead with a headache.

For these ordinary people, the physique of Seshoin Kihuang is really scary. Just looking at his appearance can make people fall in love with him.Then in order to get her love, people who are bewitched will do anything for her.

But can you really get her love?Impossible, in the end, they were all pulled into the illusion by Seshoin Kiara, and then in the illusion they thought they had the love of Seshoin Kiara, and then gradually lost their goals, and then killed themselves.

And Sesshouin Kiara can devour their souls.It's simply a witch who plays () tricks the world.

"Oops, I was not careful. Hehe~" Kihuang of the Killing Institute said playfully to Lin Yue, looking at the people around him who had entered a state of confusion.

Then Lin Yue shook her head helplessly and snapped her fingers, to clear the charmed state of those people, and then pulled Qihuang from the Killing Institute and planned to leave.

At this moment, a man wearing a monk's costume suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

"I found you, my enemy!!!" The monk said indifferently, looking at the killing institute Qi Huang.

And Sesshouin Kiara suddenly seemed to feel something from the monk.

"Savior?! You have the great deeds of a savior in your body!!!" Killing Institute Qihuang looked at the monk in front of him vigilantly.

She is now Beast III, and has the [Anti-Savior] skill, so she can detect someone who is called the savior.

After Lin Yue heard the Savior, she knew who it was.

The Shakyamuni in this world—the Awakened One! ! !

"Let's fight, there must be a death between us." Awakened said lightly.

The enlightened person didn't know Lin Yue, because he had only heard Lin Yue's voice at the beginning, but had never seen Lin Yue in person.

So he just glanced at Lin Yue lightly, he just regarded Lin Yue as a poor person who was charmed by this demon.

"Devil, you haven't shown your true body yet." The enlightened man looked at Qihuang of the Killing Academy, and then pulled it into his space, and revealed his true body.

Slaughterhouse Qihuang looked at the Awakened vigilantly, but then found that Lin Yue was not seen beside him.She was a little panicked at this time.

The enlightened person only thought that Lin Yue was an ordinary person, so he did not pull Lin Yue into this space.

Only Lin Yue shook her head helplessly, and then waved into the Enlightened One's space. .

Chapter 211

Qi Huang, who was still a little scared, saw a sudden flash of white light, and when Lin Yue appeared beside her, she breathed a sigh of relief.

The enlightened person looked at the sudden appearance of Lin Yue in a daze, a little puzzled.

Isn't this an ordinary person?How come this means? !The enlightened person frowned slightly and looked at Lin Yue.

"I thought you were going to abandon others!" Qi Huang Jiao said in a snarl, coming to Lin Yue's side, holding Lin Yue's arm tightly, his body trembled a little.

Lin Yue looked at her trembling body, and knew that she had just been pulled into this space without seeing herself.I became a little scared inside.

The enlightened being, as one of the ceilings in this world, naturally has his greatness.It's not for those who are not good at fighting like Seshoin Kiara.So some fear is normal.

"Are you afraid?" Lin Yue asked with a smile.

"Of course, this monk is old and fierce. He still wants to kill others." Qihuang from the Slaughterhouse took Lin Yue and said coquettishly.

After hearing this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He doesn't think he has any superfluous expressions on his face. How can you make you think I'm fierce? !

"Who is Your Excellency, and why did you mix with the demons?" The enlightened person asked Lin Yue lightly.

When he saw Lin Yue's methods, he naturally couldn't use ordinary people to measure the handsome man in front of him.

Only he can control this space, and this man chased after him in an instant.This made the enlightened mind alert to Lin Yue.

"My name is Lin Yue, you should know me." Lin Yue said lightly.

The enlightened one, after hearing this, began to think.

Suddenly thinking of something, the expression that had been flat suddenly changed, and his eyes were full of fear and inconceivable looking at Lin Yue.

He remembered the information in his mind that day, the huge alien fleet was instantly destroyed by two red rays.A voice appeared behind to warn everyone to declare that the entire solar system was his protected territory.

Thinking of this, the Enlightened One thought of the owner of that voice, which was almost exactly the same as the voice of the man in front of him! ! !

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