The Marys Billy at this time is not the Marys Billy of this world, but the Marys Billy of the main world.

And Mary of this world was naturally rescued by Maris Billy who came through, and Leif was naturally killed by the little sun Karna's gun.

When Maris Billy understood what was going on here, he began to help Chaldea repair the singularity.Six have been repaired so far, and the last seventh singularity is still missing.

In the old office, Maris Billy was sitting on the desk, looking at the information left by this parallel world, and always felt that something was wrong.

"What's the matter, from another world...father...father..." Mary in this world is now 23 years old, looking at this one who looks exactly like her father, no, it should be said that it is her father's the man asked.

"No... I always feel like there is something wrong with this plan." Maris Billy said with a frown.

On the side, the little sun quietly looked at his master.What he was summoned this time was the main body, with the memory of that world before, so he quickly got to know Marys Billy very well.

"What do you mean?" Mary asked nervously and puzzled.

Although the person in front of him is not her father in the sense, it can also be said that it is her father, but it is in a different parallel world.

"I always feel that the me in this world... doesn't seem to have stated his true purpose." Maris Billy said clearly.

"Purpose? Wasn't it Chaldea, which was established to protect the existence of Humanity? And then to prevent the King of Magic's Humanity from being burned." Mary said inexplicably.

"I'm afraid... it's not that simple..." Maris Billy said meaningfully.

Although he still didn't know what the world's self set up this institution for, he always felt that the purpose was not that simple.

At this moment, a pink-haired girl wearing a white short work uniform hurriedly walked in and said, "No, there are strange fluctuations in the command room, as if there is something to be sent over."

"Matthew?! What's going on?" Mary immediately asked after hearing this.

And Maris Billy said: "Go and have a look first, Karna, please."

Karna nodded, and then rushed to the command room with everyone.

After coming to the command room, a woman with brown and red hair came out and said, "Here comes the director."

She is the last master of the last human being in this world - Fujimaru Rika.

"How's it going, Romani?" Maris Billy asked, looking at the man in the doctor's costume who was operating the computer.

"There is no way to analyze the spirit child of that thing at all, but it is like a sound wave." Romani Aqiman, the head of the Chaldean Medical Department, said with sweat on his forehead.

Since the appearance of the strange passage, they have been using computer analysis, but they have not analyzed anything.Zhineng looked at the channel where the white sound waves appeared.

Mary and Maris Billy looked at the command room, near the white passageway near the spiritual transfer facility.

"Karna, can you feel anything?" Maris Billy asked the little sun beside him.

"No, I didn't feel anything." Karna shook his head and said.

"Could it be that the King of Magic is here?" Mary said with some fear in her heart.

"No, it's not. If it's the Magic King, there should be spiritual fluctuations. But there's no such thing here. There are only pure 'sonic waves'." Romani said lightly.

Fujimaru Rika and Mash were relieved to hear that they were not the Magic Queen.After all, the two of them had faced the Magic King before, and it has been unforgettable for both of them to this day.

The sudden fluctuation seemed to change, and Romani hurriedly reminded: "The fluctuation has changed! Something is coming!!!"

After hearing Romani's reminder, everyone instantly became vigilant, and Karna changed into battle clothes in an instant and took out his long spear.

And Matthew did the same, put on a battle costume and took out his shield to block in front.

Just as everyone looked at the passage vigilantly, a figure suddenly appeared in the passage.

The figure slowly walked over.

'Tattoo! ! ! '

The entire command room was silent except for the sound of this figure walking over.

After seeing the figure clearly, Karna and Maris Billy were stunned.

A handsome black-haired young man walked out of the passage and looked at everyone in front with a smile.

"Yo, long time no see, Marys Billy." Lin Yue said lightly.

"Lin Yuejun?!" Marys Billy asked.

"Well, it's me." Lin Yue nodded, then closed the [Boom Channel].

After hearing the conversation between Lin Yue and Maris Billy, everyone began to guess that this handsome young man should be from a parallel world.

"Well, I didn't expect it to be you. It should be said that it is you who can come to this world in this way." Maris Billy nodded in admiration.

After the others realized that the two were acquaintances, they breathed a sigh of relief and lifted their guard.

Lin Yue looked at everyone in Chaldea, while others were looking at Lin Yue.

"So handsome!!!" Fujimaru Rika murmured as she looked at Lin Yue with her eyes turned into loving eyes.

"Hello, my name is Lin Yue, I'm Marys Billy's friend." Lin Yue introduced herself with a light smile.

"Yes!!! Hello!!! My name is Fujimaru Rika!!! Please give me some advice!!!" Fujimaru Rika hurriedly stretched out her hand and said while holding Lin Yue's hand.

Wuhu!Great job!Fujimaru Rika!The first step is to hold the handsome guy's hand! ! !Fujimaru Rika cheered inwardly.

"Hello." Lin Yue said with a smile, looking at the brown-red-haired girl in front of her.

Then Lin Yue looked at the pink-haired girl Matthew Kyrielet on the other side.

Matthew noticed Lin Yue's eyes, his cheeks turned slightly red, and he stretched out his hand to introduce and said, "Hello, my name is Matthew Kirillette. I'm a sub-servant."


Then Romani Achiman stepped forward to greet him and said, "My name is Romani Achiman, and I am the chief doctor of Chaldea."

Lin Yue looked at the Solomon Reincarnation Romani in front of her and held his hand meaningfully and said, "Hello, now your wish has come true."

After Romani heard Lin Yue's words, he was stunned for a moment.

What's the meaning?What wish?Romani looked at Lin Yue with a puzzled expression.

And Lin Yue didn't explain anything, and then Lin Yue held Leonardo da Vinci's hand beside Romani.

"I didn't expect the legendary genius Leonardo da Vinci to be such a beautiful person. It's really surprising." Lin Yue said to Da Vinci with a smile.

And Da Vinci looked at Lin Yue's smile, and his heart trembled a little.

So handsome! ! !Not good, not good! ! !about to fall! ! !Da Vinci cried out inwardly.

"Where, hahaha. Nice to meet you, Lin Yuejun." Da Vinci scratched his head and said.

Then Lin Yue came to Mary in this world and stretched out her hand directly.

And Mary also stretched out her hand and wanted to shake hands with Lin Yue, suddenly Lin Yue pulled her, hugged Mary and said lightly, "Little Mary has grown up."

Mary was suddenly stunned by Lin Yue's hand, but then her face quickly turned red when she realized her situation.

"Let go... let me go... I don't know you!!!" Mary said struggling.

"How could it be? Little Mary said that she would marry me when she grows up. Did you forget?" Lin Yue thought fgo's Mary was very funny and decided to tease her.

"I... I don't know you... When did I say that I wanted to marry you when I grew up!!! Father... Help me!!!" Mary was about to cry, and hurriedly said to Maris Billy .

"Alright, alright, Lin Yuejun, stop teasing her. She's not Mary from our parallel world." Marys Billy said helplessly.

After hearing what Marys Billy said, Lin Yue let go of Mary and said with a smile, "Yes, I'm sorry, the big Mary of this world."

After hearing this, Mary realized that the other self in the parallel world should have a deep relationship with this handsome man in front of her since she was a child.And the kind that will marry you when she grows up.

Thinking of this, Mary always felt strange.

but. . .He is really handsome.Mary couldn't help being a little obsessed when she looked at Lin Yue.

Then Lin Yue noticed Mary's eyes and smiled at her.

Mary realized that she was found by Lin Yue, her face flashed a blush, and then immediately lowered her head and did not look at Lin Yue.

When Fujimaru Rika heard this, she instantly felt her heart break.

Do not! ! !The handsome guy actually belongs to him? !Or the director of the parallel world! ! !Fujimaru Rika wailed inwardly.

"By the way, Lin Yuejun, why are you here?" Marys Billy asked.

Others looked curiously at the man who came from the same parallel world as the old director.

"Of course, little Mary asked me to take my father back. After all, you are gone, and all the ghosts and snakes have come out." Lin Yue said lightly.

When Maris Billy heard it, his face was a little bad. Although he was able to talk to Mary in his own world through Jewel Weng's communication, after all, no one was there, and Mary would definitely not be able to handle many things in the family alone.

Those who had other ideas naturally jumped out.

"Then..." Marys Billy asked quickly.

"Don't worry, I've already helped Little Mary deal with it. There's nothing left, very clean." Lin Yue waved her hand and said lightly.

After hearing this, Maris Billy took a deep breath and bowed to Lin Yue and said, "Thank you, Lin Yuejun."

"You don't need to thank me, after all, it was Little Mary who asked her." Lin Yue said indifferently.

When Big Mary heard this, she suddenly felt envious of her parallel world.

"But, I can't get out of here right now. I'll go to the seventh singularity in a few days." Maris Billy said with some regret.

"About this, I will explain to you later. I already understand the situation here. This is another purpose of my coming here." Lin Yue said with a smile.

"For what purpose?" Marys Billy asked.

"Destroy this world!!!" Lin Yue said lightly.

Everyone was stunned when they heard Lin Yue's words.The entire command room fell silent.


ps: Olga Marie Yasmiret Animusfia.

Chapter 216

"I... I heard right... Destroy the world?!" Fujimaru Rika swallowed, looking at Lin Yue with a shocked expression.

Romani looked at Lin Yue with a serious face and said, "I'm afraid... it's not a joke, Lixiang."

Matthew also looked at Lin Yue with a frozen expression.

Big Mary stared at the boss and looked at Lin Yue in disbelief.

Why would the husband of his parallel world say to destroy this world? !Big Mary wondered in her heart, and unknowingly replaced Lin Yue with her husband in her parallel world.

Naturally, Maris Billy reacted differently from others. He knew Lin Yue better than everyone else. Naturally, he felt that there was a reason for what Lin Yue said.

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